Chapter 64: Mystery, Incorporeal

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Here we open on a place called Friedkin University at night. A shadow of a man with a prominent nose appears on a wall and looks around. He opens a hatch on the roof of the university and leaps onto the building. He stops in his tracks and gasps in horror upon spotting someone also on the rooftop.

Punchinello: Lucky Girl! Hoyday and alas!

Gwen: I don't usually bother tracking down pilfered school supplies, but that plutonium belongs to the physics department.

Punchinello frowns.

Gwen: We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Punchinello shoots lasers at Gwen from a device on his nose. However, she blocks them with a mana shield.

Punchinello: Hard way, methinks.

Punchinello jumps down onto the ground and celebrates.

Punchinello: *cackles* Avaunt, ye squares and fuddy-duddies!

Punchinello has embarked upon a spree of crime!

Gwen creates mana platforms and blocks Punchinello's escape route. He throws out a kick at her, which she swiftly dodges. Students notice the action, and start cheering on Gwen.

Crowd Member #1: Lucky Girl!

Gwen continues to avoid Punchinello's fire and throws a mana disc at him, which he ducks under. They each dodge each other's kicks, but Gwen lands a bop to Punchinello's face. He readies his laser, but Gwen blocks it close-up, exploding the device. Punchinello stumbles back, dropping the plutonium.

Gwen: I got to admit- I was holding back. But I hate getting lasered.

Gwen pulls off Punchinello's mask, and the crowd gasps.

Crowd: Professor Aniceto!

Gwen: Huh?! From the drama department?

The crowd forces Gwen aside to congratulate her.

Aniceto: Heh heh!

Professor Aniceto makes his getaway with the plutonium.

Gwen: *to crowd* Guys! *grunts* Guys! Guys, he's getting away!

Professor Aniceto continues his escape, but suddenly runs into the Proto-TRUK. Dazed, he falls over. Rook exits the Proto-TRUK.

Rook: Hello, Lucky Girl.

Ben, (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina appear alongside Rook.

Ben: Did you miss us?

Rook and Ben glance at Aniceto on the ground who's unconscious.

(F/N): *Sees Aniceto* Who's this guy on the ground?

Now daytime, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Roxie, and Rook observe a painting of a man whose eyes follow their movements. Gwen, now in her normal outfit, walks by them.

Gwen: This way to grub. Kevin's buying, believe it or not.

The six exit a corridor.

Gwen: So, what brings you guys to east?

Ben: Your college is having an open house this weekend.

(F/N): We figured if Ben, me, and  Paulina are going to college eventually. Why not go with you?

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Oh and Roxie too.

Gwen: *Sighs* And just when I was settling into life as normal, healthy, overachieving Gwendolyn Tennyson.

Rook: I take it Lucky Girl is part of this "normal"?

Ben, (F/N), and Paulina: Rook!

Gwen: Shh! That's my secret identity!

Gwen looks around and adjusts her glasses before continuing walking.

Rook: A secret identity? Is that legal?

(F/N): Only in the superhero business.

Ben: This place is pretty creepy...which makes it awesome! I'm totally going here, Gwen.

(F/N) and Paulina: Us too.

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: *Chuckles* I bet Sam would love it here, it looks so Halloween themed, and it isn't even Halloween.

(F/N): I know right?

Gwen: I love you, Ben, and (F/N) but I really don't think you two or Paulina would fit in here. And please- call me Gwendolyn.

Ben and (F/N): Ugh. Really, Gwen?

Gwen gives Ben and (F/N) an extremely stern look, with flames visible in the reflection of her glasses.

Ben and (F/N): ...Dolyn?

(F/N): Geez you almost remind me of Jazz.

Gwen: Jazz? *Remembers* Oh, Danny's sister right? The one who wants to be the “normal one”

(F/N): Yep that's the one, she's also my reluctant therapist.

Gwen: Relunct?

(F/N): She wouldn't take no for an answer. But I'll admit she's not all that bad, plus she's a good dog sitter too, *pets Roxie* ain't that right Roxie.

Roxie: *Whines and barks in agreement*

Everyone then hears barking, and they spot Zed and Kevin.

Gwen: Zed! Hey, girl!

Zed licks Gwen's face. Zed then saw Roxie as they looked at each other then smelled each other and immediately both of them barked and nuzzled each other indicating they're friends.

