Chapter three: New channels

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𝒲𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀

˚ · . I would slide the barrels back on to on each other, watching Sun and Moon talk as I would zone out, the voices becoming mumbled as I fell into my thoughts in my head.

It wasn't easy getting back into the daycare, Heck Moon even threw me back out making me go on a full on rant about how childish they were acting but they still refused, which I decided I had enough and would just sit outside the door and pout, yes I pouted so what? Jeez can't a girl be herself.

I mean I'm glad they let me back in but they wouldn't talk about what had happened, Sun would always flinch and shy away which, granted I knew what had happened and I should have saw it coming, I'm just glad I got out with my head still intact.

"So what did you want to discuss though, you wanna talk about some thing?" Suns voice would bring me out of my thoughts as I would come back to the real world, my eyes landing on the two brothers from were I was perched on the ledge on the circle foam pit, Watching Sun take the half circle and place it with the other,..'organized' stuff so to say.

"I was just wondering what you were doing, I heard you humming from across the facility." I could sense the annoy tone in Moons voice, his eyes darting to me, as he would talk before flittering back to Sun once I made eye contact with him making him cross his arms.

"Of course! Just being my happy go lucky self like I usually am." Sun would grin as I would hop off my ledge to stand beside Moon, one thing about knowing the show is I know the right time were to stand, and since Moon is going to say something smack worthy I'm going to do it.

"As infuriating as that is." Moon would grumble as I would stand on my tippy toes to reach up and smack his face plate, making him straighten his posture now realizing that he was slouching, his annoyed glaze worked turn to me, huffing giving me a 'what was that for' face.

"What do you mean infuriating? Listen if you don't like it you can go back to your room upstairs." Sun would say, rolling his eyes pointing at the small balcony as he would carry the weird half circle before Moon would start making his weird angry noises, making me snort, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can get away with laughing at Moon 'sometimes'. I would shrink away from his glare as Sun would walk close to Moon, doing his weird hand gestures before placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Ok look, it's going to be ok I know we've been under a lot of stress lately with the release of the channel and all that." I would perk up, has it really been that long? wait, does that mean I've been stuck here for almost a year? Does that mean that I've been missing from my own world for who knows how long? I wonder if I have posters of me missing, ew that means I have pictures of my face plastered all over town, how embarrassing I hope I at least look good in them. I would feel a hand brush against mine, pulling me out of my thoughts as I would see Moon brushing his hand against mine, something he did when I usually go zoned out.

"So! I bought a tinnny bit of help a weeeee-" Sun would trail off as I would cross my arms, rocking back onto my heels with Suns blue eyes meeting mine as I would have an amused look on my face, I already know how this one is going to end,..Wait why did Sun look away so quickly? Meh I'm probably overthinking things.

"A lot of help." Sun would grab two more funky shaped objects, as I would grab a bottle of disinfectant to start wiping some of the toys down, sitting on the floor cross legged.

"From who?" Moon would say, as I would toss the wet rag at his stomach mostly to be annoying but also to get his attention, which would make a hiss escape from him as he would glare at me yet again.

"I think I know who it is and your not going to like it~" I would smirk saying that in a sing song voice, as Moon would look more confused as he would turn back to Sun, tossing my rag back at me, let's just say he didn't toss it nicely so it came back with a nice smack to the face.

"Well you see, He needs a bit of work right now so I decided why not? I'm a friend of his and he can help me if I need any help." Sun would place the block onto the other one, Moon would uncross his arms, deadpanning.

"Who?" Moon would slightly snap, making me snicker as he would send a glare my way, pretty much telling me to shut it.

"Ok, all right so his like uhh-His golfing thing wasn't doing so well-" Sun would get cut off by Moon who would place his hand onto his hip.

"Ohh-Sun!" Moon would grit his teeth his head tilted to the side as a 'what?!' From Sun was heard, making me place the objects down before going up the little steps and sitting on the overview of the place, snickering.

"Why Monty?" Moon would walk closer to Sun as Sun would put his hands out as if he had stolen some candy from the store.

"Listen he needs some help and he needs some money so I just offered and He said yes and he's going to be here at some point." Sun would say, Walking around Moon to grab other stuff.

"Hey Sun maybe next time you should give him a time to get here next time." I would call out, swinging my legs as I would look down, Sun and Moons eyes locking on to mine as I would hold my cheeky grin.

"How much money did you offer him?" Moon would say, ignoring my comment as Sun would pick up more stuff, man it's like cleaning my bedroom with all this stuff popping out of nowheres.

"Uh, more like he offered his services to me. I didn't offer the money more like-..I hired somebody." I would face palm, I forgot how gullible Sun was at times.

