Till the day I die

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Btw read previous chapter before this one
This is how Danny died.
So what happened before last chapter
Just an FYI

Danny flew at a slow speed. He had just come from a meeting with the president. He had tried to talk to him about the ghosts and everything that could happen if they didn't try to seal a truce.....it hadn't gone so well. Partly because he wasn't on good terms with the president in the first place and partly because a few GIW were present at the meeting.

What could he say? The man doesn't trust him much.

He'd been practically kicked out. It could have gone worse, Danny thought, the GIW could have taken me prisoner and put me in a cell. The only reason of why they hadn't done that before was because the president forbids it. Even though they weren't the best of buddies he understood that the town needed Danny's protection from the ghosts. He was a smart man. But after hearing the halfghost's proposal of peace he'll probably consider letting the GIW get him, accusing him of treason.

Danny sighed. He was now on the way to the Ghost Zone. Sam, Jazz and Tucker had warned him that it may not go better than his meeting with the president. Danny knew this. But he had to try. Maybe, just maybe...

He stopped and stared at the building in front of him. If he was right, a portal would open here soon. After two seconds the air rippled. The very space in front of the building ripped and came apart. Danny could see the green ectoplasm of the Ghost Zone in the other side. He took a deep breath. And flew in. The rip closing shortly after.


"But think of all the good things that might come out of this. We wouldn't be bothered by all the anti ghost weapons and we would be able to visit the human world whenever we wanted," Danny tried to persuade the ghost in front of him. He looked doubtfull.

"I don't know, Phantom. It seems like a long shot."

Danny sighed "I know. But we gotta start somewhere. This can't go on like this, can it, Sydney?"

"No. But why talk to me. I'm just a simple weak ghost. Shouldn't you be talking to some of the greater ghosts like Pandora or Vortex?"

Danny smiled. "Because you're as much a part of the Ghost Zone as them." Sydney gaped. "Aaaaand I've already spoken to them."

The 1950's ghost narrowed his eyes and Danny grinned.

He was about to open his mouth again when a sneer was heard close by. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the punk that's causing a commotion around the Ghost Zone."

Danny turned around to face Walker and a few other angry ghosts behind him. "That's against the rules."

Danny scowled, he had hoped this wouldn't happen. He felt relieved when Sydney quickly made his retreat. He didn't want him to get involved.

Danny forced himself to stay calm. "Hey guys. How's your day been?" He asked convertionaly.

A green eyed ghost with long red hair sniffed. "Great until you came and spread a bunch of rumours about making peace," he spit out.

Danny stood taller to show he wasn't gonna be brought down. "And why would that ruin your day?"

The other ghost floated closer. "Because the humans are pests and would never leave us alone. Even if we accepted, they wouldn't. So why should we?"

"Because if you do, we'll be halfway there."

The redhead growled. "Enough. Let's just get him." He lunged at Danny and he sidestepped. This only made the other angrier and the claws at his hands grew sharper.

The outburst caused the others to react as well. Walker stood back with a smirk as he looked on at the struggling Danny.

The halfghost was hesitant. Should he fight back? He can't stay on deffense for much longer. But he didn't want to cause trouble. He's supposed to be here for peace.

Before Danny could decide, he was hit. A blow on the shoulder. He ground his teeth but didn't cry out. The others noticed, however, and it renewed their hopes of defeating the halfa once and for all.

More evil ghosts joined in amd others stood behind to watch.

Danny had a hard time to say the least. He ducked under a blow to the head and brought up a shield on the right. He was surrounded. Suddenly a pain shot from his leg. He stiffened and risked a glance down. A ghost was digging its teeth into his leg.

Danny scowled. Okay, they had crossed the line. He kicked the ghost away and twirled to make them back up a bit. Then he shot an ectoblast to the face of one that came too close.

Danny crouched, poised to fight, and the other beings hesitated. This was after all one of the strongest ghosts in existance.