Paulina: Aww they're already friends.

(F/N): Soo cute~!

Ben: Kevin Levin- man with a job. *fistbumps Kevin*

(F/N): Hey there working man. *Fist bumps Kevin*

Paulina: Nice to meet you, *fist bumps Kevin*

Rook: Yes. Thank you for this food. (shakes hands with Kevin's closed fist)

Kevin: Not just food- Miskatonic Madness.

A bell rings, and the Sandwich Vendor in the HP Lunchkraft food truck hands a student her sandwich.

Kevin: Best sandwich in town, man. The human mind cannot comprehend how good it is.

The gang walks up to the food truck, and are greeted by the vendor.

Sandwich Vendor: That's, uh, four? *cracks neck*

Zed puts her front paws on the counter and barks.

Kevin: Five, thank you very much.

Roxie does the same as Zed as she puts her front paws on the counter and barks.

Paulina: Seven, actually.

Kevin: So you got yourself a dog too huh Jen?

(F/N): Yep, this is Roxie, she's well behaved too. So how's Zed doing?

Kevin: Pretty good, she's not all that bad.

(F/N): True, Anubian baskurrs are easy to train. Plus they're great hunting dogs too.

Dante: Hey! I was in line before you!

The gang turns around to see a scrawny student arguing with some jocks.

Jock #1: Yet, I posit that my greater social status as the MVP at Saturday's game in turn confers upon me a place ahead of you. And the same goes for my entourage.

Dante: That's not fair!

The jock glances back at his friend.

Jock #1: By all means, let us reason together.

Ben: Whoa. Even the jocks are smart.

Paulina: A smart jock? Now I've  seen everything, I want to go to this college.

(F/N): Same, anything to get away from Dash.

Gwen and Kevin approach the jocks.

Gwen: Um...may I join this discussion?

Kevin: *swallows bite of his sandwich* Yeah. We're pencil neck's entourage.

The jock notices Ben and (F/N) behind them.

Jock #1: *gasps* Ben and Jen Tennyson! And Paulina Sanchez!

He and his friend run up to Ben, (F/N) and Paulina as an excited crowd forms around them. Some girls start taking pictures with Rook, much to his dismay.

Jock #1: Sign my back!

Crowd Member #2: Here's my phone!

Dante: Thanks, Gwendolyn.

Gwen: No problem. Dante, right?

Dante nods. The crowd continues their indistinct chatter.

Crowd Member #3: Can you turn into something?

Crowd Member #4: Ben Tennyson, are you gonna go here?

Crowd Member #5: What about you Jen Tennyson? Are you gonna go here too?

Crowd Member #6: Paulina, are you gonna go here too?

Ben: What do you think, Friedkin University? Should we go here?

The crowd cheers for Ben, (F/N), and Paulina.

Kevin: Hey! Ben and Jen 10's cousin goes here, too!

The crowd goes silent, looks at Gwen and Kevin, and immediately goes back to fawning over Ben, (F/N), and Paulina.

Kevin: Can't get no respect, baby.

Gwen: You're sweet. *kisses Kevin* Uh, but I have to get ready for art history. You know- classes? That thing college is about?

Paulina: And having parties and doing things you'll regret in the future.

Gwen: That too.

Gwen leaves and Dante follows her. Zed and Roxie sniff something, and both of them growl at Dante from afar. Meanwhile, girls grab at Rook's face as he makes his way over to Ben, (F/N),

Rook: I believe we should be moving on. They keep wanting to touch my face.

Students begin to gasp and disperse.

Ben: Come on, guys. Don't worry. He'll let you touch his face.

Kevin: Tennysons, Sanchez, look out!

A Rock Monster smashes in the roof of the food truck and roars.

Ben, (F/N) and Paulina: Oh.

The Rock Monster bats aside the food truck and slams its' fists into the ground, sending Ben and Rook back. Ben quickly activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Juryrigg and Paulina does the same as does (F/N).

Kevin: That's one of Charmcaster's Rock Monsters.

Paulina: *As Jurryrigg* How did it get all the way here?!

Jock #1: *pointing to Juryigg* They even look like the Friedkin University mascot!

The students cheer on the alien trio.