"That, requires money, Sun." Moon would hold a look of disbelief on his face, as Sun would hum out a 'Your Right' as he continued whatever he was doing.

"So his charges were about, a thousand per second." I would choke on my spit, coughing. I forgot how unrealistic this show could get at times.

"Hey Sun can I have some of that?" I would joke, only to be silence with a glare from Moon, Man I forgot how he loved his glares.

"Excuse me?" I didn't know if Moon said that to me or Sun but nevertheless Sun answer him.

"I-uh-A thousand per second he even told me his-." I could no longer hear Sun as Moons fans would be blowing loudly as I would cover my ears, jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"I'm going to blow a circuit." I would watch Moon walk up the steps also, meeting me up the stairs where I was still swinging my legs, I would mock pouty to him as he would roll his eyes, huffing.

"What do you mean your going to blow a circuit look your going to be fine I'll watch over him it will be completely fine!" Sun would say, rocking on his heels as Moon would stop halfway up the stairs before turning around and walking over to Sun.

"That's the thing, Roxanne wants to talk to you." Moon would snap, as Sun would let out an 'oh' and look up, huh I thought he would get more happy about that, makes me wonder if I change the story by just being here.

"I forgot about that. So it's going to be you and Dd watching over Monty, look it will be fine he is a professional, it will be fine." Sun would say, putting his hand on Moons shoulder as I would rise an eyebrow, New nickname yay I guess?

"The only thing he's a professional at is breaking everything." Moon would say, his anger seeping through his words, even though the air was tense I would laugh, it being muffled into a snort unable to contain it as my laughter for Moons insult towards Monty, I would see Moons face softing for a second before going back to his cold glare at Sun.

"He's not a idiot he just made a couple of questionable-" Moon would cut him off with no's as I would slowly doze out again.

If Monty is coming over, that means this is now the beginning of the Chanel I've met Monty once before and I gotta say, he's more infuriating in real life I must admit, I would pick at my nails before watching Moon walk up the steps.

"Brother what do you meannn? Look at me, look at me please brother no! It'll be fine, I'm trusting you!" Sun would say, making me snicker finding this amusing, with Sun giving Moon a thumbs up and giving me a grin.

"Go..Talk..To Roxanne." Moon would slightly growl out, staring down at Sun now beside me, Sun would walk out, saying a little 'I love you brother' before humming and walking out.

"Awh adorable." I would grin, before seeing Moon walk farther back on the balcony.

"I swear one of these days I'm going to hurt him." I would rise an eye brow, seeing him sit down sliding down the wall. Mumbling.

"Calm down Moon, calm down, why Monty?" I would chuckle softly hearing Moon talk to himself, sitting down beside him, my eyes meeting his.

"You good?" I would ask Moon, poking my finger at his torso, hearing the gears in his head turning(get it? Aha-No? Right I'll just shut up now) as he would stare right ahead.

"Monty is coming over, My bank account is going to go dry." I would nod, listing to Moon, for some fact I always thought they were crazy rich, well then again look at how much money they spend and the things Moon builds.

"Yeah that's enough to make anyone mad." I would nod, before looking where Moon was looking, What are we even looking at? I would feel Moon slightly slump beside me, leaning on me. One thing I've noticed is that this Moon is very touchy but if I remember correctly Moon was,..Well no other to put it a prick so to say, until he got, well you know rebooted in a way.

"Knock knock! Where in the world is that smiling face-Oh there you are! How you've been. Why did you turn gold all the sudden? You good there man?" I would look down at Monty in disbelief, watching him talk to Suns statue, Man I forgot how stupid he can be at times I would hear Moon let out a snort, side eyeing me before jumping down the balcony. What is with these guys and there side eyes?! Jeez you would think they were planing to murder me or something.

"Montgomery." Moon would say crossing his arms tensing up, I guess it was safe to say he wasn't one of our personnel favorites.

"Ohhh~ Full name someones in trouble~". I would say in a sing song voice, making my way to the multi colored foam stairs.

"Oh hey there Moon, Dans how's it going? Your doing great aren't you pal. Way uh-What's wrong with Sun, did you get a clone of yourself?" Monty would get into Moons personal bubble before pointing at the golden statue of him up on the baloney, if there's something I knew about Moon was that he hated when people came into his personal bubble and barely let me in it, I would now be on the pink padding of the daycare, my face looking confused, Man if you wanna lose some brain cells just hang around Monty.

"Those are statues." I could hear the annoyance in Moons voice as he would bitterly replied, gritting his teeth making me rise an eyebrow, feeling Monty's hand on my shoulder, yep this guy has no clue what personally bubbles are.

