♗ | intriguing

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A/N: quick question. would anyone be interested if i ever did a rewrite of 'reversed'? and if so, which ship? i suck at ghorror, but i'd try again if it was really that important to anyone :b i'm just curious. i have a few stories planned, but i dunno. there's so much i wanna publish, but i always jump into things and i just feel like i should slow the fuck down y'know?
. . .

Angelo watched Ryan carefully after having brought him to school.. After all, his beloved pet had acted so unusually in the presence of someone he had never made any contact with before. "You sure like Mr. Motionless," Angelo said, petting Ryan and scratching under his chin. "That's pretty weird, huh?" He asked quietly, glancing out the open window as the wind began to pick up outside.

In response, Ryan nuzzled Angelo's hand, just like he always did. Aside from being so friendly with Angelo's English teacher, he was acting completely normal. In fact, there was nothing out of the ordinary about Ryan's recent behavior.

Well.. Aside from trying to leave the house quite often. That was only expected of a cat who spent his days cooped up in a house all day, though.. Was it not?

Seeping a sigh, Angelo frowned a bit and rose to his feet from where he had been sitting in his bed and wandering to the window,  pulling it shut and glancing at Ryan. "You're a good cat.." He said, talking to Ryan being a habit of his. He had always spoken to him, even if he doubted his very much adored pet could understand but a single word of it.

Ryan only plopped down at the edge of the bed, staring off nowhere in particular. Angelo pat the cat's head once more, wandering to the bathroom and turning the shower on. After a moment, Angelo got undressed and stepped into the shower, which was scalding hot. He didn't even flinch at the temperature of the water, simply reaching down and turning the cold water on a bit more to even things out.

He took his time with showering, standing under the spray of the water for a long while before getting out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around his waist, Angelo walked out of the bathroom, blinking when he saw his bedroom door closed. He didn't remember closing it.

Shaking his head and silently insisting it was just his tiredness getting to him. He opened the door and stared at the now wide open window of his bedroom.

"I closed this." He thought out loud, narrowing his eyes a bit. "I know I did.." He said, walking over and shivering a bit as he pulled the window shut again, even going so far as to close the curtains.

He glanced around, tensing up once he realized that his adored cat was nowhere in sight. "Ryan?" He called, hoping his cat had just hidden himself away somewhere in the clutter of Ange's room. "Ryan," He called again desperately.

Nothing at all. He got dressed quickly, scampering downstairs. If the window had been open, Ryan could have very well gotten out.

The frigid air of October bit at Angelo as he walked, glancing occasionally at the sky which was dimming ever so slowly. The smell of leaves and the sound of them rustling along the asphalt was the only thing keeping Angelo calm as he wandered the street, searching for his cat.

He called out now and then, wrapping his arms around himself as he looked around. Sixteen years of Ryan being around couldn't just disappear. Angelo wasn't willing to let that happen; Ryan was his best friend, and the only thing that had ever always been there for him. He wasn't willing to let go.

It was then that Angelo decided that even if it would take staying out all night, he was going to find his cat.

The sound of thunder only made Angelo's heart sink. Ryan hated thunderstorms.. The teen just pulled his hood up and continued his search, miserable and sleepy. Angelo wanted to cry. It might have seemed silly to anyone else, but Ryan meant the world to Angelo.

Shivering and sopping wet, Angelo walked home at around two in the morning. The sadness he felt was indescribable- it was like he had been stabbed right through the heart. He curled up on the couch, drifting in and out of sleep.

School would be absolute Hell- more so than usual,- knowing that his cat was out there somewhere, all on his own. Angelo's heart was broken.

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