Ben, (F/N) and Paulina: *As Juryigg* Yeah! Right, right, right!

The trio accidentally runs into the arm of the Rock Monster.

Ben: *As Juryigg* Ooh! Gaah! Not right!

Paulina: *As Juryrigg* Wrong alien!

The Rock Monster bats away the trio. Kevin runs towards it and Rook readies his Proto-Tool in its custom bow mode. He shoots an arrow, but the Rock Monster easily blocks it. Kevin leaps onto its face, and absorbs its rocky skin. Meanwhile, the trio recovers from being knocked into the destroyed HP Lunchkraft food truck.

(F/N): *As Juryrigg* aha! Improvise!

Ben: *As Juryigg* Aha! Right Jen! Fix! Fix, fix, fix!

The Rock Monster grabs Kevin and throws him away. Rook tries to catch him, but is crushed under Kevin, who loses his material. Just as the Rock Monster is about to finish them off, it is blasted by the Juryrigg trio, having converted the food truck into a flamethrower and (F/N) and Paulina operating two more flamethrowers.

Ben, (F/N), and Paulina: *As Juryigg* Fire on!

Ben slams on the steering wheel's horn, and a bit of "La Cucaracha" plays. A bottle of hot sauce is loaded into the cannon, and fireballs are hurled at the Rock Monster and (F/N) and Paulina do the same.

Ben, (F/N),  and Paulina: *as Juryigg* *rapidly hitting horns* On, on, on!

More hot sauce bottles are loaded into the machine, before the dizzied Sandwich Vendor shows up, jamming the machinery.

Ben: *As Juryigg* Uh-oh.

The Rock Monster shrugs off the attacks and runs towards JBen, who starts to panic. He continues the slamming the horn, to no avail while (F/N) and Paulina try to get the vendor out of the mechanism.

Ben: *As Juryigg* *panicking* On, on, on!

The Rock Monster leaps onto the hood of the flamethrower and tries to bite Juryigg, who leans his seat backwards. Eventually, the Rock Monster chomps down on the Omnitrix Badge, which releases a massive green explosion of energy. The Rock Monster is thrown into a wall, and Ben, (F/N), and Paulina reverts back to normal.

Rook Ben! (F/N)! Paulina!

Ben: We're okay.

Ben activates the Omnitrix and notices the only alien available is Ghostfreak and (F/N) and Paulina see the same happened to their Omnitrix and Ultimatrix.

Ben: Okay...ish.

Paulina: Okay this is weird, and this is coming from a girl who's town is haunted by ghosts.

Ben: As in, real ghosts?

Paulina: Yep.

They notice the Rock Monster retreating to inside the university.

Kevin: Come on, Rook!

The three enter the university and notice the Rock Monster's footprints leading to a pair of closed doors. They bust them open and notice a curtain moving.

Ben: Charmcaster's back.

Kevin: You think?

(F/N): Hello? Rock monsters.

Kevin: Point made.

Rook: This "Chartmaster"- is he dangerous?

(F/N): Charmcaster and she's a girl Rook.

Ben: And you've never heard of her? The ruler of Legerdomain?  The most evil sorcerer in two dimensions?

Paulina: Don't you mean sorceress since she's a girl.

Ben: Oh yeah.

Rook: Ah. A wielder of magic. The Plumber Academy's files on magic keep mysteriously disappearing.

The five tip-toe across the stage, until a door opens and students start pouring in. Among them are Gwen and Dante.

Gwen: What are you guys doing here?

Dante: Yeah. This is Xagliv's class.

Ben: *blushing* Xagliv?

Paulina: Who's Xagliv?

Gwen: The art history professor of death.

Ben: Oh, yeah? And what is she hiding...

Ben pulls back the curtain.

Ben: ...back here?

A greenish-grey-skinned woman stares the quintet down.

Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Rook & Kevin: Yaaah! Waaaaaah!

Frightened, the quintet stumbles backwards, falling off of the stage. Xagliv steps out of the shadows.

Xagliv: Gwendolyn Tennyson, take your seat.

Meanwhile, Zed and Roxie sniff the room's floor. They look over at the quintet.

Kevin: Looks like we got a mystery on our hands.

Zed and Roxie make a questioning bark.

Later, Xagliv is teaching her class. She points to her slideshow.

Xagliv: Next slide.