"Oh there statues that makes a whole lotta more sense." Monty would say looking at the wall before looking back at Moon, Moon would grab Monty's hand promptly taking it of my shoulder and dropping it like it was a disgusting wet rag, letting it fall to Monty's side.

"Sun is currently not here so I'm in charge." Moon would sigh, his voice more gravelly as he would cross his arms as I would take a step over to stand beside him.

"Ohhh ok so your in charge boss man so what exactly are we doing here then I am getting paid by the second after all." I would see Moon visibly flitch, his right hand going into a fist as he would glare at Monty.

"Can I have some?" I would ask, my eyes meeting his red, star shaped shades, Look can you blame me? Fazbear isn't paying much and it's getting hard for me to keep my side of the rent up.

"Yeah no." Monty would deadpan, pushing my head away as I would slightly stumble back, huffing and rolling my eyes as I would smooth out my shirt.

"Heh,..Ok then I'm in a bad mood." Moon would say, his hand on his face plate, annoyed at the whole situation.

"You don't say?" I would sarcastically say, giving Moon a 'Duh' look as I

would pick my blue nail polish off, a small habit I had.

"I see that is there something I can do, a back rub perhaps?" Monty would shift in his place, his tail swaying as he would make back rubbing motions with his hands.

"I prefer if you didn't touch me." Moon would growl out, his fingers tapping along his arms while he would stare at Monty with an unsettling look.

"Awh but Moony you don't mind when I touch you~" I would grin, cooing as I would dramatically put my hand to my head, leaning back to 'fall' on Moon.

"Touch me again and I'll bite off your finger." Moon would step back, slightly growling at me as I would huff, playfully rolling my eyes as I would straighten out my back crossing my arms.

"Listen buddy, it's going to be alright, ok? You can trust your old pal Montgomery Gator uncle figure." Monty would place his hand on Moons shoulder, his tongue sticking out as I would snort, seeing Moons face turn sour after he told Monty to pretty much NOT to touch him.

"More like a bother figure." I would roll my eyes, before elbowing Monty, not like it did anything but pretty much to tell him don't touch Moon.

"Put your tongue away." Moon would deadpan taking two steps back.

Monty would laugh, but may I remind you that his laugh is more like a heheh.

"What about this thing about though?" Monty would ask, referring to the job he was offered by Sun making Moon grunt and mumble something under his breath.

"Danica can you go grab me the crafting supplies I think we got a note about the delivery being out in the lobby." Moon would say, turning to look me straight in the eyes, his red eyes slightly glowing as his arms would be crossed.

"Yup be right back! Try not to trash the daycare." I without nod, skipping off but I could have swore that Moon muttered something about me as I exited the room.

||Time skip!! Yes the oh so awful time skip that is the authors best friend so they don't have to write more then they feel like||

I would walk back into the daycare, looking at Suns once organized foam toys now strewn around the daycare, making me huff, I guess I'm not doing to much to change some things.

"I thought that I was in charge here Moon not you, not to be a uh that guy but your word you said I'm in charge." Monty would threaten Moon, making me look up to the thing that had foam stairs leading up to it, the air tense and tight as I would tense up also.

"Awkward~." I would hum out, Making them both look down as I would wave, grinning before Moon would turn back to Monty.

"I said that 'I'm' was in charge." Moon would let out a low growl, before Monty would boop Moons eye, well I'm glad he's an animatronic because if he was human he would lose an eye if he wasn't, and just like that the tension left as soon as it came.

"Did you just poke at my eyes?" Moon would blink, crossing his arms as I would walk up the foam stairs, sitting on the floor beside Moons feet, making him look down with an confused look on his face, making me let out a snort before feeling Moon push me with his foot making me tilt to the side before losing my balance tumbling down the foam stairs.

"Yes." Monty would say back, unaware of what he said because he was such a blind fool, I mean I'm glad he 'matures' so to say but I feel like thats a long time away, I would sit up on the foam mat that I fell on I mean at least it wasn't the hard floor. The tumble giving me a harsh reminder of when I fell down the stairs on 'that day' I mean I'm glad I saved some of the kids, but they probably have trama now no doubt, heck I mean I have trama from it.

"Go get the food." Moon would growl out, turning away from me and Monty

"And bring me a drink to." I would speak up, pushing myself off the floor brushing the imaginary dust off, I mean it's not like this place is too dirty, but then it is a daycare? But Sun is a clean freak so.

"You know what I can't be responsible for anything nowadays, first I get uh fired from the bartender bar job and now this! I can't make my own decisions while running my daycare." Monty would huff out, doing dramaful hand motions.