The hesitance, however, only lasted a few seconds. A nonsentient ghost lunged forward. Danny dodged it easily enough but another ghost soon followed and charged from behind. Danny punched him away too.

He was soon being attacked from all sides. Not only from right and left, but also from above and below him.

He tried his best but he couldn't keep up with all of them.

A few ghosts shot at him from a distance and Danny grunted. He shot back. This was taking too long. He was getting tired trying to defend himself from all places. He had to end this soon.

Danny took a deep breath.

The more sentient ghosts noticed and panicked. They realized what the halfghost was about to do. Everyone was familiar with the halfa's most powerful weapon and none of them were in a hurry to get caught in the Ghostly Wail.

A few ran in fright but others stayed. They figured if they ran now they wouldn't be able to escape on time. The only chance they had was to stop him before he started.

And so in the brief moment when Danny prepared, the other ghosts attacked ferociously. It was vicious.

Danny yelped as his arm was bitten and he was shot in the chest.

He growled and warded them off.

The long haired ghost realized something. The halfa was only halfdead. Which meant he was also alive. Living people needed air. The halfghost wouldn't need as much but it was still necessary for him.

So the ghost charged. Right when Danny was busy with another ghost. He aimed for the neck...and wrapped his hands around it.

Danny was startled when his air duct was cut off. He spasmed and tried to get the ghost behind him.

His eyes bulged and he struggled more as the need for air became more necessary.

The other ghosts realized what was happening and went to aid their companion. They held Danny down and shot at him, making him weaker.

Danny charged his hands and shot but he couldn't possibly hit everyone. His sight was starting to blurr.

The halfghost kicked behind him but couldn't hit anything. His struggles were becoming weaker and eventually he was just spasming in an attempt to vent some air in his lungs.

He couldn't do anything as two rings appeared at his waist. He faintly heard cheers as he stopped moving.

His eyesight faded to black.


It was dark. Nothing but dark. Except a few small lights flickering here and there. They were dispersed across the vast expanse of darkness.

Then a new light appeared. It was brighter than the others.

It slowly became brighter and bigger.

The light couldn't see anything. All it saw where small lights around him. It looked at them in wonder, fascinated by them.

It tried to touch them but they were too far. Then it realized it was a light too. It was part of this beautiful place. The light smiled contentedly. But it somehow didn't feel like it belonged.

As beautiful as this place was, it didn't belong here. It wasn't supposed to be here.

The light frowned. Where was it supposed to be then?

It didn't remember anything past the vast expanse of black around it and the stars plastered in it.


Where did that word come from?

The light somehow found the word fitting.

Am I a star?

The light gasped.

Who am I?

It looked around in confusion.

Then a memory got hold of it.

It was absolute horror.

It remembered teeth and blue and pink flashes. Sometimes green. It remembered red eyes staring at it hatefully. Then it remembered the pain.

The awful pain.

What is this?

The light became more and more restless. It felt like running around in a panic. What was happening?!

Then it remembered something else. A smile.

It was sweet but mischievous. It comforted the light.

The smile laughed at it fondly. Then a face appeared around that smile. It was a woman. She had dark hair and violet eyes.

Then another face. A dark skinned man with dreadlocks hanging around his shoulders.

Soon the rest of their bodies appeared. The man swung an arm around the woman. They smiled at the light before holding out a hand. The light reached out but the man and woman disappeared.

The light panicked.

Where did they go? What had it done?

Then another face. This one caring and concerned.

A red head leaned over him. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Don't go. It's too dangerous."

The light squirmed and panted. "I have to go!!" It shouted. "I have to. For everyone. For Sam and Tucker. For you. For our parents. For Frostbite and Pandora. For Sydney." The light didn't know where all these names were coming from. Each new name stabbed at it. Telling it something but the light couldn't quite figure out what.

It flickered as it became more and more bright. "I have to go!!! For peace!"

