♗ | strange

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A/N: the photo doesn't have too much to do w/ this chapter (well, sort of), i just wanted to use it for something bc i spent like 30 minutes on it 😂 also; sorry i keep unpublishing stories, it always happens /:
. . .

Angelo had to force himself to get out of bed on Monday morning. Ryan hadn't come home the whole weekend, and Angelo's worry had skyrocketed. What if something bad had happened to him? What if he was never coming back? The thought alone was enough to make the teen sick to his stomach with stress.

First period, there was a new face in the Global room. She didn't look quite like a substitute teacher was the right job for her, Angelo had thought to himself. In fact, she looked more like a stripper. It was.. strange, really.

She was rather tall for a woman, and the high heels didn't help. The short dress she wore had most of the straight boys drooling, truth be told, and her dark eyes were enough to make anyone freeze. She was intimidating. Very intimidating.

Her hazel eyes brought but one thought to Angelo's eyes, though he wasn't sure of why. Snake. It was an odd thought to have about someone so beautiful, but then again, looks can be deceiving.

Angelo sat down silently, letting his eyes slip shut as he listened to the chattering of his peers. He thought of Ryan, making sure to remember every single detail about him. He missed him.

The tapping sound of an acrylic nail on the top of his desk brought Angelo back to reality, and he almost jumped at realizing his substitute teacher's hazel eyes locked on his. She flattened her hands on top of the desk, leaning down a bit. Angelo wanted to gag at all of the boys staring at her ass. Sure, she was pretty, but staring is rude.

"Mr. Parente, class started five minutes ago. This isn't time to daydream," The vixen noted, standing up straight and folding her arms across her chest. Angelo swallowed thickly, looking down and playing with his fingers. A habit of his.

"Sorry, ma'am. I'm not really with it today.." Angelo mumbled awkwardly. The teacher cocker her head to the side, and Angelo swore he saw a smirk creep onto her plump lips. "Quite obvious, love. Just pay attention and we shouldn't have an issue," She mused. "Did you hear a word of what I said, or shall I have to explain it again?" She asked, glancing around the room. "Anyone else not with the program? Hm?"

Angelo bit down on his tongue, eyes scanning the whiteboard for a name. Mrs. Sola. Such an ordinary name for someone so far from ordinary.. Weird.

Class seemed to last forever, and Angelo was eager to just leave. It wasn't that he had any particular problem with the sub teacher, it was just something about her didn't settle properly with him. That, and he had never been so embarrassed in a class before- let alone at a substitute's hand.

By English class, Angelo was absolutely exhausted. He wasn't late, though, which was why he was rather surprised when Mr. Motionless had pulled him aside to have a word with him. Ange sighed, worried that for whatever reason, he'd be getting yet another detention.

Strangely enough, though, part of him wanted a detention. It seemed so inappropriate, but Angelo quite liked having to stay after school. with his English teacher. Not being one to lie to himself, Angelo had decided that he did indeed have a small crush on Chris. Even his name was enough to make Angelo feel rather weak at the knees.

The way he carried himself was also attractive in Angelo's eyes. Chris was a strong individual, from everything from the way he spoke to the way he walked. Angelo would be a fool to deny having had a fantasy or two about Chris. It almost seemed like Mr. Motionless just knew what Angelo was thinking. That made him both nervous, and somewhat excited.

He shook the thought aside, though, peeking up at Chris. "Yes, sir?" Angelo asked in the sweetest tone he could muster, trying hard not to sound too tired.

Chris ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek, and over his lip piercings. "See me after class, would you? I have some good news that I think you'd be pleased to hear about, but I don't wish to take time out of class to discuss it, given your classmates don't have as well a grasp on the current material as you may." Chris explained.

Ange nodded slightly. "Right- Of course.." He said, and his teacher flashed a small smile before heading back off to the front of the room to discuss the task he had given the class.

Closing his eyes briefly, Angelo took a slow, deep breath. Being sat by the opened window, he could easily smell the forest. Pine needles and fallen leaves, he decided. Ryan always liked to watch the leaves fall from the tree that was a short ways away from Angelo's bedroom window. Ryan would always paw at the glass like he was trying to swat at the leaves, only to realize he couldn't do much. Only to try again moments later, of course.

Angelo missed Ryan so much..

He tried not to think of the things that could have happened to him, though, instead trying to think of what Mr. Motionless wanted to speak with him about. The end of class just could not come any sooner.

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