♗ | reveal

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A/N: as always, flashbacks aren't necessarily in order. i might have one more flashback chapter after this, and then i promise i'll get back to the current events. this shit will be important tho.
. . .

"You try too hard," Trevor said, grabbing a twig off of the ground. "You'll hurt yourself," He almost snorted. Chris sneered and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah.." He said. "I'm not good at all of this fire bullshit like you, though. I don't fuck with water like Nikki.. I can't pull an Exorcist gimmick like Nicholas can.. I'm starting to think I'm not that important." He grumbled as they walked along.

Trevor shrugged. "Everyone's important right now. You're on their list, just like we are. Sure, it's not a good thing, but it means you're valuable, even if you don't know it." He tried to reason.

Chris shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He and Trevor both flinched at an awful screeching sound, though, and Trevor actually covered his ears for a moment. "The fuck is that?" He half hissed.

Frowning, Chris replied, "It's a possum. Don't ask how I know that, either, you cunt." He muttered as he started off in the direction of the sound. "It sounds hurt.." He said miserably. Trevor jogged to catch up, saying, "Well, this isn't exactly a good place. This is like.. home of the fucking undead. When do you ever see animals around here? Almost never. Know why? Because they're too smart to come here."

He wasn't wrong. The section of the forest they were passing through was darkest of all, home to all sorts of disgusting undead creatures and mutated monstrosities from the Underworld itself. It wasn't a very large section of the forest, but negative energy built up there, and the inhabitants didn't stray often from it.

Chris was always very sensitive when it came to animals. He had little to no remorse for human-like creatures, but animals.. they never deserved to hurt.

When he saw the poor thing huddled up and bloodied, it quite literally was missing a chunk of it's body, the wound already festering. Chris knelt down, and Trevor kept watch for whatever had harmed the poor thing.

Sure, it tried to bite him, but once Chris got the possum calmed down, he tried his best to heal it. It wad the one thing he did well in; healing. He hadn't yet revealed that the opposite of healing was also a talent of his, but it didn't matter then.

"Shhh.." He mumbled, and Trevor watched over Chris's shoulder at the sight of the wound mending itself and closing up. "Holy fuck," Trevor mumbled, watching the little animal immediately scamper off into the shadows. "I think you could consider that your thing. I couldn't have done that even if I had tried." Hd mumbled.

Chris sighed and stood up. "I've been practicing." He stated. He had found a kitten a few days previous, Mike having dragged the little thing home early in the morning, grumbling about how 'it' was a familiar as well, and how 'it' needed help, he supposed.

Trying his best to patch the poor kitten up, Chris had eventually received a name; Ricky.

A/N: this is short as fuck i'M SORRY OKAY I'M TIRED.

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