It was like a dam had broken.

Everything came flooding in.

The light as a child, running around happily as it was being chased by Jazz.

The light as it prepared for school. Its mom smiling proudly. "Now don't get into any fights."

The light as a teenager. Tucker whistled at a chick walking by. Sam hit him on the head.

The light facing a hole in the wall. It hesitantly glanced at its friends. They grinned back. The light zipped up its jumpsuit and stepped in.

The light flying around the town. Enjoying the view.

The light fighting.


Messing up.

Making right again.

The people around it. Humans and ghosts. Standing by it. Always at its side.


The light stopped, trembling by the onslaught of memories.

My name is Danny.

An odd peace settled on the light. I'm Danny.

Then he remembered the red eyes. And I'm dead!!!

He looked around. Wait. If I'm dead. Then is this ghost heaven?

It was ridiculous. And honestly, it was disappointing.

I expected heaven to be more....full.

Not this empty vastness.

Danny squirmed. And what is this?

He moved his body awkwardly. Where's my body?

He looked down at himself and tried moving different parts. It only made him bob up and down slightly.

He growled in frustration.

Then his attention was back on the other lights.

Are they like him? Are they also ghosts? Did they die?

He stopped startled. Wait, am I a ghost?

Man, his dad would have a field trip figuring all of this out.

Wait a second.

His dad!! His mom! His friends!!

Do they know he's dead?

Danny wondered how they were taking it.

Probably not good.

I need to get back to them.

He struggled to move. To do anything.

I don't want to stay here for the rest of eternity!!! I need to get back!! I need to go back!!!

In his panic he didn't realize as he started glowing brighter and stronger. He flickered around like crazy. As if he was a firefly trying to escape.

Suddenly something on his right made him stop.

Another light appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

Danny stared at it as the light slowly got stronger. Then he felt a presence.

It was wild and untamed. The other light flickered restlessly. It was trying to get somewhere. No, it was fighting in wild panic. It was trying to protect something. My cubs, it thought. You will not get my cubs!!

They were the thoughts of a mother protecting her children.

Danny felt saddened. He didn't know what kind of animal this was but he did realize it had died trying to save her children.

The smaller light grew more restless as she couldn't find her cubs. Where! My cubs! Stay away!

Danny covered his eyes as the light flashed. He peeked out and found she had disappeared.

Where did she go? Did she go to ghost heaven?

Wait. Are you telling me this isn't ghost heaven?

What else could it be?

Another part of him provided the answer they were both thinking was right.

The place between Earth and Heaven.

If ghosts had unfinished business, they ended up here.

Does that mean I can get back?

He stopped in confusion.

But why am I here?

What business do I have that isn't finished?

Protect the humans?

No. That wasn't it.

Danny frowned. He had always known he had an obsession. It had been to protect the humans. Why isn't this time the same?

Then he realized. In all the time he had been fighting ghosts, he made new friends. He saw another side. Another perspective. He had realized ghosts were suffering as much as the humans. Not everything had been as black and white as he used to think.

They all deserved to be protected.

However, Danny wouldn't be able to protect everyone from each other.

That was why he had tried to convince them to stop fighting.

He flinched. Look at where that got him.

How can I do this. If I go back it...it won't change anything. They don't want to. I already talked to the president and...

Danny stopped. That's where he had gone wrong. I have to talk to the people. I have to show them what I saw. That it's not black and white.

Danny's light stopped flickering and lit up bright and steady.

He knew what he had to do now.

But there's another problem. How do I get back?

His mind went to the light beside him. How had that mother done it?

She thought of her cubs. She thought of protecting them. She thought of her obsession.

Danny took a deep breath and thought of peace.

He thought of his parents, who also used to think as black and white as him. He thought of Sam and Tucker, who had always been next to him no matter what. He thought of Frostbite and his people, one of the reasons Danny had changed his way of thinking. Pandora, who taught him to not judge a book by its cover.