"Go get the food before I hurt you!" Moon would angrily say before walking up foam stairs grumbling to himself.

"Get the food, get the food. Am I just a waiter around here? What is this." Monty would grumble walking towards to doors.

"I didn't hire you." Moon would roll his eyes, looking down at him.

"Your right, but your other half did." Monty would report back giving him a pointed look.

"Hes not the same half as me." Moon would growl back making a tight fist.

"You were once but fine I'll go get your snacks and your treats and your Girlfriends drink, I'll be the good one in this relationship." Monty would do over dramaful poses, while pointing to random places with his hands. Man they really do love there hand motions.

"Get out!" Moon would blurt out, kicking a foam toy at Monty making him quickly leave laughing.

"What am I now?" I would blink, looking towards Moon only to see him grumbling to himself.

"The both of them,..are going to give me..A heart attack,. I don't even have a heart, I'm going to blow a circuit." Moon would go to the corner on the top balcony. Sitting there grumbling.

"You good Moon? Or?-" I would say before hearing humming, we'll it looks like Suns back at least.

Sun would walk in, humming the daycare theme as he would come into the room completely unaware of what was about to happen.

"Hi Sun." Moon would sneer bitterly, crossing his arms getting up and looking down at Sun.

"Hi, heya! W-What happen here?" I would see Suns face fall (No not literal) with him looking around the now messy room in disbelief, his eyes darting to all the foam toys that were all around the room.

"Your new employee happened. Have fun cleaning." Moon would say, snorting before crossing his arms, rolling his eyes, yeah forgot how much of a brat he is at times.

"No no no! Wait wait wait wait wait, what happened? I thought he was a professional? My organization I gotta spend five minutes on this now." Sun would start doing Eh noses trying to figure out how to start cleaning this mess.

"It's ok it's ok I can fix this! Help me please, Moon! Please stop staring at me like that please." Sun would beg, his arms now outstretched to Moon as if it would help him in his case to get Moon to help him.

"I'll help Sunny." I would say taking a step forward to start picking up the toys before feeling the back of my collar being jerked back, my back hitting the hard metal chest of Moon.

"Your right we're not going to help you, cause you made the last of my circuits snap. Your lucky I don't strangle you." Moon would glare at Sun, his hand still on the collar of my work shirt tugging me to stand beside him, Making me glare at him.

"Wait I wanna help-" I would try to say only to be cut off by Sun

"You can't strangle me we can't breath?!" Sun would say, turning away though I swear I could have seen a smirk on his face.

"I don't need you to lose air to strangle you." Moon would growl, slight static going through his voice box.

"Scary~" I would hum, tapping my foot though annoyed at being cut off.

"Let's-Ok ok ok, let's negotiate here, you help me organize here and I um um uh." Sun would start humming a weird tune, grabbing a foam toy.

Moon would start walking away, ignoring Sun while dragging me with him making me huff in return.

"I'm sorry!"

"No your not."

"I bet he is-" I would try to cut in the bickering only to be cut off by Moon.

"I am sorry! Please accept my apology my dear brother, my other half, my amigo."

"I don't have a choice. We work together we live in the same live in the same place."

Moon would huff before grabbing a foam toy from up the small balcony he was on, tossing it over his shoulder as my eyes would follow it, watching Sun skillfully catch it-I wish I could do that but it would probably smack my face let's be real.

"I. Don't. Have. A. Choice."

"I feel like you have a choice! You could go to-Chucky cheese!" Moon would stop in his tracts, turning around and walking down the stairs making Sun fidget a little.

"Your telling me to downgrade?"

"I don't know what you want." Moon would jump down the rest of the stairs walking close to Sun.

"Your saying I'm as good as a chunky cheese animatronic is that what your saying brother?" Moon would now be up and in Suns face, making me take a step towards him, I guess I never really noticed how Moon uses the word brother as if he was throwing it in Suns face as if to make him feel worse.

"No I'm not! No I'm not no no no no no-chunky cheese was the first! Yknow that kind of thing? Classics! Classics I swear!" Sun would trail off, as also his eyes to the floor with his hands in between the little space Moon gave him.

"Start organizing!" Moon would bark at Sun, before stalking off.

"Ok great! We shall do this together or by myself and Dd? By myself?"

"Just you"

"Ok ok back to organizing!"

(This was realllyy long! And took WAYY to long so I'm can't wait to start breaking off the main story line which won't be for a little while! I can't wait to see how this whole story goes down with y'all! Now if you have any little things you wanna point out then please do! I try sticking with the SaMs lore as close as possible! But I can stray I bet! Thank you again for reading!)

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