𝒊𝒊. the storm of emotions

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THE CAR RIDE TO THE HOSPITAL IS quiet. Liam doesn't tell Scott or Stiles about how Ivy lost control of her own body and just shares an encouraging smile. Of all people, Ivy knows Liam can't judge her. He still has problems controlling his form on the full moon.

Ivy doesn't know why it was different tonight. For the past year, she's been taught how to control her emotions on the full moon. The first few months, she struggled, but with the help of Scott, she slowly had control of her own body.

Tonight was unordinary. Ivy felt as though someone else was corrupting her body and messing with her head. She didn't have control tonight and that's what scares her. Ivy fears for the fact that she might turn at any given moment. If somebody says something wrong, she might turn.

She knows she should tell Scott but the words never form in the back of her throat. Ivy doesn't know what Scott and Stiles could do. If they don't trust her anymore and decide to restrain her like they did with Liam. Even if it helps, Ivy hates it.

Ivy hates feeling like her friends are scared of her. Deep down she knows they just worry but she battles with constant thoughts of scaring away people she loves most. She's scared that if she tells somebody how she feels, she'll self implode and lose herself.

She knows the whole pack is trustworthy. They've proved to her that they would never hurt her, but in her mind, Ivy worries about the little things. Things have been too good recently and she knows everything will go down hill eventually.

But she doesn't know who or what will be the cause of this. Ivy doesn't know when they'll strike. This constant fear of losing the pack and herself in the process.

Ivy snaps out of her thoughts when Stiles's car comes to a stop. This time, he's the one who stops the car, and rolls down his window.

From a distance, Ivy can see Malia, helping lift a broken tree. Ivy smiles at the girl as she approaches Stiles's Jeep.

"Sorry, we're late." Stiles tells Malia, who quickly stops him by pressing her lips against his.

The others in the car awkwardly watch as Stiles and Malia share an extremely passionate kiss, his hand roaming to the back of her neck. Ivy coughs and laughs when Stiles shoots her a glare.

"I'm sorry too." Liam reveals himself, and Malia raises her eyebrows.

Ivy runs a hand down her face as she exchanges a confused look with Malia's father.

"You boys do remember I own a gun, right?" Malia's dad asks Scott and Stiles.


"Hi, Mr. Tate." Ivy waves from the back seat, switching spots with Scott.

Mr. Tate waves at Ivy before winking at Malia. Clearly unbothered, Malia gets into the back seat and glares at Liam, before looking at Ivy with a grin.

Ivy's always liked Malia. She thinks that Malia is funny and fearless most of the time. Ever since Malia joined Scott's pack, Ivy has had her help with learning how to defend herself in situations where she needs to. Even though Malia barely knew Ivy, she still made an effort to console her about Eliza.

Ivy raises her eyebrows as she watches Scott and Stiles whip their heads in Malia's direction. The girl awkwardly sits beside Ivy, clearly crammed in the small space.


"Did you find out yet?"

"Find out what?" Liam asks with curiosity.

"They're gonna email me." Malia informs Stiles, who clearly won't leave her alone about her education.

Liam realizes what the older pack members are talking about. He takes one earbud out and looks at Malia. "Is this about summer school?"

Without looking at Liam, Ivy smacks his shoulder to silence him. "Ow, Ivy!"

"You told him?" Malia hisses, glaring at Stiles.

"Uh—" Stiles stumbles over the words he's trying to say.

Liam is quick to speak for him. "Oh, no, all they said was you had to go to summer school, 'cause the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year."

Ivy groans before hitting Liam once more. "Liam, shush!"

There's an awkward silence embracing the pack now. Malia is glaring at Stiles while the Stilinski boy just scowls at Liam. Ivy runs a hand through her hair before resting her head against the seat.

"We should've left him chained to the tree."

Ivy giggles before turning to Malia. "It'll be okay, Malia."

"Thanks." Malia mutters.

"I can keep helping you if you want." Ivy offers. "Since we both need help, we could start doing that again."

Ivy's talking about when Malia and her both made a deal to teach each other different skills. While Ivy taught the Tate girl how to read and write, Malia taught Ivy how to fight and defend herself.

Malia nods. "Yeah, sure."