His thoughts wandered and he found himself thinking of his neighbors and bullies. His enemies and friends. Ghosts and humans.

Danny's light flashed and it was the brightest the vast darkness had ever been.

Everyone deserved peace.


Danny groaned as his body erupted in pain.

He blinked as light flooded in through his eyes.

His mind immediately went back to the vast darkness from before. Am I alive?

He stopped and concentrated on his body. He couldn't feel a heartbeat. Danny froze. His body was still except for the churning ectoplasm. The usual feeling of busy body functions that a human needed to stay alive was gone. Which meant he was a ghost.

Danny looked around and was met with the strangely welcome sky of the Ghost Zone. The ghost rolled into a ball at the pain attacking his limbs. He glanced down and realized he was still reforming. He watched in sheer fascination as his hand grew small limbs that turned into fingers and his lower body grew legs.

Someone cleared his throat.

Danny turned sluggishly and was surprised to see Clockwork floating a few inches from him.

Clockwork must have noticed his look of confusion because he nodded. "Welcome back, Danny."

When Danny had recuperated enough they made their way to the Clocktower.

Clockwork explained what had happened. "As you might have guessed, you have died. This fact has not been kept a secret and has spread to the humans, who were quite devastated."

Danny swallowed. "H-how long?" His voice was still raspy and he had to lean on Clockwork to get anywhere.

The elder ghost sighed. "Four and a half months."


Clockwork nodded calmly. "I would advice you to quiet down. We do not want other ghosts to know of your return so soon."

Danny grumbled incoherently. After that, they traveled in relative silence. Danny had too much in his mind. His family was probably depressed. They'd get over it after some time though, probably. His dad wasn't one to stay sad too long and he would bring life back to his mom and sister. Besides, Jazz was a psychologist. She knew what long term depression would do to you. Sam and Tucker though....he hoped they were alright.

Why was he thinking of all this?

He was alive. He was back for good.

Maybe too good. Danny paused. "Hey Clockwork? Am I immortal?"

Clockwork nodded, probably expecting this question.

Danny bit his lip. "Does that mean I never age or I will keep on aging forever..."

"Your physical will never change. That does not mean your mind won't age. You will learn things and grow in spirit."

Danny smirked. "Ah so I'll get to keep my handsome looks."

"Do not overestimate yourself, Daniel."

Danny laughed and he swore he could almost see the faintest trace of a smile on the old man's face.

When they arrived at Clockwork's 'home' (he spend so much time there, the old spirit might as well call it that) Danny sat down on one of the chairs and let his upper body rest on the table. He panted as he talked. "Why do I feel so weak?"

"You have just reformed. It takes a lot of energy, especially for a ghost of greater power." Clockwork child form floated there, watching Danny as if evaluating him.

Danny crossed his arms on the table and put his chin on them. He smirked at the elder ghost. "I thought my handsomeness wasn't good enough for you? Do you also stare at me like that through one of your screens? Am I a frequent channel?"

Clockwork smiled and turned away busying himself with something. "Yes."

Danny blinked. "Alright not the answer I was expecting."

"You have an interesting story, Daniel." Clockwork mused. "I rarely come across such anymore."

Danny frowned. "Glad I could entertain you. At least one of us had fun."

Clockwork chuckled. "Do not kid yourself, Daniel. You had a good life. Now you can work on having a good afterlife."

Danny shrugged but he couldn't hide the smile. "Yeah, it was fun. Speaking of that. Can I go back? I'm sure they're worried sick."

To his surprise, Clockwork shook his head. Danny scowled. "What? Why not?"

The middle aged man raised a hand. "You need to stay here. Recover and gain your energy back. You will need it when you return."

Danny blinked. "What's that supposed to mean? How long is it gonna take anyways?" Clockwork floated out the door and Danny followed, exasperated that he wasn't getting any answers. "Clockwork! How long are you going to keep me here?!"

