Aww look, Parker, you got yourself a girlfriend

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"Wait so let me get this straight; Iron Man offered you a job on the Avengers, a new suit, and a private place in their headquarters, and you said no?"

"Well, if you say it like that it sounds terrible."

"That's cause it is Peter!"moaned Ned, staring in disbelief at his best friend.

"So anyways, I got home and I guess he decided to give me the new suit," ("Yes!" interrupted Ned punching the air) "and I put it on, and ," Peter winced, "Aunt May saw me..."

"Wait May knows?" Ned replied calmly. Okay so not the big reaction Peter was hoping for. "Does that mean she's in Team Spider now?"

"There's a Team Spider now? Since when was there a Team Spider?"

"Since about 5 seconds ago, I wanted it to happen but you can't really have a team with just two people..." he slowly trailed of as Peter turned to glare at him.

"First of all: No. Secondly, Nope nope nope nope, that sounds like a huge bag of nope," Peter had begun pacing, taking a sip of his tea every once in a while. "I won't let her get involved in this. Nope, definitely not. I can't have her risking her life for me, she's one of the most important people in my life, I can't lose her. Not after what happened to Uncle Ben..." He shook his head, as if shaking the bad memories too.

Ned stared at Peter. He needed cheering up. "Hey Peter, how 'bouts you stay over. We can rewatch the Star Wars movies." Peter stared at Ned in an awkward silence. "Come on, I know you want to," cooed Ned, poking Peter in the stomach. Finally he resigned, and called Aunt May.

They could both honestly say that they regretted nothing that happened that night.


Peter couldn't help but feel different going into school the next morning. May had tried to convince him to take a day off, but his attendance was already bad enough without him skipping days on purpose.

He felt someone push him from the back, and he thudded to the floor of the dirty hallway.


"I think it'd be better if you lay there with all your family," spat Flash, "accidentally" stepping on his leg as he walked past.

"I'd take that back, if I were," you said a voice overhead.

"Aww look, Parker, you got yourself a girlfriend," smirked Flash, as Michelle (who to be fair was taller than him) squared up to him.

"Haha, to be fair you wouldn't know what that means would you? You've never gotten that far before?" she said, flashing him her best, most innocent smile.

Just as the tension had become unbearable, the teacher came outside alarmed by the ruckus caused outside. Soon both groups were dispersed and Peter was left alone with Michelle.

"Umm... thanks..." he muttered looking down awkwardly.

"Your welcome. That wasn't fair of me I know, I should of let you sort it out yourself but there's some part of me that just really hates Flash," she said, and it almost sounded like she was ashamed.

"I thought you hated everyone?"

"Well I wouldn't say everyone... " she smirked as she turned to leave for her class.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? But whatever it was, it made Peter get butterflies in his stomach.

He wasn't left much time to wonder however, as he felt the hairs on his arm tingle.. Time to test out the new suit.

A/N- Hey Everyone! So I might do little notes at the end of each chapter now. I'm so hyped for Infinity War and apparently there was proof of the Spidey Sense and I'm so ready. Also sorry for the lack of actually anything happening.. Oh, and thank you all so much for 600 reads?? That's amazing?? The art at the top is my kinda shitty way of saying thank you. Anyways I'd love to get to know you all so do comment about yourselves or pm me you know

Ily all xx

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