♗ | unbreakable

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A/N: any chapters completely in italics are chris's memories.


"Fuck you." He snit, spitting the blood from his mouth. Nikki just winced, because fuck, Chris was only making everything a thousand times worse. "In your dreams, sweetheart. How 'bout," The blonde said, twirling her hair as she walked a circle or two around her captives. Angel or not, she could be quite the bitch.

Regardless, she still found it a bit surprising how bland a fight they put up. Then again, if they were still learning, she couldn't have expected much from them. "..you tell me where Ashley's at, and both of you can walk away from this just fine." She mused. 

Chris glared, and Nikki kept his silence. 

Cold air bit at the two of them, and Nikki refused to so much as look at Maria. He tended to keep to himself anyhow. Normally, dark creatures would have an upper hand, but Maria.. light or not, she had been alive longer than both Chris and Nikki combined. There was no doubt in the duo's minds that there would be no good outcome.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to hurt you," Maria said with a dramatic sigh. "But I suppose it isn't an issue for me." She added. All it took was a flick of her wrist to send Nikki skidding and stumbling across the ice, inevitably losing his balance. "This is your playing field, isn't it? Water, I mean? Such a shame it's frozen," She mused. 

Nikki fell, unable to catch himself. Bare hands and his jaw were left scraped from the crude, frozen surface of the ice. Chris pushed himself up onto his knees, readying himself to at least try if he did have to jump into action. 

Then again, what would he be able to do? Nikki had much more practice than he did. If Maria could win a fight with Nikki, Chris would stand no chance. She wouldn't kill them, surely.. There had to be some sort of warning. If an angel wanted it's hands on a powerful sorceress so badly, there would be Hell to pay if anyone stood in the way.

"Fuck you, bitch," Nikki muttered. Maria grinned. "Maybe later. Tell me where Ashley is. Last chance, boys." She purred. Chris pursed his lips, focused on the ice Nikki was knelt on. "No one's going to hurt Ashley.. As long as I'm breathing, you wont lay a fucking hand on her.." He said softly, followed by an ear splitting crack of the ice. Chris scampered to his feet, then. 

"Nikki, what the fuck are you doing?!" He shouted. His friend shot him a wordless glance before slowly standing up again, walking forward in small, calculated steps toward Maria, who was wielding a blade of some sort. 

Chris felt his heart drop. "You stupid ass!" He nearly squeaked. Ashley could take care of herself. "Nikki, think about this! Think about what you're doing. You're gonna be fucking amazing some day, don't throw that away. Please," He said. There was little he could do. He hadn't yet mastered any power that would have been of any use to him then and there.

"It's okay," Nikki said. "I'm not throwing anything away that isn't already worthless," He added. Maria stepped forward, ducking easily when Nikki threw the first punch. He was much taller than her, but it didn't matter. She swung around, running him through with the blade she held. He didn't struggle.

Chris started to stumble forward, but Nikki clenched his fist, and the ice began to crack and shift. Slipping, Chris could only watch the rest of the fight go down.

Nikki really did try his best, but his forte was water. Not frozen water.. There was very little he could do, but cracking the ice had helped a bit. With Chris unable to put himself at risk, Nikki had access to water, which he indeed did try to use in his fight with Maria.

For awhile, Chris genuinely believed that Nikki was winning. Then, he slipped. In all actuality, one tiny slip was what had hurt him most of all- because it got him on the ground long enough to give Maria the chance to use Nikki's own element against him, ice like daggers piercing his wrists and ankles and keeping him pinned to the ice. 

Chris actually felt tears threatening his eyes. If Nikki did live, he'd never be able to use his powers again. Piercing the wrists was a sure fire way to disable any magic user permanently. Though he himself was far from happy to see Maria holding the blade she'd used to stab poor Nikki originally, Nikki was probably welcoming the idea of death. No magic user would ever want to live without their abilities. 

What hurt Chris most of all was having to hear Nikki crying hysterically, and being unable to help him. The last thing Nikki could say before Maria shoved the blade through his heart was a rather pathetic shout of, "Don't let Ash know I died like this. Tell her I did it to myself, or-"

Maria smirked, crossing her arms and turning to face Chris, who was quite a distance away on his own little slab of ice. "Run along now, Cerulli. Tell all your little friends that the creepy one got killed by a damn angel." She said. As she turned to leave, she threw another glance at Chris. "You know," She said. "Killing yourself sends you straight to Hell."

All Chris could do was scream profanities, shouting any and all cuss words under the sun and sobbing for the first time in fuck only knows how long. Nikki wouldn't have been the first person Maria had killed, let along crucified. The only difference this time was that Nikki didn't have any slashes on his back like Trevor had when he died. 

Making a mental note to kill the blonde bitch at some point, Chris forced himself to calm down before heading off in the direction of home. They'd have to send someone out to retrieve Nikki's body, but Ashley wasn't going to be happy at all.

A/N: shitty chapter, i know. i can't write fight scenes for shit.

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