♗ | familiar

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A/N: alright so i swear i wont do this ever chapter, but i did another one of those doodle things, ^ so. yep.
. . .

Angelo peeked up at Chris, picking at a thread that had come loose on his sweater. "You wanted to talk, sir?" He said, tilting his head slightly.

Mr. Motionless flashed a brief smirk. "You did say your cat got out the other day, right?" He asked, sitting down on top of the desk in front of Angelo's, crossing one leg over the other.

"Yeah," Angelo murmured, eyes lighting up. "Did you happen to find him?" He almost blurted, to which Chris nodded. "Mhmm. He's quite fond of my pets as well, I've noticed." He said, tilting his head. "Green eyes, if I'm not mistaken? It's hard to forget eyes like his, if I'm honest."

Angelo nodded a little, thinking. Ryan usually hated other animals, but he supposed if Ryan could have decided he liked the outside world, maybe he'd taken a liking to other animals as well. "Yeah, yeah.." He murmured. "If you don't mind my asking, what pets do you have, exactly? Ryan usually doesn't do that great, so I'm curious.."

Chris tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "A cat, and a dog." He answered. "If you aren't busy, you could swing by my place to fetch Ryan.". He suggested.

In that moment, all the 'don't go home with people you don't know' lectures went blank from Angelo's mind. Because he wanted his cat back, and he was damn well going to get him.

"Sounds great.. Is now okay? I ah.. I have an optometrist appointment at four thirty.." Angelo lied. He didn't actually have anything to do. So he wasn't fully sure of why he had lied, aside from a gut feeling. Not that he figured Chris would hurt him, but something about making him think he had somewhere to be did put a sense of safety in his head.

"Of course," Chris said, offering a hand as he stood up. For whatever reason, Angelo took Chris's hand. And, he didn't want to let go. Chris had rather soft hands, which was.. pleasant, Angelo had decided. And, Mr. Motionless smelled like candles. Which, was also quite nice.

Angelo almost whined when Chris let go of his hand as they reached the door, heading outside.

"So," Chris said, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Tell me, dear," He droned. "Do you believe in the supernatural?" He casually asked, glancing at Angelo for a brief moment.

Angelo, a bit taken aback, paused. "Well, yes," He answered finally. "I do, actually. I mean, think about it. The world is so big- the universe is even bigger.. If anything is actually impossible, it would be that the supernatural doesn't exist, y'know?"

A smirk crept onto his teacher's lips. "I like the way you think, love. Would you believe me if I were to tell you that you're cat isn't quite normal?" Chris asked.

Angelo laughed. "I know he isn't normal," He smiled. Chris cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so?" He asked. Angelo just grinned and shook his head. "He's a great cat. I'm a dog person, so you know damn well he's something special if I like him." He said.

Chris seeped a sigh, but chuckled anyway. "That isn't quite what I meant." He said.  Angelo frowned. "Well, what did you mean, then?" He asked, curiosity lacing his soft tone.

"Do you happen to know anything about spirit guides, or anything of similar sort?" Chris inquired. "It's not my place to explain everything to you. Ryan should be the one to do it," He said.

"Sir? Ryan's a cat. He can't-" Angelo said, Chris cutting him off. "It's a lovely day today." He said dramatically, glancing at the dark clouds forming overhead.

He slipped a set of keys from his pocket, jingling them as he lead Angelo up the porch steps of his home, a rather old looking cottage of sorts. It looked homey, Angelo thought to himself.

Angelo squeaked at the loud barking from a wolf-like dog sat a few feet back from the door, blue eyes widening briefly at the sound. He relaxed when Chris calmed the dog down, seeping a sigh.

Stealing a glance around the house, it wasn't hard to see why Ryan liked Chris's cat so much. The two of them were curled up on the couch, Ryan watching the wolf of a dog very carefully, huddled up against a ball of white fluff that Angelo had identified to be a cat that contrasted Ryan in colour.

"Awwh.." Angelo gushed. "I can see why Ryan likes him so much.." He murmured. "What's his name?" He asked.

Mr. Motionless pat the dog's head and slid his shoes off before sauntering across the room to the couch, carefully scooping the white ball of fluff up, causing Ryan to meow in disapproval before arching his back in a stretch and hopping off the couch, striding over to Angelo and brushing up against his legs habitually. A hello, of sorts.

Angelo reached down, petting Ryan and scratching behind his ears, smiling at the familiar sound of Ryan's purring.

"I do believe you saw him briefly the other day, but his name is Ricky." Chris explained, and Angelo couldn't help but stare in confusion.

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