♗ | devin

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A/N: aye just a lil notice, i put that new ghauro story up lmao. i write too damn much okay, sue me. it's sirens and shit. no one really writes about sirens.

Walking into Mr. Motionless's classroom after school might not have been so uncomfortable if it hadn't been for the fact that Angelo's favourite teacher was arguing profusely with the substitute from the other day.

The argument came to a screeching stop when Angelo walked in, however, which was all sorts of awkward.

The sub teacher folded her arms across her chest. "So," She stated, sauntering over to Angelo and crooking a finger over his chin to make him look up at her. "You're Chrissy's new toy," She said, tilting her head and looking Angelo up and down. "No wonder why. You look like you have the same closet as him," She said.

Chris pursed his lips. "Devin, he's on my side. You could be, too, if you weren't such a power hungry bitch," He said bitterly, walking over for the sole purpose of getting some distance between Angelo and Devin, who was still eyeing the other.

"So, how has Josh been?" Chris grumbled, eyes narrowed. Devin gave a pout. "He left me for Ryan-Ashley. Love, and all of that mushy gushy shit. Why wouldn't you know, given Ryan-Ashley's one of your people?" she said.

Chris glared. "I don't have contact with any of my people up here. You should know. How's your dog, then? I quite liked him. A dopey little thing, but useful nonetheless. It's a damn shame he sided with you." Chris said.

Devin smiled innocently and bat her eyelashes, twirling a lock of hair. "My little Vinny will do anything I ask as long as it makes me happy. A real gentlemen if you ask me." She chimed. "He's been so good lately. He's learning quick."

"Excuse me," Angelo sighed, tapping his foot.

"And why are you still here, then? I mean, if you'd rather be with him. Angelo is already on my side, dear. He wont switch for you." Chris said.

"I could get him on my side easily." Devin scoffed. "All you have going for you is a decent sized cock and a voice that seems to make people drool," She stated.

Chris scoffed. "Decent isn't the word."

"Keep talking yourself up, honey," Devin snit.

"Excuse me," Angelo repeated again. He was blushing horribly by then, but he tried to ignore it, snapping his fingers. "But what the fuck is going on? I sorta needed help with my English essay," He said impatiently.

Despite the rather sexual conversation and things that were making no sense at all to poor Angelo, his biggest worry was indeed an essay of all things.

Devin blinked, and Chris just looked.. Angelo couldn't place the look. Surprised, possibly? He didn't quite know.

"Right," Chris said, clapping his hands together. "The essay." He said. "So, Devin, out you go," He said, trying to usher her toward the door. "Because I have work to do.." He stated. "We can discuss any and all things that absolutely require discussing, later." He said.

Devin rolled her eyes, pouting some more. "Oh, fine." He groaned. Chris pursed his lips, making sure Devin walked away before closing the door and walking back to Angelo, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Right, love, what did you need help with? The essay isn't due until-"

"I didn't need help with it," Angelo groaned. "I just didn't want whoever the fuck that was to stick around. I have questions, but I didn't want to be rude or anything.." He said, scratching the back of his neck and frowning a bit.

Chris quirked an eyebrow. "Oh-..? Well, that's very.. considerate.. of you, dear." He said, leaning against the wall a bit. "What did you want to ask me, hm?"

Angelo bit his lip. "You're like me, right..? Why-.. What's so special about me? Why do you want me on 'your side' or whatever-..? Why did that lady want me on her side-..? I'm so damn confused, and it's stressing me out.." He said with a small sigh.

Chris reached a hand down to tuck a strand of inky black hair behind Angelo's ear. "You're just very special." He said calmly, and Angelo glanced away. "I can't tell you everything- some things, you just need to find out for yourself. But what I can tell you, is that you have a lot of potential." Chris said, tilting Angelo's head up a bit. "And I'd hate to see that potential go to waste, my dear."

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