Abused!Danny au

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I had this on Tumblr and people liked it so I wanted to show it to you guys.

Let's say people started noticing how Danny Fenton keeps coming to school with bruises and cuts that he didn't have the day before. Sometimes they notice him limping slightly or holding a part of his body tenderly. He tries to hide it, he really does. But his classmates start noticing. Danny also comes to class late saying he's overslept and then promptly falls asleep in class. The kid always looks exhausted and stressed. He's also incredibly skinny and they've seen him gobble up his food during lunch as if he had never seen food before.

Even the teachers start noticing and when they ask him about it they watch him have a mini freak out before stuttering out an excuse that is very obviously false.

And then, when Danny suddenly collapses in the middle of the hall and the nurse is called, they find out about his multiple scars. Something that sends everyone over the edge. The ambulance is called and while Danny is taken to the hospital many calls are made to the police.

After so many reports the police knock on the Fentons' door and, after a confused Maddie let them in, search the house. They find a basement filled with incredibly dangerous weapons. It wouldn't have been such a big deal had the weapons stayed in the basement, but they find out that the Fenton parents leave those things lying around in the house, sometimes working on them while the children are present. They open the fridge, only for an ectoplasmic infused beef to attack them. Not to mention that only Maddie and Jack are protected with jumpsuits, while their children are very exposed to every effect ectoplasma can cause them. In the hospital it's confirmed, Danny is affected by ectoplasma.

It's official.

The Fentons are charged with abuse and neglect.

A few days after Danny wakes up he is interviewed by the press. He is very confused on what is happening and is quite shocked when a reporter asks if his mom or dad has ever hurt him.

Danny stammers and doesn't know what to say at first. He was hurt sometimes. However they only shot him as Phantom. They would never hurt their son, he knew for sure. Did the press know that he was Phantom???

He plays it safe and says no, but his hesitance was caught on camera and it only strengthens the people's resolution of getting Danny out of the abusive household.

Danny finds out what was happening and he shouts out that his parents never hit him. But he can't explain the bruises or scars or his lack of sleep or why is grades are so low.

They've removed him from the house and placed him under custody until they can find him a proper home. Meanwhile, they're looking into Jazz' home life and working on getting her out of there too.

Maddie and Jack are absolutely devastated and are doing everything to not loose their children. Of course they had seen his abused body. They had questioned the boy about it a few times but Danny would not tell them anything. They always tried to find a way for him to open up to them. They made more food for him but somehow the ghost portal gave off a large amount of radiation in the house and contaminated the food. Jack had made jumpsuits for his kids but they wouldn't wear it and he and Maddie had accepted that, figuring the ectoplasmic air wasn't that deadly.

Now they find that their son had collapsed into a mini coma and they were being charged for abuse. They are at a complete loss.

Sam and Tucker are allowed to visit Danny once in a while and they discuss how they can solve this but come up with nothing.

The whole town is sure that Danny is a poor abused child and there are protests to stop Jack and Maddie from getting anymore money from the government to further their ghostly science.

Danny thinks it's enough and makes his desicion. He goes to court saying he will explain everything. So he stands up and as the judge, his parents and many news crews are watching, goes ghost.

There are no explanations, no words said. Deadly silence until Maddie breaks down into sobs. She asks him how and he tells them he got into an accident in the portal and he's been trying to help the town since. He's terrified. But it's all he can do.

His father runs and throws his arms around the small ghost boy, making Danny flinch for a second before he smiles and buries his head in his father's chest. Maddie joins in and Jazz is more then happy watching it on the television. They accept him and are sorry. They will be happy.

But it doesn't end there. After the whole shock of the abused boy actually being the town hero, it gets everyone thinking again. Danny got half killed because of one of his parents' inventions, they now have actual footage of the boy being threaneted or hurt by the Fentons and to top it all they had seen the flinch and fear that had passed through the boy's face as Jack had run towards him.

It all goes down hill form there...

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