♗ | calm before the storm

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Angelo woke up somewhere he hadn't expected to; his own bed. He opened his eyes slowly, sitting himself up a bit and wincing. He examined the bandages wrapped around his wrists, running his fingers over the cut on the bridge of his nose and wincing.

Ryan was perched in the window, palms flat and nose pressed to the glass. He looked upset, so of course, Angelo spoke up. "Hey.. What ah.. What's up-..? You seem sad.."

Pouting, Ryan let himself fall backward onto the floor with a thud. For a split second, Angelo was convinced poor Ryan was going to have a temper tantrum.

"Chris made Ricky go home, an' he's working on packing his shit cause it's not safe around here anymore, and he told me to tell you to pack your stuff too, but I miss Ricky and this isn't fair, I like it here, and-" Ryan babbled.

Angelo covered his eyes, dragging his hands down his face. "I like it here too, Ry.. It's home. But-.. I dunno.. Weird shit has happened. If Chris says it's not safe, I suppose we should listen.." He said quietly.

Ryan huffed, crossing his arms. He was scowling, pouting dramatically at the ceiling. "I don' like this, Ange, Hell isn't my sort of place- I don't like it there! And Ricky doesn't like limbo, so m'not goin' there if it makes him uncomfortable, an'-" He cut himself off, blinking. "An' you've got no clue what I'm talking about," He whined.

He sat up before getting to his feet, still pouting. "Chris lives in Hell, and by default, so does Ricky. They like it there cause it's home.. I hate it," Ryan began to explain, and Angelo listened quietly. "I don't mind limbo so much. It's like earth on marijuana, sorta.. People act funny. It's like.. well..

It's like being really low on sleep and staying up to watch old cartoons at three in the morning. That uncomfortable-comfortable feeling." Ryan said, and Angelo nodded, carefully getting to his feet. His knees nearly buckled, and he grabbed hold of the windowsill to stop himself from hitting the ground.

Vertigo was hitting him like a brick, and he could hardly focus. Anything he looked at swiftly turned onto it's side- almost upside down entirely, at times. "I feel like shit," He complained softly.

Ryan pushed him to sit down again, being careful to avoid putting pressure on any of Angelo's injuries, not wanting to hurt him. "Stay there. I'll pack your stuff," He said, and Angelo sighed, hesitantly agreeing,

He actually missed Chris, strangely enough as it would seem. He missed feeling.. safe. Sure, he had Ryan, but Ryan provided comfort more than the feeling of safety, Angelo had decided.

Angelo leaned back against the mattress and let his eyes slip shut, listening to Ryan when he began to speak again.

"I'm sorry you're feeling yucky.. Ricky wanted me to apologize to you as well.. He kinda used me as an outlet the other day, and that effected you more than he thought it would.." He explained as he began folding clothes and placing them in a dufflebag, quiet.

Angelo shifted to lay on his side, covering his face with his hands. "I don't feel good, Ry.." He sighed shakily. Ryan frowned. "Not good how? Do I need to call someone?" He asked with a worried tone.

Unsure, Angelo shrugged pathetically. It was becoming more of an 'I don't know why I feel this way, and it's scaring me' situation to the point that Angelo was ready to break down crying for no reason at all.

"Can you like-" Ryan paused, a bit shaky. He'd never done well in stressful situations.  "Tell me how it's like-..? Like.. what are you feeling-..?"

"It's like.." Angelo sniffled, shrugging. "Vertigo, kind of. My head hurts, and I'm shaky- I-I feel really.. I dunno.. weak-..?" He said softly, trying to calm down for Ryan's sake.

"I don't wanna freak you out, but that could be one of a few things, I think.. Either your magic is building up again and you'll end up doing something dumb, probably.. or maybe someone put a spell on you or something- in which case, w-well, you could die.. or maybe you're dehydrated..?" Ryan said softly. "I'll call Chris," He said.

Angelo winced, shaking. "Ok-kay.."

The calm before the storm really hadn't lasted very long at all, so it would seem.

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