Chapter 4: Back to Normal Life

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Alice POV.

I woke up the next morning. Luna was nowhere in sight. I looked at the clock, five in the morning. I may as well go to school, but how can I tell people about the loss of my voice? Well that wouldn't be to hard, I mean I have no friends. The only one I would have to tell is my teacher.

I went to my bathroom and took a shower, then grabbed clean clothes from my closet. Still no sign of Luna. I'll look for her after school.

I walked into the kitchen and stood frozen in the doorway. My mother and father are home! They stared back at me, shocked.

"Alice, what are you doing here!?" my mother asked.

"It doesn't matter. She needs to go back to my brother's lab." my father said. I was shocked to hear him say that. I'm not going back to that place! I shook my head, but he had his phone in his hand.

He just sat there though? Why didn't he dial the number? I looked over at my mom and she too just sat there. What's going on?

"Well well, those two are terrible parents. Trying to get rid of you when you just got home." a voice said. I looked around the room, but saw no one. "If you want me to, I can erase their memories that they have of you so you won't have to go back."

A figure started to emerge from the wall. It was a girl with black hair. She wore a blood red and shadow black dress. Her eyes were odd, one was red, but the other was a yellow Roman numeral clock? I stared in fear. No human can do that. She must be a spirit.

"Would you like me to erase their memories?" she asked again. I looked at them then back to her. I nodded. She looked at me for a moment. "Alright, but now you need to find a place to live. Good luck, you're going to need it." she grinned then disappeared in the wall.

I looked over at my parents. Something seemed wrong. They weren't breathing. What did that spirit do? I walked over to them and tried to find their pulse. There was none. That spirit killed my parents! If I ever see her again, she will pay.

I called the police and told them that I found my parents dead when I woke up. They believed me and took them away. I began my walk to school, Raizen High. I didn't have to walk far, but it felt like eternity since my parents just died right in front of me. This didn't help my depression either.

I arrived and went straight to class 2-4. I got the teacher's attention and wrote down my vocal problem. She understood and I took my seat. There was about ten minutes until class began. I pulled out a book that I was reading.

"Shido! Come on, just try one! I made them this morning for you!" I looked at the door where Shido, a blue haired boy, and a girl with dark purple hair I don't know walked in. He looked my way and I quickly returned to my book, blushing slightly. Hopefully he didn't see me looking at him.

"Wait until later Tohka." Shido replied. I continued to read until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Shido.

"It's great to see you back Alice. If you want you can borrow my notes for the months you missed." he offered. I nodded and pulled out a piece of paper.

-I would like to borrow your notes. Thank you.- I wrote down and showed it to him. He tilted his head to the right.

"Alright...I'll find them and give them to you at lunch." he replied. I nodded and he sat in his seat. I continued to read. Some people know me, but I just never make friends.

Class started and things seemed normal again. Yet I couldn't focus. That spirit was still on my mind. I want to get back at her, but I probably couldn't beat her. She has powers that she has had more time to use. I don't even know what all I can do.

I was deep in thought when I felt another poke to my shoulder. I looked back and saw Shido. Its already lunch time?

"I've gathered the notes for you." he said as he handed them to me. I nodded and wrote thank you on paper. He stared at me for another moment then went back to his seat. He ate with that girl Tohka. I glanced back at her. She was staring me down. I didn't like this.

Shido POV.

As I sat back down beside Tohka, I noticed she was staring at Alice. She wouldn't really stare at someone she doesn't know unless...she noticed something. I also noticed that Alice seemed different. She won't talk, and something about her just screams...she needs help?

"Hey Shido, that girl...something seems off." Tohka whispered to me. I nodded.

"Yea. I noticed a change in Alice. She is very different. She even seems sad or even depressed?" I whispered back. She nodded in agreement.

After class Tohka and I stayed after for a little bit. We walked out the doors and stopped. Alice sat under a tree, the branches moved toward her?

"Shido, I don't think she is human." Tohka whispered. I nodded in agreement.

"Hey Kotori, could you see if Alice is a spirit?" I spoke into my ear piece.

"We will scan her, but we won't know until tomorrow. Why do you want us to scan her though?" she replied.

"Just check your cameras. Trees can't do that on their own." I said.

"Your right. Get her to stop before Origami notices." Kotori said after a minute. Oh no, I forgot about Origami.