Xagliv clicks a button on a remote, changing the slide to one depicting a skull surrounded by thorny tentacles.

Xagliv: Now, behold, students- this swarm of lively shapes like strong, living tentacles separate Rococo architecture from the rigid ornateness that was in vogue for much of the 18th century.

Ben and Kevin snore away, while Rook pays close attention. Gwen, meanwhile, takes notes on a tablet. (F/N) and Paulina are cuddling with each other.

Xagliv: Many find the... *continues lecture*

Ben wakes up and leans towards Rook.

Ben: *whispering* The only mystery here is how anyone stays awake.

Paulina: *Whispers* Or pays attention.

Kevin: *laughs* Dude. Ahh.

Xagliv notices the two continuing to snore.

Xagliv And what was that earlier style called?

Rook, (F/N) and Paulina: *raising hand* Baroque?

Kevin: *to Ben* Nah. I just got paid.

Both burst out laughing, and, annoyed, Gwen slaps the two with mana tendrils.

Xagliv: Gwendolyn Tennyson! You'll pay for that insolence. Leave this lecture and take your disruptive friends with you!

Gwen: But I- *stands up; to Ben and Kevin* Out!

Xagliv: Now, class, moving on to antiquity. I have procured the following artifact of the Byzantine on loan from a private donor.

Xagliv uncovers the artifact, which turns out to be one of the Charms of Bezel.

(F/N): What the…?


Xagliv: Why are you still here?!

The gang walks down a hallway.

Rook: Miss Tennyson, you seemed to recognize that artifact.

Gwen: I could be wrong, but I think that it's one of the Charms of Bezel.

Paulina: The charms of Bezel?

(F/N): Magical artifacts, super powerful.

Ben: I thought those were destroyed when we were kids.

Gwen: Yeah, me too.

Dante: Gwendolyn!

Dante runs up behind the gang.

Dante: Did you see that magical talisman? I happen to know it was inscribed with the mystic rune for distance.

Gwen: Telekinesis. *Gets elbowed by (F/N)* I mean...I guess. Uh, what do I know?

A hooded girl peeks out from behind a door nearby.

The gang walks into the courtyard.

Ben: Am I the only one who thinks something's up with Xagliv?

Rook: That Rock Monster did disappear after it went into the lecture hall.

Kevin: Yeah- a Charmcaster Rock Monster.

Dante: A monster?! Whoa!

Gwen: Hmm. She did chase me out just before she brought out the magic stuff.

Rook: That would seem to indicate that Professor Xagliv may know who you really are.

Gwen: A-a nerd. *to Dante* She knows I'm a nerd.

Ben: And the Omnitrix has only dialed in Ghostfreak since the Rock Monster bit it.

Paulina: You think that's related?

Zed and Roxie suddenly growl at something, and they all look to the roof to see some hooded students atop Rock Monsters. They leap to the ground.

Kevin: It doesn't look related.

Ben activates the Omnitrix and notices the icons are normal and Paulina sees it too.

Ben: Well, now it's working okay.

Ben transforms into Eye Guy and Paulina turns into Fourarms.

Ben: *As Eye Guy* *notices his transformation* Eye guess.

Paulina: *As Four Arms* I was going for Swampfire but close enough.

Zed lunges at one of the students, knocking them off their Rock Monster and Roxie does the same as she then turns into Slamworm  and swats several rock monsters away. Kevin runs up to it, and whips out a piece of metal from his pocket.

Kevin: Here we go again.

Kevin absorbs the metal and punches the Rock Monster, shattering it. (F/N) turns into Humungosaur and smashes a rock monster into bits. Meanwhile, students start to watch the fight from the windows.

Student #1: Look, everybody!

The students start chattering. One student on a Rock Monster approaches Gwen and Dante. It tries to crush them, but Gwen protects herself and Dante with a mana dome. It readies a punch, but Rook uses the grappling hook on his Proto-Tool to hold it's arm back. Another Rock Monster tries to smash him, but it is destroyed by a laser from Ben and a shockwave from Paulina. Rook swings the Rock Monster into the air, and Eye Guy fires a laser at it. The debris bounces off of Gwen's mana dome, which she dissipates.

Gwen: Thank you...Lucky Girl!

The students cheer for Lucky Girl.

