♗ | truth

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A/N: bit of a shitty chapter.. oh well. anyway. i started another poly fic. it's called 'when the clocks stopped ticking' and it's.. well. let's just say if you're as sadistic as me, you'll probably like it once it gets going.
. . .

"So let me get this straight," Angelo half-whispered, still in shock. "He's your cat.. but.. but he's a human," He muttered. "Like.. Like a spirit guide, or-..? Is your dog a person, too?" Angelo rambled, eyeing Rick up and down. In a matter of seconds, he had gone from a cat, to about five feet and seven inches of- well, human.

Ricky's blue eyes were the only reason Angelo hadn't passed the whole situation off as being drugged. Because the cat's eyes- those bright blue marble-like eyes,- were just exactly alike to this human's, and Angelo just knew. You can't fake eyes like those.

"We're called familiars. Like.. Spirit guides, kind of, for witches and warlocks. Oh, and Mike doesn't like being called a dog," Ricky said, even if he is one." He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking down.

Angelo almost jumped at the tough- but yet oddly enough, quiet,-  voice from the doorframe behind him that lead to the living room. "You shouldn't talk about people behind their backs, you know," He snit.

Angelo spun around and blinked, a bit taken aback. Mike, he assumed, was nearly as tall as Chris, and just as intimidating.

Ricky scrunched his nose up and took a step back to hide himself behind Chris. "Speak of the Devil," He grumbled. "Maybe if you'd quit acting like a-"

"I don't wanna hear shit from you," Mike said, raising his index finger at Ricky. "You're a house cat, for fuck's sake, and-"

"Both of you," Chris spoke, his voice loud, like the cracking of a whip, but somehow, calm. "Shut your mouths." He said, pointing at the staircase. "Mike, just go." He stated. Mike narrowed his eyes. "It's always me, isn't it?" He snit, folding his arms across his chest. "Always me." He added under his breath. "Why? He's as much to blame as me, and-"

"I'll deal with him later. Now go. You know how Ricky feels when you look at him that way, and it's obvious enough that Angelo is rather nervous." Chris said, narrowing his own eyes, which Angelo could swear flashed two different colours- one blue and one red. Blue like Ricky's eyes, and red like Mike's.

Huffing in disapproval, Mike slumped off up the stairs, shooting Ricky one last glare. Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. "I do apologize for their behavior. Mike isn't the best at adapting to our current situation.

"I'm going to assume your next question or statement would have been relating to Ryan, correct?" Chris said, and Angelo nodded a bit, swallowing thickly.

"As I'm sure you can infer," Chris began. "He's a familiar. Yours, to be precise. And he's taken a bit of a liking to my Ricky, I see," He said, glancing at Ricky, who just grinned a bit, scratching the back of his neck.

"So he.. Ryan.. can understand me-..?" Angelo said, still not quite registering everything fully. "I'm not a witch.." He said, dumbfounded. "Ryan-..?" He added awkwardly as he turned to face his cat, meeting the piercing emerald orbs of his eyes.

Just as Ricky had done prior, Ryan changed. His eyes remained their bright emerald shade, of course, and Angelo couldn't help but 'aww' at how happy Ryan looked when Ricky hugged him.

Ryan was a bit shorter than Angelo was, sandy brown hair reaching about shoulder level. When he spoke, however, Angelo had to do a double take. His voice was deep- much deeper than he'd expected to come from someone so.. cute-sie

"I'm sorry I waited so long for all of this.. I was never really going to until Chris came along," Ryan half-mumbled.

Angelo blinked slowly. "It-.. It's ah.. It's okay, I mean.. I just-.. Wow.." He said softly before fainting quite promptly, making both Ricky and Ryan jump.

Chris caught him, sweeping him off of his feet with a sigh. "I suppose I should have expected that," He grumbled, clicking his tongue. "Well.." He said, "I suppose this still counts as progress."

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