Talent Show: Part One

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Mr Lancer paused his speech about poetry when his eyes landed on a certain snoring black haired teenager. He scowled and sighed. He picked up a text book and walked over towards Danny's desk.

He slammed the book on his desk. Danny yelped in surprise and stood up, putting his fist up in a fighting stance. Mr lancer raised his eyebrow as the class burst out in laughter exept for Sam.

Danny immediately sat back down and blushed in embarrassment.
"Mr Fenton, please, for the last time do not sleep in my classroom" Lancer said, grabbing the textbook and walking back towards the front of the room.

He put the book away.
"Alright listen up everybody, especially you daniel, next Saturday is our annual Casper High Talent Show" Lancer began. Dash raised his hand.
"Yes mr baxter?" Lancer sighed, knowing that most of his questions were completely irrelevant.
"What does the winner get this year?" He asked.

Lancer's frown disappeared at this question.
"They get their names and picture hung up on the Casper High's Wall Of Fame!" Lancer happily exclaimed. Everyone remained silent. Lancer's frown reappeared.
"And they get 100 dollars" he said. Everyone immediately smiled and cheered.

"The sign up sheets are going to be in the cafeteria! You have until Next Friday to sign up!" Lancer told them once they all quieted down.

Danny had once again fell asleep. Lancer shook his head and grabbed the Textbook once more. He was halfway towards the sleeping halfa's desk when he suddenly sat upright and groaned. He raised his hand.

"May I be excused?"


"Long night?" Tucker asked danny who was glaring at nothing. He had dark circles under his eyes. He rested his head on the lunchroom table. They were waiting for Sam. Once she arrived, danny immediately began ranting.

"They kept me up until 6 AM! I got NO sleep! First it was the Box Ghost, then technus, then skulker, then the box ghost AGAIN!" Danny exclaimed. "THEN THE BOX GHOST DECIDED TO SHOW UP AGAIN DURING LANCERS CLASS!" Danny nearly shouted.

"Yo fentard! Quit shouting or should I give you a knuckle sandwich?" Dash shouted from the popular table.
"QUIT BEING A DUMBASS! OR SHOULD I GIVE YOU-" Sam and Tucker quickly covered the angry halfas mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"CARE TO FINISH THAT?" Dash stood up. Danny also stood up.
"Oh no..." Tucker mumbled. Dash walked over and stood in front of the half ghost. The jock was a few inches taller but danny didn't cower at all. A smirk appeared on his face.
"How about we make a bet" Dash asked.
"The last time the two of them made a bet, danny had to eat dash's underwear" Sam whispered to Tucker.

"I'm listening" danny said.
"If paulina and I win the talent show, you have to do anything we say" Dash said, wrapping his arm around Paulina who sneered at Sam. Sam flipped her off.
"If you win however, we have to do anything you say" Dash said.
"And you have to stop bullying us" Danny added.
"Us?" Dash asked.
"Yea, If i win, you also have to stop messing with Sam and Tucker" Danny said.

"Alright then. Deal" They both shook hands. Dash and Paulina both walked back towards the popular table. Danny sat back down at his table.
"What are you going to do!? Fight a ghost?" Tucker asked.
"You'll see" Danny replied, Laying his head back down on the table.

"ATTENTION! IF YOU WANT TO COMPETE IN THE TALENT SHOW, THE SIGN UP SHEETS ARE NEAR THE EXIT DOORS!" Principle ishiyama shouted into a microphone. Danny stood up and immediately walked over along with a few others who wanted to compete.

He saw that Dash and Paulina had already signed up. He scribbled his name down then walked back over towards Sam and Tucker. The bell rang and danny grabbed his backpack.


His parents found out about him being Phantom for about a year now. They found out when he was 16, a ghost had kidnapped his family and he saved them which made him reveal his identity. They immediately accepted him which made him feel guilty about not telling them sooner. I mean, he had a good reason not to but still.

However, they still continued to create new ghost hunting equipment. They were ghost hunters, but they kept on forgetting not to use them when danny was around.

Which was why they were currently trying to unfreeze Danny's legs.
"Why does this always happen when i have important stuff to do..." Danny mumbled.
"We're sorry sweetie! Your father is trying to reverse it" Maddie placed a comforting hand on her sons shoulder.

Jazz was using a hair dryer to try and melt the ice. It wasn't working at all.
"Madds, can you hand me the Fenton Wrench?" Jack asked. Maddie handed him a bright green wrench with the word 'Fenton' on it.

"I guess this is a good time to tell you guys..." Danny said.
"We're listening son!" Jack exclaimed, tightening a few bolts on the EctoFenton Freezray.

"I've decided to sign up for the Talent Show this Saturday" danny said. Maddie immediately beamed with excitement.
"I'm so proud of you! You're finally going to show your talent! Sweetie, what song are you going to sing?" She asked.
"How'd you know i was going to sing!?" Danny asked, surprised.

"You've been singing since you were Three years old! I also heard you singing a few days ago in your room" maddie said.
"Its done!" Jack announced as he grabbed the freezray.

"Hold still son! This should unfreeze you in a blink of an eye!"

I hope you enjoyed Part 1! Part 2 will be up soon! :)

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