♗ | snake

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 A/N: little announcement. as a writer, i always feel the need to push myself to write things i might not like- such as genderbends. but of course i'll add shit i do like, which is why i'm going to attempt to write a femdom story. bite me. i find femdom really attractive, not gonna lie.... ah, anyway. if you haven't guessed, it's gonna be ghauro. ghost, of course, being a chick. so expect that in the potentially near future. if anyone has any tips on how to write anything like that, shoot them my way, please.

. . .

Angelo sighed and laid back in bed, Ryan hopping up to lay beside him before turning human again. Cats will be cats, of course, so Ryan went right to his habit of playing with the strings of Angelo's hoodie, biting them a bit. Oddly enough, it didn't bother Angelo at all. 

"You look all sad 'n stuff," Ryan noted while he continued biting at the already heavily chewed up string. He always preferred the left strings, for whatever reason, so it had more damage than the latter. "D'you miss Chris?" He asked casually, peering up at Angelo, who had his eyes closed. He was tired- but seven o'clock was just too damn early to sleep. 

Angelo felt the colour rising to his cheeks. Ryan wasn't wrong; he did miss Chris. But he wasn't fully sure of why, because hell, Chris was his teacher. Then again, there was something exhilarating about the idea of it all. Having a casual crush on a teacher was a middle school thing, Angelo thought. But thinking about how much you want to be in bed with a teacher.. that wasn't normal. He knew it wasn't. It was dirty.. but again, it was just so exhilarating a thought. 

Ryan's question went unanswered, and Angelo instead replied with a question himself. "Do you miss Ricky..?" He asked. Ryan kept chewing on the string of the hoodie, emerald eyes finding their way to the window. "Mh.. I always miss 'im.." He said with a slight pout. 

Angelo opened his eyes. "How long have you two-..?" He trailed off. 

Ryan twirled his hair a bit. "A long time. He used'ta sneak off to come 'n see me sometimes, 'n Chris was never too happy 'bout it.. So we sorta just told him. S'okay now though." He said. "Ricky's everything I've got, 'side from you.." He smiled a bit. "I like having you though, cause Ricky doesn't pet me," He said lightheartedly, shifting back into a cat to snuggle up to Angelo once he heard the front door open downstairs. 

The last thing either of them needed was Angelo's mother questioning the stranger in his bedroom at nearly seven thirty in the evening.

Angelo was genuinely falling right the fuck asleep when his mom opened the door to check in on him. She didn't say anything, likely thinking he was asleep. Soon enough, he was. He was just too exhausted to keep his eyes open any longer. 

Ryan made his way to the windowsill and sat himself there, just watching. He always did; he didn't sleep when Angelo did. Not ever. Because when Angelo was sleeping, he was vulnerable. And Ryan's job was, and always had been, protecting his master. That's how it had always been and always would be.

A/N: sorry, this is like.. a filler. idk

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