MALIA AND IVY ARE IMPATIENTLY waiting for Scott and Stiles in the local hospital. The McCall boy had previously been in with Liam, possibly talking about his behavior on the full moon. Scott has always been good at knowing when someone in the pack doesn't have self control, but with Ivy, he still hasn't said anything.

Both Ivy and Malia are tapping their feet against the tile flooring. They're standing at the front desk while Scott gets rid of Liam, and Stiles is waiting for him somewhere around the hospital.

Ivy's excited to see Kira tonight. For all of summer, Kira had been in New York, and Ivy struggled to stay in contact with the girl. She had been too busy with college applications and was mostly watching after Liam all summer.

Scott and Stiles like to call Ivy Liam's babysitter. Even though she protests, Ivy likes hanging out with Liam. She sees him as her brother in a way and always has fun talking to him.

She's noticed Liam listens a lot. If she says one thing, Liam will randomly bring it up months later, even though Ivy forgot about it. Liam doesn't forget a lot which is why he always tests Stiles's patience like tonight.

"Are you excited to see Kira?" Ivy asks Malia.

The Tate girl glances at Ivy. "I mean, I guess."

Ivy sends Malia a look, knowing she isn't the best at being affectionate. Malia purses her lips together while leaning against the front desk, clearly growing more impatient as time progresses.

"There they are." Ivy sighs in relief when she sees Scott and Stiles rushing to them.

"Malia, if you were going away and I told you, "Don't worry, go have fun." What would you think I was talking about?"

Ivy snickers while Malia sends Stiles a confused look. "Fun like bowling? Or sex with other guys?"

"Agreed." Ivy says from beside Malia. Scott groans even louder.

"Okay, yeah. Now I'm worried." Scott nods his head.

Before anyone else can speak, their attention is directed to a man who is on a stretcher. He's being rolled through the hospital, Scott's mom trailing behind him.

"Hey, Mom. Where's all this coming from?" Scott asks his mom.

"A jackknifed tractor-trailer on 115, caused a major pile up." Scott's mom quickly responds before walking behind the injured man.

Ivy sucks in a breath. "Wait, Scott—"

"Okay, okay, there's only one way back into Beacon Hills from the airport." Stiles says before Ivy can say anything.


"Kira's never gonna make it." Stiles shakes his head. There's a look of stress creasing his features, as though if Kira doesn't make it to the school, then everything will go down hill.

To comfort him, Ivy places a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay."

"I can get her." Scott informs the group before rushing down the hall. He sharply turns around for a few seconds and exchanges glances with the remaining trio. "You guys go to the school. Lydia's probably already there. We'll meet you at midnight."

"How are you gonna get to her in the middle of a traffic jam?" Stiles quips.

Scott also cranes his head in Stiles's direction. "We'll make it. Trust me."

Ivy shakes her head after Scott leaves the hospital. Malia and Stiles share a look with each other while Ivy pulls her phone out, checking to see if she has service yet.

"Do you have service?" Stiles asks Ivy, glancing down at her.

"No." Ivy shakes her head. "Do you?"

"No," he replies. "Come on, let's just go."

Both Ivy and Malia nod at Stiles. They rush to the doors, pushing them open, as if they're in a hurry. Right when they step outside, rain comes pouring down on the trio, drenching their clothes.

"Hurry, hurry." Ivy ushers them to the car, shielding the two with her jacket that she slipped off once they stepped outside.

When Malia and Stiles shoot Ivy a look, she sheepishly shrugs. "My mom makes sure I wear multiple layers in case of a storm."

Malia and Stiles share a look as Ivy's cheeks flush. The trio jumps into Stiles's car—Ivy in the back while the couple sits in the front of the car.

The two look at each other and Ivy gags from in between them. "No time for making out. We have to go."

They turn around and glare at her.


"I'LL GO LOOK for Lydia." Ivy informs Stiles and Malia. "If you find anyone, let me know. 'Kay?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Stiles nods.

Ivy lifts her chin up and down before throwing her hood over her head. The sweatshirt she's wearing sticks to her skin, resulting in her cringing. With her head held low to avoid getting wet, Ivy accidentally runs into people, and she awkwardly apologizes.

