♗ | suffer

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Angelo's day was absolutely horrible from the moment he stepped into school. Something about knowing Ryan was out on his own just seemed to bring bad look, and an uneasy feeling about him.

It was as if a cloud of negativity shrouded him throughout the day. He was late to every single class, though he didn't walk any slower than normal.. It was just so odd. It was almost like he had lost all his good luck in losing his beloved cat.

As expected, he did indeed receive a detention from Mr. Motionless, whom was nit fond of anyone being late. Angelo's other teachers had dismissed his tardiness, as he was typically a good student, but Mr. Motionless was another story.

Angelo did not budge when the bell rang, and he ignored his classmates flooding out of the classroom, eager to go home for the weekend. He heaved a sigh, putting his head down tiredly.

For a few minutes, Mr. Motionless remained at his desk, typing away at whatever he was doing on his laptop. Occasionally, Angelo would hear the shuffling of papers.

Without looking up, his teacher spoke. "You seem rather upset today, Mr. Parente. It's unlike you to seem so.. off. Is something the matter?" He asked, sounding almost bored in his asking. Angelo could hear a faint trace of curiosity in his teacher, though. So, he provided a simple answer.

"Ryan.. He got out last night. I was out looking for him until around two o'clock this morning.." He explained. There was a very brief half in Mr. Motionless's typing. "Oh, is that so?" He chimed. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Angelo just sighed and let his eyes slip shut. Only for a moment. Or, so he thought. When he opened his eyes, Mr. Motionless was talking to someone. Not wanting to interrupt, Angelo said nothing. Instead, he focused on who his teacher was talking to.

He was a short looking male, with choppy black hair and blue eyes similar to Angelo's. He spoke in whispers, and occasionally, he would just.. twitch. Sometimes it was his hand, other times his shoulder. If it was neither of those, it was a quick, jerking movement that, in Angelo's eyes, looked almost painful.

"I don't like it here, Chris," The mystery man said. "It makes me feel alive.." He murmured. "I miss home, I want to go home.. Why can't we?"

"Because there's work to be done. I'm still figuring things out," Mr. Motionless- Chris,- sighed, walking behind his desk briefly, looking through a drawer. "If it's bothering you so much, I wont make you suffer. I'm not that cruel." He said numbly, showing the shorter man what Angelo decided was a key.

That was when Angelo noticed the collar fastened rather snugly around the blue eyed male's neck.

Chris reached one hand forward, tucking some hair behind his companion's ear. "You're doing better than I thought you'd be, though." He said, moving his hands to the collar. He hooked a finger through the loop on it and pulled the boy closer. "I'm proud of you, Ricky." He stated.

Angelo only had three words on his mind for a solid minute. What the fuck.

He wasn't sure what he was seeing. Maybe he was dreaming, or maybe not. But either way, the situation made him feel rather odd about.. well, everything.

Chris unlocked Ricky's collar, and the noise when it hit the ground caused Angelo to jump, snagging the attention of both his teacher, and Ricky, who stared for a moment.

"Ricky, I'll have to speak with you later.." Chris mumbled, ushering Ricky- who looked confused, asking question after question,- out of the classroom. After speaking with him for another minute or so, Chris closed- and locked- the door, which made Angelo rather nervous.

Angelo sat up, blue eyes locked on Chris as he walked over, leaning down slightly to be at eye level with his student. Truth be told, the confusion and twinge of fear in Angelo's eyes made Chris rather happy.

It was mainly just the feeling of knowing he was in control, though. In spite of the short amount of time he had known Angelo, Chris did know that his student would likely do just about anything he asked. He just knew.

"How much did you hear?" Mr. Motionless questioned. Angelo held his breath. "Nothing I understood.." Angelo said. "You being creepy.." He mumbled.

Chris smirked and tilted his head, tucking a strand of hair behind Angelo's ear. "If I was really so.. what did you say? Creepy, is it? You would have tried to leave by now," He said, standing up straight once again, looking down at Angelo. "But you haven't. Because you don't want to," He said, "Isn't that right?"

For whatever reason, Angelo nodded in response, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. He didn't say anything, only because he couldn't. He physically could not force any words out of his mouth, so, he didn't bother.

"Precisely." Chris mused. "Now, Mr. Parente, if you'd be so kind as to keep your mouth shut about this little ordeal.." He trailed off, a smirk creeping onto his lips. "I can assure you, you wont have any issues." He said, tilting his head.

Angelo swallowed thickly, pursing his lips briefly before he finally managed to will himself to speak. "I-.." He paused, shutting his eyes and drawing in a slow breath. "I wont say anything, sir.." He said softly.

Chris snickered. "What was that? I can't understand a single word you say when you mumble like that, love." He mused, though in reality he only wanted to hear Angelo address him as 'sir' again. It was just one of those things Chris adored ever so much, especially from the quiet ones with the gentle, innocent voices. Like Angelo.

"I.. I said I wouldn't say anything," Angelo paused before adding a "sir" to the end of his statement. He didn't know why he had done it. It just felt.. right.. to do so. "Promise.." He added.

Chris couldn't help but grin.

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