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Sorry if there are any incorrect grammar and if you notice anything that I could fix to improve the story please tell me in the comments. Thank you and enjoy


They know,' the voice inside her head persisted, 'they know now because of your sloppiness,'

"Shut up," she mumbled under her breath as she felt a lump form in her throat.

'They know because of you, now you're going to have to fix it,' the voice said slowly getting louder.

"I know," she mumbled again through clenched teeth fighting the back the tears.

'They know because of you, now the plan has to be rushed because of your stupidity you, worthless piece of sh...'

"I know, now shut up!" she shouted causing the other people on the bus to look at her. She lowered her head as the small drops of water started to fall, wanting them to stopping looking at her. Stop taunting her. Stop pointing at her. Stop laughing at her. Stop making fun of every little thing she didn't wrong. Stop... her thought was cut off by a voice, not the one that haunted her but a small one, one that could only belong a little kid.

"Are you ok?" the voice asked. She raised her head meeting big round blue eyes staring at her. They belonged to a young boy around the same age as her.

"W-what?" she asked wiping her eyes.

"My Grammy always told me to ask if someone was ok if they were crying," he replied grinning at her, "and you crying so, are you ok?" he asked again but before she could reply a woman interrupted her.

"Tommy what are you doing, come on were going to miss our stop!" a woman yelled wearing black heels, a pencil skirt the same colour as her heels that showed all her curves that were in the right places with a white buttoned shirt that was tucked into the skirt. Her bleached blonde her was pulled into a tight professional bun.

The boy's mother quickly walked, well as quick as her heels would let her on a moving bus, down to where the two kids were. She grabbed the young boy called Tommy's arm and quickly pulled him, well it was more like dragged him down the little isle while pausing to press on of the little red button with the word 'STOP' on them. She then gathered their things which was still placed near the front of the bus by where they were seated earlier and got off the bus once it came to a stop. She did all of that while glancing back at the tear stained face of the little girl and giving her the stink eye.

'What did I do?' the girl thought to herself. After pondering on it for the rest of the bus ride she came to her final conclusion while exiting the bus. 'people are just weird,' she thought while walking down the concrete path making sure not to step on any cracks because where would be the fun in some 'mystical force' breaking her already dead mothers back? She left the concrete path once she reached the dirt path that runs along their long driveway.

When she reached her home or her 'previous home' once today ended and tomorrow began. She dug her hand through her pocket and pulled out the key and unlocked the mahogany door revealing the dim light and people speaking in low voices that cut off as soon as she entered, coming from her left where the room that contained the dining table was. "I'm home!" she shouted cheerily. Kicking off her pink shoes into the corner by the door.

"Hey darling how was school?" asked her adoptive mother Clare coming out of the dining room to greet her. The deep purple bags under her deep brown eyes was evident on her pale skin. She also wore her dark brown hair in a messy bun that sat on top of her head, tendrils of hair framed her beautiful angelic face. 'why is she so pretty? I'll have to make sure to change that,' she thought to herself.

"It was great," she replied with starting to head towards the stairs that lead to her room, "when is dinner?"

"Soon darling, either John or I will come and get you,"

John her adoptive father. He's quite a pudgy man, apparently he has one of these 'dad bods'. Unlike Clare he had tanned skin with green eyes and a fat nose right in the middle of his face. Even at the girls young age she could tell he was ugly and wondered how such a beautiful girl ended up with that she doesn't know nor never will and she was pretty contempt with that.

"Ok," she replied walking up the steps.

A few hours later after dinner the voice came back. 'now, you have to end it now!'

It came through even louder than before, 'NOW!'

"B-but how?" the little girl squeaked, the words barely audible.

'Down stairs, kitchen, knives, end it, end it NOW!' it repeated over and over again, 'they know, they know because of you and your stupidity! How can you be related to them? Their names, their legions, stories, their faces will never be forgotten but they managed to make something as worthless as you to carry their lineage...'

"ok I get it you don't need to repeat it I'm worthless and shouldn't carry their great lineage but to bad you're now stuck with me because my parents weren't strong enough for this bullshit!" she huffed silencing the voice while climbing out of her bed and sneaking to the kitchen. She could see the light leaking from under her adoptive parents' door and the sound of muffled voices when she passed. She had learnt where every creaky floorboard was so she could easily sneak throughout the house. Thankfully the two adults that lived here thought she was just a stupid 8-year-old girl but to their stupidity they thought wrong until today, when they found out who and what she really is.