The girl looks around her, trying to scout out the strawberry blonde girl. Lydia is nowhere to be seen and Ivy groans, trying to keep an eye out for her.

Her eyes scan over couples that are holding onto each other in the rain, and her heart slightly shatters. Brushing it off, Ivy turns the corner, and is met with Liam, who is breathing heavily.

"Ivy, thank goodness!" Liam sighs, grabbing both of Ivy's shoulders.

Immediately, Ivy shrugs Liam's hands off of her body. "What?"

"Scott's in trouble." Liam tells the girl. "I don't know what's going on but I know he is."

The St. James girl runs a hand down her face. "Great," she mutters to herself but, of course, Liam hears. "Liam, go find Stiles and Malia, okay? I'm going to go find Scott."

Liam nods his head. "Okay, stay safe."

"I will." Ivy assures him.

The girl dashes down the pavement, shoes filled with dirty rain water. Her sweatshirt is completely drenched and is a shade darker due to the water, resulting in her scoffing.

Ivy sharply turns corners, eyes glowing as she tries looking for Scott. Every time she expects to find him, she's either met with a couple making out, or nobody.

Her veins fill with anxiety as she continues looking for Scott, her stomach churning. If he found Kira then she could be in danger too. Her two friends could be in trouble.

It could be happening.

Filled with anxiety, Ivy goes around one more corner. She crashes into Malia, who is looking at the scene that is unraveling in front of her.

Ivy's stomach drops when she sees Scott slowly falling to his knees. An unrecognizable creature is digging their—blue?—claws into Scott's stomach, causing him to choke. His once red eyes turn back into the black color and Ivy puts her hand over her mouth.

Kira is on the floor, clutching her body. Not caring what everyone else is saying, Ivy rushes to the kitsune, who is watching Scott with eyes filled with fear.

"Kira, oh, my God!" Ivy wraps her arms around her friend, holding her against her damp chest. "Are you okay?"

"I am," Kira quickly nods. "I'm more worried about Scott."

The two girls hold on to each other as they watch Scott slowly gain his strength back, eyes glowing a bright shade of red. Ivy can't help but grin at the boy as he twists the arm of the villain.

"I think he's got it handled." Ivy sighs in relief along with Kira whose shoulders sag. "It's okay. You're okay."

"I'd run." Ivy hears Stiles speak.

After that, the villain dashes away from the pack, clearly fearful. With a look of amusement, Ivy lets go of Kira, and throws herself at her best friend.

"You're an idiot." Ivy murmurs. "I'm so sorry. I should've gotten here sooner."

"Don't apologize." Scott wraps his arms around Ivy. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Who the hell was that?" She blurts out, cheeks flushed as she looks at the pack. "He was tall. Really tall."

Instead of answering her questions, the pack is looking at an unfamiliar figure. They're standing several feet away from the entire pack, chest slowly rising.

His hair is spiked at the top with perfectly shaved sides. He wears a confident smile on his face with raised eyebrows as he looks at the pack's shocked faces.

"Never mind," Ivy breathes. "Who the hell is that?"

With her arms folded over her chest, Ivy watches the boy open his mouth to speak.

"You don't remember me, do you?" The boy speaks, lips still curved upwards. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

The confused look on Ivy's face falters and her lips part. She suddenly remembers the boy from fourth grade, who she would always be seated next to in class. The boy who was too shy to talk to her because of the fact she was Eliza St. James's sister.

Theo Raeken is standing in front of Ivy and he could not be more different. His energy is the complete opposite as it used to be and he practically seems unreal.

Ivy never spoke to Theo a lot in elementary school, even though Scott and Stiles were both friends with him. It could've been because she was too nervous of him, or because she didn't know how to talk to a guy besides Scott and Stiles (who she never counted).

He was always friendly, though. He'd offer her pencils occasionally and would ask her how she was doing. That always made her happy, because for once, someone was asking about her instead of Eliza.

"Theo?" Scott realizes who the boy is.

"You know him?" Malia asks.

Theo's gaze travels to Ivy, who is fidgeting with the drawstrings to her hoodie. She awkwardly looks at him, confused on why he's still holding eye contact with her, instead of Scott.

"They used to." Theo's voice echoes and bounces off the walls. "Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again, Couple of months ago, I heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it."

