♗ | relapse

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A/N: quick lil thing- i asked friends outside of wattpad as well about the vote from the last chapter. Capricorn (the chris/ryan option) got the popular vote, and i'll be publishing that soon after this update.

Chris looked rather drained after doing whatever it was he'd been doing. Ryan, however, seemed back to his old self, and for that, Angelo was more than thankful.

"Here, sit down.." Angelo said softly, guiding Chris to the couch. Even a toughass like himself had to understand that needing help wasn't shameful, so, he said nothing and just accepted Angelo's help. Devin seemed to be holding up much better than Chris, somehow.

"Why are you so-.." Angelo trailed off awkwardly. "You-..? Chris seems exhausted," He sighed. Devin was checking her nails. "I'm a woman, dear. Us ladies hold a lot better than you silly boys. Did Vinny show yet?"

"Yeah, he separated an entire box of cereal into a shit ton of different piles.." Angelo said, waving a hand toward the kitchen. Devin smirked a bit, tucking some hair behind her ears. "Thank you," She said sweetly, walking off to, Angelo assumed, see Vinny.

"Are you okay..?" Angelo asked Chris softly. Chris just leaned his head back and covered his eyes with his hands. "I'm alright, angel. I just need a few minutes.." He said quietly.

Angelo nodded. "I'm going to go make some coffee.." He said, turning on his heels and making his way to the kitchen.

Devin had her arms around Vinny,s waist, talking to him quietly. Angelo knee Devin was tall, but with her being tall and Vinny being short, it proved to be a rather adorable picture. He didn't stare, though, getting right to work at making coffee.

"It's not that bad," Vinny spoke softly, playing with his fingers. "I feel alright, honest.." He whined.

Devin sighed. "If it hurts, even if it's just a little, that's concerning." She scolded softly. "If it hurts, even a teeny tiny bit, you tell me. Are we clear on that?" She said.

There was no response for a moment, and Angelo glanced over his shoulder at the pair. "It hurts.." Vinny finally spoke up.

"Pardon my interruption," Angelo frowned, "But if I may ask, what's the matter-..?" He asked. If he could help in any way, he would be more than willing..

"Vinny doesn't understand the concept of speaking up when things are hurting him," Devin grumbled, "And he knows it could be a real problem." She muttered, fingertips lightly trailing over the scar on Vinny's cheek, just to see the reaction.

It wasn't good, that much was obvious. Vinny squeaked and ducked down away from Devin's hand, a bit like a child. "Ow, ow, ow-!" He whined, whimpering and wincing.

Angelo blinked. "It didn't seem to be hurting you awhile ago.. When did that start? I'm no doctor, but it doesn't seem like scars should hurt you like that." He said.

"It's a relapse." Devin grumbled. "It's been a long time, and it shouldn't be happening, but if it's hurting him that badly, I'll have to figure out a way to fix him."

"He said he got that scar in a hunting accident. If it's just that one little-" Angelo said, cut off by a scoff from Devin, who pulled Vinny out in front of her and pushed his sleeves up, lifting his shirt. His arms and torso were littered with scars, some small and some long enough to twist around in odd patterns. "A hunting accident, hm?" She mused, resting her chin on Vinny's shoulder and placing her hands on his chest, not giving him much room to squirm around, even though it obviously hurt him.

"If he would have just stayed back, the thing that did this would have gotten me. I'm strong enough to deal, but him," Devin mumbled, "He's young and weak in any department that involves toxins or poisons. Sure, he can fight, but he doesn't think things through enough. I'll get this sorted. Let Chris know I'll be back soon," She said, sliding her hands down to Vinny's hips before letting go and grabbing his hands instead, walking him out the back door from the kitchen.

Angelo sighed, leaning back on the counter. "This is the life I'm living." He muttered to himself. "Peachy."

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