She reached the kitchen and grabbed the biggest blade there. 'You could have the Nirvana, but no you...'

"but my idiotic biological parents lost it before I could even touch it," she said through clenched teeth interrupting the voice.

Examining the blade she brought it to her palm and applied pressure until a red liquid bloomed around the edges of the blade and slid it along her palm, causing more of the now crimson red liquid to bloom out of the wound. She threw her head back and tried to laugh as quietly as she possibly could from the pain. Once it subdued a few minutes later she regained her composer looking at the now small puddle of crimson on the floor by her feet.

"Now it's play time," she giggled.

Sneaking back upstairs standing outside of their door breathing heavily then turning and going into the bathroom and hiding the knife. Finding Clare's razor blade placing it on the wound covering it in the crimson red and dropped it while screaming and sobbing.

"Kat?" Clare shouted from her room, "are you ok?" she asked walking toward the bathroom opening the door, "oh my god John!" she shouted after seeing the sight quickly grabbing a cloth and holding it to the cut.

"What's wron... holy shit what happened here?" he said his fat figure standing in the doorway.

"Come here and hold this against her hand while I grab the first aid kit from the kitchen!" she said trying not to freak out.

"Oh, right sorry," he quickly took her place while she ran down stairs.

When Clare flicked the kitchen light on she froze looking at the puddle on the floor and saw the trail she didn't notice before. She quickly swallowed her fear and grabbed the first aid kit from the top draw and a knife after noticing one of them was already missing. 'oh no,' she thought 'should I call the cops?' she asked herself before hearing a smash coming from upstairs. "John!" she screamed running up the stairs abandoning the first aid kit.

She slowly approached the bathroom door that was ajar "Jo..." she was cut short by a sharp pain at the back of her head that was quickly followed by darkness.

"Now the fun part begins," the little girl, Kat, said barely able to contain her excitement abandoning the metal pole in her hands.

A few hours later they had awakened again, "ah finally you guys are awake, about time," Kat said cheerily.

"Kat?" Clare said groggily looking over at John who had a defeated look on his face, "Wh..."

"Quiet!" Kat said placing the blade on Clare's neck causing the both of them to scream and beg.

'now, do it now, they deserve it, for everything they have done, do it, do it NOW!' the voice shouted drowning out their pathetic attempts of begs and the lies of we won't tell anyone and you don't have to do this bullshit.

'Why do they beg?' she asked herself, 'is it an attempt to make me pity them and let them live the rest of their merry lives? Or to waste time before help comes because if the latter is the case right now, they must have a lot of pointless hope right now,'

she started to laugh causing the two-pathetic measles in front of her to silence themselves. "You're both so pathetic," she managed to wheeze out between breaths.

"Maranda?" John said, "that's, right, isn't it? Maranda? your name," he said pausing, "and your parents are..."

"Enough!" Kat screamed rushing over to him placing the blade to his throat, "don't you ever say that or mention them again!" she continued to scream, "understand me!"

He slowly nodded his head the rest of his body shaking. "Good," Kat muttered slowly walking around to the back of him and grabbed a fist full of his hair, "now say good bye." She said while slowly sliding the blade across his throat causing the blood to squirt out and create a thin layer over Clare who was screaming and sobbing. She let go of John letting him convulse on the ground. Then slowly walked over to the sobbing bloodied mess on the ground.

"Your turn," she said grabbing the dark brown hair and yanking it up, "but first I've got to do something," she said bringing the crimson stained blade to the sobbing girls face, placing it on her cheek and applying pressure while sliding it down her face casing a deep cut to appear on the woman's cheek. The woman screamed and sobbed even worse than before. Then the little girl repeated the action several more time in different areas of her face. Alsomaking small incisions in the corner of her eyes, making it look like the womanwas crying tears of blood. 

"That's better," she said inspecting her master piece, "now to finish it."

She yanked her hair up again while swivelling to the back of the woman and repeated the action she did on the man again and watched as the woman followed in what the man did. She sighed.

"Well that was fun," she giggled.

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