Theo pauses momentarily, smile never leaving his face. "Not just an Alpha, but a True Alpha."

Ivy shares a look with Stiles, who has a suspicious look on her face. He meets her gaze and furrows his eyebrows at her.

"What do you want?" Scott asks, taking a minute to find the right words.

Theo sighs. "I came back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family." He explains. "Because I want to be a part of your pack."

Ivy runs a hand through her hair while eyeing Theo down. She doesn't know whether to believe he's back in Beacon Hills with good intentions or if he has something planned.

She tries telling herself that this could be the same boy she attended elementary school with. He could have the same personality and heart, or he could be a complete stranger.

Ivy walks up to Stiles, who is glancing at Scott with a look of disbelief. "What do you think?"

Speaking quietly, Stiles looks down at her. "This is really weird."

"Really, really weird." Ivy nods, looking away from Theo when he notices her gaze. "I don't trust it."

"You don't trust anything."

"You don't either."

"Let's just go."

The rest of the pack begins walking back to the school, most of them talking about Theo's arrival. Stiles catches up with Malia, while Ivy stays frozen in place.

Each step Theo takes causes her to step back. He raises his eyebrows at her but she quickly turns around, trying not to look at him.

When Theo walks up to her, Ivy expects him to introduce himself or say something about Eliza. Instead he looks down at her with a look of amusement.

Out of fear, Ivy cranes her head in Kira's direction. The girl is waiting for Ivy with crossed arms. "Ivy, you coming?"

Ivy glances at Theo, who is observing everything she does. Chills run down Ivy's spine and she clears her throat.

"Yeah, wait up!" Ivy calls after Kira as she looks at Theo one last time and rushes over to Kira.

Kira and Ivy both link arms, giggling as they walk through the school. Ivy smiles at the Yukimora girl while she talks about her trip to New York, and what Scott did after she arrived in Beacon Hills tonight.

"We haven't seen this kid in years. You don't find that highly suspicious?" Stiles argues with Scott.

"I'm kind of more worried about the guy who almost killed me." Scott quips, looking ahead.

"Ivy, what do you think?"

Shrugging, Ivy folds her arms over her chest. "I'm not a part of this."

"Uh, yes, you are?" Stiles shoots back. "You knew him."

"Oh," Ivy sighs. "Like I said, I don't really care right now."

"I'm in!" Malia speaks, resulting in the group cheering. "I passed."

Stiles pulls Malia into a hug, a way of congratulating her in his eyes. Ivy smiles at the couple as she watches them share their happiness.

When the two pull away, realization hits Malia. "I'm officially  a senior."

Abruptly, Ivy pulls Malia into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Mal."

"Thank God." A new voice comes from a few feet away. Lydia is rushing over to the pack, an angry expression on her face. "Where have you guys been?"

The group exchanges a knowing look.

"The whole senior class is here." Lydia informs the group. "Are we doing this or not?"

Ivy nods her head. "Yeah, of course we are."

The rest of the group smiles at the girl as she finally reaches them. Ivy stands with Malia and Stiles while Lydia goes with Scott and Kira. Ivy and Lydia share a look, gesturing to the fact they're the only ones in the pack that aren't in a relationship.

When the group reaches the library, they walk up the flight of stairs, and stand in a horizontal line. Most of the senior class are on the first floor of the library, conversing about their college applications and their last year at Beacon Hills High.

The pack all approach one of the library shelves that is completely empty. Stiles walks up to the shelf with a black Sharpie before scribbling his initials down.

The rest of the pack begins to pass the Sharpie around, carving their initials into the shelf. When the Sharpie lands in Ivy's hand, she approaches the shelf, and stares at the initials that have been engraved into the top.

Ivy lightly smiles as she takes the lid off of the Sharpie and neatly engraves her initials into the shelf. Just before she can put the cap on, realization hits her, and she writes another name.

The initials stare back at her as her eyes flood with hot tears. Ivy blinks them away before slowly drawing a heart by the initials. She knows she isn't the only one who wrote initials for somebody else because Scott had scribbled down AA.

A long smile creeps onto Ivy's face as she hands the Sharpie over to the next person. She stands still for a moment, glancing down at the fresh marker.


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