Dante: *standing up* Lucky Girl?!

Gwen runs behind a statue of Edgar Allan Poe and switches to her Lucky Girl alter-ego. Dante spots her running into action.

Dante: There she is!

The students cheer more. Gwen runs into the fray, grabbing Margie and throwing her off of her Rock Monster. She tosses mana discs at the Rock Monster, taking it down.

The hooded students retreat. Ben, Paulina and (F/N) revert back to normal.

Jock #2: That was incredible! You got to pledge Beta Gamma Kappa!

Gwen: That's very flattering, but I've got my hands full protecting the student body.

Ben: I'm in!

(F/N) and Paulina: Us too!

A crowd tosses Ben, (F/N), Paulina,  and Rook into the air.'

Crowd: Beta Gamma Kappa! BGK! Beta Gamma Kappa! BGK!

Gwen: It's all right. I'm Lucky Girl. I'm not about cheap adulation.

Kevin: You turned down frat parties for me? Thanks, baby.

Dante: Lucky Girl! You got to help! I can't find Gwen!

Zed and Roxie make another questioning bark.

In her classroom, Xagliv inspects the Charm of Telekinesis. The door opens, and the gang walks in.

Gwen: Think you're smart, don't you, Xagliv? *pokes her* If that's you're real name!

Kevin:.Yeah, what do you take us for, huh?

Rook: "Xagliv" spelled backwards is..."Vilgax"!

Ben: What are you and Charmcaster up to, Squidface?

Xagliv: *gasps; stumbles back* Aah!

Zed snarls at Xagliv.

Xagliv: Aaah!

Rook: Aha! Yah!

Rook grabs Xagliv's hair and pulls it off. She notices she is now bald.

Xagliv Aaaah! My alopecia! Give me that!

Paulina: Your what?

(F/N): Her wig.

Paulina: Oh gotcha.

Gwen facepalms.

Rook: Professor Xagliv was a...smoked fish?

Gwen: "Red herring." *to Xagliv* I am so sorry. *holds out hand*

Xagliv: *bats away Gwen's hand; scoffs* I'm sure you are. *snatches wig from Rook* You're also not passing this class. *dons wig*

Gwen: But...

Ben: You have a Charm of Bezel.

Kevin: Yeah, it-

The gang notices Dante laughing evilly. He picks up the Charm of Telekinesis.

Ben and (F/N): Oh, man.

Dante places the charm on his chest, causing a ripple of energy to send everyone against the wall.

Xagliv: Dante Drusher, consider yourself flunked, as well.

Dante summons black mana from his hand, blasting Xagliv back.

Xagliv: Aaaah!

Dante: You were right. It does say "Telekinesis."

Gwen and (F/N) tosses out mana discs at Dante, but he easily absorbs them.

Dante: Lovely Gwen, your mana is too sweet. *To (F/N)* Yours on the other hand, meh.

(F/N): Hey!

Gwen: You!

Dante grabs Gwen by the throat with his mana and reels her in. He starts to drain her of her mana.

Gwen: Unnnh!

Kevin: Hey! Let go of my girl!

Dante once again blasts Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Rook and Kevin back.

Dante: And "Lucky Girl," Gwen? Really?

Gwen: Call me Gwendolyn! *faints*

Kevin tries to stand up, and notices Dante taking Gwen into a secret passageway behind a painting. He, Ben, (F/N), Paulina,  and Rook pursue him. They run through a corridor lined with doorways, which seemingly loop. After encountering numerous bizarre situations *such as a bathing cow*, Ben and (F/N)  have enough of it.

Ben and (F/N): Aaaaaaah!

All the doors shut, and Dante comes through one and runs into another, with Gwen hitting her head on the way in. She groans as Dante pulls her along. He runs down another hallway, until he reaches a dark room. He hands her to one of his followers.

Dante: Here she is. Was that so difficult? *casting* Contego!

Dante's spell shuts the door in Ben's face. Two further locks block off the door. Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Rook and Kevin try to open the door, with no success. Gwen is placed floating above a circle of runes.

Followers: Hail, Dark Lord and Master. Hail, Dark Lord and-

Dante silences his followers. He grabs at his face.

Dante: *voice deepens* Now, let's get my good looks back.

Dante takes off his ID Mask, revealing himself to be Darkstar.