"About a month"

"A MONTH?!?"

~~~~~~~one month later~~~~~~~~

Danny lounged on the couch. He groaned as he hung his head off the side of the armrest along with the rest of his upper body. "Can I leave now?"

A distant 'No' was heard and Danny groaned some more.

"You've kept me cooped up here for years and I'm bored."

A chuckle was heard and Clockwork entered. An amused glint in his eyes. "If you think this boring, I want to see how you take immortality."

Cue more tortured groaning.

"But you are right. It is time."

Danny's head snapped up. "Really?!?!" A grin alighted his face and the flames on his head swished in an excited manner.


The ghost boy's whole demeanor deflated. He scowled at the amused ghost. "That wasn't funny."

Clockwork smiled. "It was. But it's true. You will leave today. There is only one more thing that needs to happen." He turned and approached what Danny calls 'The stalker nest'. Danny followed behind curiously.

Clockwork stared at one screen, which went green with swirls for a moment before readjusting its image into something very familiar to Danny.

It was the wrecked Amity Park. The one from that one future Danny feared the most. And there was the cause of all of it. Dan stood, tall and mighty, over the bound forms of Danny's family, friends and teacher.

Danny felt a pang at seeing the young, helpless shapes of his most beloved humans....and Mr. Lancer.

Dan laughed at them when suddenly he was punched away. There he was. A simple teenager. Too young and yet just old enough. In that age where humans are trying to find out who they were as a person....or as a ghost. To make matters worse Danny had to figure out who he was as a freak caught in the middle.

The young Danny turned to his parents and friends. His expression of utter conviction. "Don't worry. I won't turn into that. Ever!" He looked straight into their eyes, speaking both to them and himself. "I promise."

The screen paused. Staying on Danny's determined expression.

Clockwork turned and looked at Danny with what seemed like pride. "And you kept that promise. Ten full years and look at you now. As pure hearted as back then. Giving your life for the very thing 'Dan' was bent on destroying."

Danny tore his gaze away from the screen to look at the elder ghost cautiously. "Why are you showing me this?"

The other ghost turned and walked away. "Today is a very special day, Daniel Phantom. Fate had intended for you to end up as a destroying killing machine. Not to be held back by feelings or any other emotions. The observants would nag me every day to destroy you. Saying there is always a chance you would... However. You proved them wrong. You surpassed destiny. You have become what I always knew you would." He turned around and Danny gasped.

There, in the hands of the elder ghost, was the original Fenton thermos.

Danny stepped back instinctively but he took a shaky breath. He looked up at Clockwork's face. "Today is the day, isn't it. The day I become the same age as him."

Clockwork didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He held out the thermos but Danny hesitated. Clockwork nodded. "It's time to end this."

Phantom slowly reached out and wrapped his fingers around the cylinder. He ran a finger across it, tracing the dents Dan had made. The thermos was rusted and discolored with age. Danny took a deep breath, and unscrewed the cap.

Danny waited. He held the cap in one hand and the thermos in the other. Blue mist started to dribble out of the opening and collected in the air. Slowly a figure appeared.

The figure was well built. Had flaming hair and blue skin. The spitting image of the other man if not for the red eyes. Dan squinted at the sudden brightnesss and stretched. Bones cracked here and there as the ghost inspected his surroundings. "Whoa. Took you long enough to open that. I think my arm fell asleep."

"Hello, Dan." Danny's neutral voice interrupted.

Dan stopped and blinked at the man in front of him. His mouth opened as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out. Eventually, though... "Is- that me?"

Danny shook his head. "I'm nothing like you."

Dan narrowed his eyes. Then they widened. "Danny?"

At the nod of confirmation, Dan looked him up and down. "You look handsome."

Danny's throat emitted a chuckle in spite of himself. "So do you."

Dan stretched his arms back. "I've felt better."

