♗ | venom

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"So.." Angelo said, yawning. Glancing out the window, he wasn't surprised it was pitch black. After all, it was going on one in the morning. Luckily, it was Friday. Well, Saturday by then. "What was wrong with Vinny? Do you know-..? I mean, it seemed important. Something to due with scars and relapses- I didn't catch much." He said.

"Vinny got into an accident," Ricky spoke up. Chris had left nearly an hour ago, saying something about needing to get a few things and that he'd be back eventually. "There's probably still venom in his system from it- that sort of thing.. it's just not easy to get rid of." He said.

He looked rather adorable laying behind Ryan with an arm and a leg swung over the other familiar, who had fallen asleep some time ago. Ricky was playing with his lover's hair, occasionally nuzzling him or kissing the back of his head.

"He told me it was a hunting accident," Angelo said, kicking his shoes off. He wasn't sure why he hadn't done it sooner- it wasn't like he was leaving the house again.

"No one aside from Dev is really sure of what happened exactly. I wasn't home at the time, so I didn't see Vinny much. From what I heard, though, it was bad. The cuts wouldn't stop bleeding, and if he wasn't screaming and crying, he was laughing.." Ricky spoke softly.

"I hear it was shadows of some sort that got him, but they tore him up. He would have been fine if he wasn't so die hard about protecting Dev- I know he cares, but if it had been her, she could have shaken it off easily. Vinny can't just brush damage off like she can.

Anyway, he's had a few relapses because of the venom. In a nutshell, it just makes him go a little wacky for awhile. Like rabies.. except not rabies. Kind of." He explained.

"Right-" Angelo nodded slowly, tired. "You want a blanket..? You're shaking." He noted.

Ricky frowned, not seeming to have noticed. "I suppose I am. Yes please, though.." He murmured.

Angelo stood up, taking the blanket off of the back of the couch and walking over, laying the blanket over Ricky and Ryan. "The floor doesn't seem too comfortable.." He said.

Ricky smiled softly. "It's not.. But Ryan's sleeping, and I don't wanna wake him.. He seems.. I dunno. Happy. And that makes me happy.." He said quietly.

Ange smiled sleepily, sitting back down on the couch. "You two are just so cute together." He murmured. "How long have you been together-..?"

"It's tough to explain.." Ricky sighed. "It feels like forever- he feels like a puzzle piece I've been missing, and everything feels like sunshine and roses now that he's with me.. It's a deja vu sort of feeling. I feel like I've known him for a thousand years."

Angelo managed a sleepy smile, curling up a bit. "That's cute.. Cheesy, but really cute.. I knew Ryan must have had a good reason for leaving home all by himself, I just didn't expect it to be a love interest. I'm glad if he loves anyone though, it's you."

"Good to know I've got your seal of approval," Ricky beamed, nuzzling Ryan lightly. "I love him more than I love coffee, and that's saying a whole lot. I really like my coffee." He chuckled, playing with Ryan's hair.

Angelo was just about to drift off to a much needed sleep when Chris walked back in the front door, bitching at Mike about wandering off, among other things.

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