Gwen: *having awoken* Darkstar!

Darkstar: Lovely Gwen. I'll miss you. But everything worth doing requires some kind of sacrifice.

Darkstar: Charmcaster's gone insane. She got all jealous and locked me out of Legerdomain. Can you believe it?!

Gwen:.She kicked you out of her magic world for being a creepy creeper? No, I just can't believe it.

Darkstar: *sighs* Well, she did. And there was nothing as sweet as the mana that flowed through Legerdomain. So I'm going to bring the energy of that mystic realm here- through you.

Gwen: I can't do that!

Darkstar: You mean you can't do that...and live.

Meanwhile, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Roxie, Rook, Kevin and Zed try to bust the door down. Kevin steps back, and absorbs the stone wall. His allies get out of the way for him to punch the door, which he does repeatedly, only to fail.

In the room, Darkstar activates the runes on the floor, which glow pink. Gwen, too, starts to glow pink.

Gwen: *groaning*

Margie: She has so much life force, Master but her cousin has more than her. Why didn't you take it all? Or take her cousin.

Darkstar: All mana comes from Legerdomain. To open a portal, the mana must be returned in its original packaging. You, on the other hand...

Darkstar grabs Margie's hand and drains her of her life force.

Margie: Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Margie's skin turns gray and shrivels.

Margie: Uhhhhhhhh...

Margie falls to the ground. A pink-haired follower in the crowd speaks up.

Follower: Margie's so lucky.

Darkstar: *growls* Once, that would've sustained the change back to Michael Morningstar. Not anymore.

Darkstar continues the ritual.

Outside the room, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Roxie, Kevin and Zed continue to pull and whale on the door.

Rook: Stand back!

Rook fires a missile from his Proto-Tool, blasting open the door. They emerge from the smoke, coughing.

Darkstar: *to his followers* Keep them away!

Once again, students atop Rock Monsters confront the four. Ben activates the Omnitrix, once again seeing only Ghostfreak icons and (F/N) and Paulina see the same has happened to their watches.

Ben: Ghostfreaks again?! Nuh-unh! I don't need to transform to fight!

Paulina: *To Ben* You're joking right? *Sees Ben isn't laughing* Okay good point, if this Ghostfreak is as dangerous, then I don't have to transform to fight either!

One of the Rock Monsters tries to smash Ben and Paulina, but they dodges the attack. He climbs a pillar, which the Rock Monster punches. The pillar starts falling over.

Ben and Paulina: Whoa!

He, Paulina, and the student jump out of the way as it crushes the Rock Monster beneath it. He avoids another punch from a Rock Monster, which is then blasted by Rook's Proto-Tool. He fires the grappling hook around the Rock Monster, and swings it into other nearby Rock Monsters. Kevin grabs one of their remaining limbs, and uses it to bludgeon another, crushing it. He continually takes out more and more Rock Monsters with (F/N) helping him, although many still remain.

Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Roxie,  Rook and Zed join him as they are backed into a corner. Suddenly, a pink glow envelops the followers and their Rock Monsters, as they shrivel up and crumble respectively.

The mana stolen from them collects in the air, where it forms an orb. The orb then fires mana into Gwen, who then forms a portal to Legerdomain. Darkstar's mask breaks open, restoring his handsome appearance.

Michael: I've done it!

Outside, a rumbling is felt and the students (along with Xagliv) gasp as the Edgar Allan Poe statue crumbles. From a pit arises Michael Morningstar, flowing with power.

Michael: Michael Morningstar is back! And I'm more beautiful than ever!

Michael begins to drain the life force of Xagliv and some others.

Xagliv: Aaaah! Aah! Aah!

Michael: *laughs evilly* This town is crawling with food! Enough to sustain me forever! And nothing on Earth can stop me!

Ben, (F/N), Paulina climb out of the pit.

Ben: Yeah, because I'm such a pushover.

Ben activates the Omnitrix. He once again notices it is only giving him Ghostfreak.

Ben: Oh, come on! All right, Omnitrix, you win. You want Ghostfreak? You got it.

Ben transforms into Ghostfreak and (F/N) and Paulina do the same.

Ben: *As Ghostfreak* Well, so far, so good.

The trio flies off as Michael levitates Xagliv using his energy.

Xagliv Aah! Aaaaaaah! Stop! No! No!