There was a pause as Danny scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. This wasn't the Dan he remembered. This one was more relaxed. Less driven by anger and hopelessness. He cocked his head. "What happened to you."

"I could ask the same thing. You seem more...older. You're not the twig you were before."

"And you aren't the monster from before," Danny bit back, although partly joking.

Dan sighed. "Glad I made an impression."

Before they could continue, Clockwork floated closer. "It's been ten years since you have been captured by Daniel here."

The red eyed ghost frowned. "Already? Time seems to go by so fast. Although to be honest, it seemed more like decades." His voice lowered. "I thought I was never getting out of there."

"Today's your lucky day." Danny wasn't exactly sure what Clockwork was playing at or what he wanted to accomplish with this. He sent the man a confused glance. "So? Now what?"

Dan sighed, surprisingly relieved. "Clueless as ever. Glad nothing changed."

Danny scowled. "What."

"You are my age. Meaning there is no way anymore that you will turn into me."

Seeing the other still frowning at him in confusion Dan sighed. "I don't exist."

Danny's eyes cleared. His lips curled to form an 'oh'. "You're fading."

There was a small silence as Danny took this all in. It was finally over. He'd outaged his evil self. Well, technically, he had died but details. He looked up at Dan. The man seemed relieved. "How do you feel about it?" Danny found himself asking, startling the other.

"You're asking me about my feelings?" Dan inquired wrily, partly amused.

Danny floated a bit in embarrassment. "Well, yeah. Why not. I mean. You are going to die and that's never easy so it must be hard on you.." he trailed off when Dan started laughing. It wasn't like the usual demonic laugh he remembered. It was amused but also mocking.

"Calm your heroic butt, Danny." He laughed more when Danny sputtered at the comment. "Concerned," he muttered amused to himself. "The boy is concerned. For me!" He chuckled some more.

Danny pursed his lips tight, deciding not to say anything lest he make fool out of himself again.

"But if you want to know, I'm actually relieved." Dan admitted and Danny blinked in surprise. "I couldn't cope with so much grief. Not that much at once. My human self tried to take the emotions away but he just made it worse. Or I did. I went crazy with grief and madness and took Plasmius. Surely the ghost of a lonely fruitloop who had no one but still managed to move on and build a life take my sadness away. But..." He paused. "I had forgotten how he hadn't moved on at all. He was, after all, a lonely fruitloop. His madness and distate at the rest of the world overwhelmed me. I didn't see anyone else as human beings anymore, they were just worthless lifes that might as well be thrown away. I didn't want to think. Didn't want to remember. I went on a rampage. If I just had something to do... I became obsessed with destroying. I convinced myself I had no emotions or feelings. It was easier to just bury it all very deep."

Danny stared at him with an open mouth. However, the other wasn't finished.

"So I am relieved it's over. Those years in the thermos were torture. I couldn't destroy anything. I couldn't do anything. Anything but think..."

Danny bit his lip. Don't do it, his mind chided. This is the creator of your nightmares. Your worst enemy. You aren't supposed to feel pity on a guy who killed millions and destroyed millions and- ugh. His mind complained but his hand was already moving to Dan's shoulder. Because he was reminded of himself. The other looked up in shock.

Danny smiled slightly. "It didn't happen. None of what you did happened and it's not gonna. I promise."

Dan stared at him for awhile. Slowly but surely a smile creeped up on his face. "I know," he admitted. "Just...keep them safe. Don't let anything happen to them."

Danny grinned, patting his shoulder. "Of course not, big guy. I'll be doing my best to not let anything happen to anyone. My obsession is peace after all."

Dan let out one last laugh. "Peace." He slowly started to dissipate. "Of course it's peace."

Danny could hear one last thing before Dan was gone forever.

"It was only a matter of time."



I had so much fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoyed it and it lived up to your expectations.

thanks for reading
I'm always up for some helpful kriticisim (or someone to tell me how to spell that word.)


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