Chapter 8

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I had woken up the next morning and I felt a little drowsy from crying the night before, I picked my phone up from my nightstand and checked all my messages from JJ, Sarah and Kiara, They all basically apologized for John B's behavior yesterday, but there not the ones I wanted to hear the apology from, I wanted to here it from John B himself, but apart of me also wanted to hear an apology from Rafe for making me fall in love with him and acting like he wanted me. I eventually got up, opened my curtains, got my outfit ready for the day and took a shower. About 30 minutes later after clearing my head in the shower, I had gotten out and gotten dressed and done my makeup. 

 I went downstairs and seen Topper and Rafe on the couch playing the game as always, I Ignored them and went to the kitchen where my mom had appeared to be. I got a water bottle from the fridge and looked at my mom. "Hey mom, is it okay if i go and hang out with JJ and the others today?" I asked her with a glaring smile, She looked at me and smiled back, "Yes darling you can" She said back to me. I got excited and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Be safe Ellie" She says giving me a hug back. "I will mom" Saying to her as I exit the kitchen going into the living room.

 Topper couldn't take his eyes away from the tv screen, "Ellie can you grab me and rafe a drink from the kitchen?" He said to me a sounding a little annoyed. "No you can get it yourself,  I'm not your maid" I said to him sounding mad. "Your not doing anything anyways, just go do it" Topper says back to me raising his voice a little. "I actually have to get ready to go see my boyfriend, you know something you don't have" I say being rude back to him, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rafe moving his jaw like he was angry that I said Boyfriend. I went upstairs and texted JJ to come pick me up. He said he was already here which made my heart feel warm, I finished touching up my make up and I changed my top


JJ knocks on the door and Hermione (Ellies mom) opens the door. "JJ please come in, she should be down in a few minutes" My mother said with a warm smile. JJ walks in shutting the door behind him. "Thank you Mrs. Thornton" JJ says to my mom a little awkward. JJ goes and sits down on the couch on the opposite side of Rafe and Topper, Rafe gives JJ a little glare and goes back to playing the game with Topper. I come down the stairs and JJ stands up walking towards me. "Hey Beautiful" JJ says smiling and pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. "Hey Jay" I said smiling and hugging him back. I could sense that rafe was jealous. "You ready to go Princess" JJ said to me. "Yeah I am, Bye Mom" I said leaving out the door with JJ shutting the door behind me and walking with JJ to his motorcycle. He helps me get on the bike and I wrap my arms around him as he pulls off while also resting my head on his back

After about 15 minutes, We arrive to John  B's house and JJ parks the bike and lets me get off the bike first before getting off, I get off the bike and he then gets off the bike, grabbing my hand and walking towards the entrance of John B's trailer, We walk inside the screen door and all the pouges were sitting on the couch and the chairs, JJ and I sat down ourselves. John B looked at me with a guilty look in his eye "Hey Ellie, look I'm sorry about what I said to you before, about not trusting you and calling you a kook" John B says. I look at him and smile, " Its okay John B, I understand why you would say that, it's a common thing, I don't blame you" I said back to him not upset or mad at all. "So are we gonna tell her about it?" Sarah said looking at John B. John B looks at Ellie than Sarah than back at Ellie," Well there's two things that you should know Ellie, One, me and Sarah are together and Two, before my dad died he was looking for something called the Merchant Gold, and I have a lead on it and I think that were close to finding it" John B says to me confident enough that he could trust me. "Well that's amazing! I'm happy for you guys and about the gold, that's great, just please be careful I don't want your to end up like your dad" I say to him actually caring for him. "I promise I'll be careful and do you want to come with us tomorrow? We're going to go check out the lead and try and find the gold, but if you do come and join us, you can not tell your brother or any other kook" John B says to me being serious. "I would love too and I won't tell a single soul, I swear" I say back to him. 

We all hang out for hours just talking and drinking, It starts to get late so everyone starts to head home, JJ didn't drink as much so he's the one taking me home, We got into the Twinke with John B because I can't be on the back of his bike while drunk. JJ and John B take me home. "JJ can you-u st-a-ayy with me to-night" I say slurring my words. "Sure Princess" JJ says taking me inside bridal style, carrying me up to my room trying not to wake up everyone in the house. He takes me up to my room, shuts the door and lays me down on my bed, taking off my shorts so I'm comfortable, He takes his shirt off and climbs in bed with me, he kisses my forehead and my cheek and turns off the side lamp and goes to bed with me. 

A/N: Heyyy loves! I'm gonna start posting as much as I can! I love you all! Thank you for the support!

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