Michael: I promise I'll be quick.

Michael notices the trio phasing through him. Ghostfreak grabs Xagliv, and makes her and himself invisible. They put her back on the ground.

Ben: *As Ghostfreak* I still feel like me.

(F/N): *As Ghostfreak* Maybe we don't have to be scared to use him anymore.

Michael: Ben! Jen! And some new Girl, I was hoping to see three.

Michael tries to absorb Ghostfreak's mana. He shrieks, but shrugs it off and turns invisible.

Michael: *groans* What the-

Ghostfreak: Mana is life energy, Mike. I'm a ghost, so I don't have any to absorb. But you know what they say- possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Ghostfreak possesses Michael.

Michael/ Ben (Ghostfreak): Yee-ha! Ben Tennyson is awesome! (slaps himself) Stop hitting yourself. (slaps himself again) Why are you hitting yourself? (starts dancing) Loo-dee-doo, I'm dancing, 'cause I'm Mike Morningstar, the big old dork.

Meanwhile, in the underground room, Rook and Kevin struggle to pull Gwen out of the portal. Kevin loses his grip on Gwen's hand.

Kevin: Grab her!

Michael floats down, along with (F/N), and Paulina surprising Rook and Kevin.

Michael/ Ben Ghostfreak: Guys, it's me!

The two gasp.

Michael/ (Ben)Ghostfreak: Here you go, cuz.

Ben uses Michael's powers to pull Gwen out of the portal and return the mana he stole. However, he reverts back to being ugly.

Michael/Ghostfreak: *wheezes*

Gwen starts falling, but Kevin catches her.

Kevin: Got you, baby.

Gwen: Whew! Kind of puts my art history grade in perspective, huh?

The portal disappears. Ben (having reverted from Ghostfreak) and Rook get Darkstar.

Rook: You are quite ugly.

Paulina: Like super ugly, as in no amount of makeup will cover up… all that.

Darkstar sobs.

Later, Gwen (as Lucky Girl), Kevin, Rook and Zed turn Darkstar into the police. Darkstar has had a magical rune placed on his forehead.

Gwen: Make sure you keep this symbol in place, officer.

Police Officer: Are Ben and Jen 10 still around?  Or Paulina Sanchez? I'd feel more comfortable hearing it from him.

Gwen: They've been called to the dean's office.

The police drive away as Gwen flies off. She looks at the Charm of Telekinesis, which has been placed on her glove.

Gwen: This is awesome!

Kevin and Rook watch her from the ground.

Rook: It is a shame the Charm of Telekinesis was never recovered.

The two smirk at each other.

Later, the police officer does some paperwork outside. Inside the car, Darkstar tries to use his powers, but the rune creates a barrier stopping them. The police officer still in the car removes her disguise, revealing herself to be Charmcaster.

Darkstar: Charmcaster! Sweetie, you're...not still angry with me?

Charmcaster turns around and presses the rune with her finger, causing it to glow. Darkstar screams as a pink light flashes from the car, unknown to the other officer.

In the underground room, the runes glow and create a portal from Legerdomain. Zs'Skayr's hand rises from the portal.

In the courtyard, Kevin yawns. He and Gwen sit under a tree, when they hear Zed bark. Gwen looks, only to see Rook playing fetch with Zed. Gwen then hears students cheering, carrying Ben, (F/N), Roxie,  and Paulina on their shoulders.

Ben: *(to Gwen) Hey, check it out. They gave us an honorary degree!

Gwen: What?!

Kevin: Figures.

Rook: *to Ben, (F/N), Paulina* Well done.

Ben: Guess we won't be going here after all-

(F/N): 'cause we  don't have to.

Gwen: You know this is killing me, Ben, Jen, and Paulina

Ben: That's "Dr. Tennyson."

(F/N): And “Professor Tennyson”

Paulina: And “Dr. Sanchez”

Roxie: *Barks*  *shows her Degree*

(F/N): They even gave Roxie Doctorates too.

The students carry Ben, Roxie, (F/N) and Paulina off.

Gwen: "Doctor"?! And “Professor?!” Ohh, come on!

Kevin: *sighs* This doesn't bode well.

Rook: No, it does not.

Next: Chapter 65: New Day, New Powers and New Aliens.

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