Dare #18

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Omega: *Sigh* What a wonderful question, I have often looked through my long long list of lies towards Fury.

Me:*le gasp* WHAT!

Omega: Just kidding, just kidding. But to be fully honest, there aren't many. Unless it's about I-Hate-Oranges.

Me: That makes sense. Anyway, let's get on.

Omega: She doesn't own any of the characters which appear besides her own~

Me: I think they already know that.

Omega: Oh reallyzzzzzzz? *opens random door, sees everyone superglued to the chairs in the room* Ohhhhhh... so that's why some of them aren't aren't making videos anymore (Quote from I-Hate-Oranges).

Astro: The emo child is calling Omega-chan.

Omega: Okay okay, wait a bit please. I'll be back my pretties! *cackle and disappears in a puff of smoke*

Astro: So... hi Fury.

Me: Hello?

Astro: I'm going to eat cake. Bye~

Me: So I'm by myself until Omega get's back from my fiancee. Huff. You know? *starts talking to self*

In the room where all the characters gather because magic

Dan: So what are we going to do now that Fury, Omega and Astro are gone?

Danny: Well, we could always play a board game. *board game appears because, again, magic*

Phil: Or, new friends can come join us! Everyone, Mark and Jack! *waves hands dramatically*

Everyone else: *claps in excitement as Mark and Jack appear from behind a curtain*

Jack: Hello!

Mark: Fuck fuck fuck, Jack I lost my headphones.

Jack: Mark?

Mark: *slightly panicked* yeah?

Jack: They're around your neck. *points to them*

Mark: *looks down at them* Oh.

Dipper: Um...who are you two?

Mark: Hello everybody my name is Markiplier. Well, at least that's my YouTube name. My name's Mark! Nice to meet you!

Jack: Hey! My name's Séan, but everybody calls me Jack! My YouTube name is Jacksepticeye.

Phil: Welcome guys!

Dan: To this house of madness!

Mark: Okay, so we've introduced ourselves...

Jack: But who are all of you?

Phil: Hi! My name is Phil, and this *gestures to Dan* is my boyfriend Dan.

Dan: *motions* Hi.

Bill: The name's Bill Cipher! Nice to meet you.

Dipper: I'm Dipper, and Bill is my boyfriend.

Phantom: Hey, my name's Phantom! *pulls Danny to him* And this is my boyfriend Danny!

Danny: *waves* Hey!

Mark and Jack: Hi!

Jack: Is that a-

Me, Omega, and Astro: *burst through the door* WE'RE BACK!

Everyone besides Jack and Mark: *anime sweat drops* Oh shit.

Me: What? We're not that bad.

Omega: Yeah, this is making your lives a little more interesting! But let's finish up the question the reader gave us first before we have some fun. *evil laugh*

Everyone besides Me, Astro, and Omega: NOOOOOOOO!

Me: Yes yes, now back to the question.

Omega: I mean if we're talking about funny lies I told you that I had kidnapped your brother and dressed him in a frilly princess dress and put a full ensemble of makeup on him.

Me: I thought that was for real! I was so happy that whole day! Although maybe that's why he looked so confused when I was laughing at him the whole afternoon...

Omega: A sad lie would be, ummm, what was it?

Me: When you said that you were moving away and I would never be able to see or talk to you ever again.

Omega: Yeah... I'm sorry! *cries*

Emo Child: I HEAR CRYING! *blur of black appears* MISERY IS THE AIR I BREATHE!

Me: S.O.! You is here! *smiles cheerily and tackles her in a hug*

Omega: And the messed up family tree has come full circle. Who else is going to appear? 240-Cookies-4-Sale or I-Hate-Oranges?

Emo Child: *ignored mother* *hugs Fury back and kisses her cheek*

Me: *smiles*

Astro: NO PDA! I don't wish to see my child getting it on!

Me: I'm the one having to deal with these *motions at Dan and Phil*, those *motions at Phantom and Danny*, and the rest of them *motions to Bill, Dipper, Jack, Mark* Oh and those two *squint and points at Anti and Dark who appear*

Everyone besides Me, Omega, Astro, and Emo Child: *ukes jump into the semes arms* AHH!

Mark: What the hell are you two doing out here?

Dark: None of your fucking buisness. *sits down and pulls Anti onto lap*

Anti: *smirks at Jack*

Jack: *huffs and looks away* We're taking it slow okay!

Anti: You miss out a lot. And by a lot I mean Dark or Mark's huge-

Jack: Shut up shut up shut up shut up!

Me: Okay break it up you two!

Omega: Anti's not wrong though.


Omega: A true mastermind never reveals her sources. *pulls out polaroid camera and a huge swath of film* I am selling these for 5 bucks a strip.

Emo Child: I would buy that.

Me: I............actually would...........probably.

Omega: Since you guys are my child and my soon-to-be-in-law, you get a 10% discount!

Emo Child: What if I just watch it and don't buy it?

Omega: Then you'd have to rent it. Renting cost $1 for 3 days. And each strip is only 10 minutes long, so to buy the whole long thing costs more.

Emo Child: how many strips is this thing?

Me: Oooo! Do you have the Dan and Phil sex tape thing?

Omega: *pulls out another roll of tape* Indeed I do.

Dan: OhmygodPhildidyouknowaboutthiswhyOmegathatisprivatePhilismineandmineonly. *heavy breathing*

Phil: WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THAT?! ONLY I GET TO SEE MY DANNY'S BODY! (please remember this is punk Phil and pastel Dan.)

Omega: Please, I've seen pretty much everyone here naked except for Fury.

Emo Child: Wut?

Omega: I'm your mother hun, I've seen you naked many times.

Emo Child: Thanks mum, you made it sexual.

Me: You do realize there is another 'Danny' in the room right? And no. No you have not.

Phantom: What! Danny? Did you cheat on me?

Danny: NO! How did it come from talking about lies to this?

Omega: I am quite good at changing things up. Readers should prepare themselves for a lot more dirty stuff~ (Though no sex outright of course, but there shall be innuendos of many sorts.)

Me: Yes. Our lunch table/family is a mess.

Emo Child: Speaking of lunch, I'm fucking starving.

Me: Same.

Astro: I'm back bitches, what's u- Oh holy shit what happened?

Everyone (including Omega): *points at Omega*

The room is pretty much trashed, the sex tapes are playing on the telly, Phantom is collapsed on the couch, Danny is yelling at Phantom in an attempt to convince him that no, he did not cheat, Phil and Dan are chasing Omega around the room, Anti and Dark are making out, Fury is filming everything with Emo Child as the commentary, Jack and Mark have disappeared back upstairs (hmm what may they be doing?), and Bill and Dipper are peering fearfully from the staircases.

Me: Well, I'm just going to wrap this up now *hands Emo Child the camera*. That's all for now. Leave a comment with a truth/dare bellow. What did you think? Till next time, Bye!

Omega: Also, apologies for going off task and the introduction of 5 new characters. If any of the readers felt that the chapter was too much, please comment and all 4 of us writers (Fury, Omega, Astro, and Emo Child) will do our best to remedy that in future chapters.

Emo Child: That's a wrap crew!

Me: Okay, now bye!


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