"Tohka we have to get her to stop using her power." I urgently said. She nodded. We began to walk over to her.

"Hey Alice, I didn't think you'd still be here." I said. She looked surprised. The branches returned to their normal positions. She gave us a nervous smile then waved.

"You should be more careful when using your powers." Tohka said suddenly. I mentally face palmed, as I looked over at Tohka. I then looked back at Alice. Why hasn't she said anything?

"Please tell me, why don't you talk?" I asked. She looked toward the ground.

-I can't.- she mouthed.

"Why?" Tohka asked. Alice pulled out a tablet of paper.

-It's a very long story. I couldn't talk for six months and now I just can't talk.- she showed us.

"Have you even tried?" I asked. She shook her head. "Why?"

-I haven't heard myself for a long time and I'm afraid.- she wrote.

"Just try. I'm sure the plants want to hear you." Tohka said. I stared at her. She keeps saying things that may make Origami notice.

-I never thought about that. I will try.- she wrote with a smile. She stood up and placed her hand on the tree.

Come on Alice. You can do it!

Alice POV.

As I placed my hand on the tree, I felt its encouragement as well. I closed my eyes. I was still afraid, but I must try. I took a deep breath.

"L-Luna..." I breathed out. I didn't really know what to say. I looked up into the branches of the tree.

"Master... you spoke!" Luna purred.

"Who's Luna?" Shido asked. I looked over at him.

"S-she is..." I began to say. I looked up at the tree branch she sat on. They followed my stare.

"She is your cat?" Shido asked. I shook my head.

"Is she your angel?" Tohka asked. I tilted my head to the right.

"W-what's an a-angel?" I asked. Luna jumped onto my shoulder.

"It's a spirit's protector." Tohka replied.

I looked at Luna, who is curled around my neck slightly. I then looked back toward Shido. He kept looking around. What's he looking for though?

"S-Shido...what are you looking for?" I asked. My voice is getting stronger as I continue to talk... thank goodness.

"We can't talk here no more. Its not safe." he replied. He looked toward the school. I followed his gaze and saw the super genius, Origami. "Kotori, can you get us out of here." He said to himself.

Who was he talking to? I felt a weird sensation of floating. Then everything blurred and faded to black.

When my vision came back. I was laying in a bed. Not in my home, but in a metal room. I sat up.

"Glad to see you're awake." I looked over to see Shido sitting beside my bed. "Sorry about the teleporting, but we had to leave quickly. If Origami finds out about you being a spirit, you would be dead by morning." He explained.

"How?" I asked.

"She is part of the AST, the Anti Spirit Team. Their job is to kill spirits." he explained. They kill spirits! "You don't have to worry though. As long as you don't cause trouble, they won't come after you. Unless Origami knows and she'll try to kill you in a dark alley."

Great, I am still in danger and I don't even know what all I can do.

"As long as Origami never finds out you should be safe." He assured me. I looked down toward the sheets. I noticed my sleeves were rolled up. I quickly covered the scars and fresh scabs.

"I was wondering about those scars on your arms. Where did they come from?" he asked.

"I went to visit my uncle's research lab. I met this spirit and she gave me a green stone. Next thing I know is that I am a spirit and I took the other spirits place as a test subject." I sighed.

"He was trying to find a way to turn a spirit into a human right?" he asked. I nodded. "How did you get out?"

"On my birthday, I discovered that I could control the plants. I asked for a tree to be put in my room and I used that to escape." I explained. Luna then jumped onto the bed and let out a loud meow.

"And your angel?" he asked pointing at Luna.

"A voice spoke to me and told me the method on summoning a protector." I explained. I looked around the room. "Where are we?" I asked.

"We are on the Fraxinus. Its an airship that was built by Ratatoskr to help aid spirits." he replied.

"How?" I asked.

"Well...I have this ability which allows me to seal a spirit's powers. Once that happens, this ship is the base that will help when ever the spirit needs it." he explained.

After that we sat in silence for a while. Luna fell asleep in my lap. I rubbed her back while she slept. Shido then broke he silence.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked. I looked up at him. Luna woke up and looked at me with saddened eyes. Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes.

"I don't want to go home." I began to cry harder.

"What happened?" he asked.

"A spirit came in and killed my parents. She wore a black and red dress. Her eyes were terrifying, red and glowing gold eyes." I explained.

"What?! You mean Kurumi came and killed your parents?!" He shouted. I flinched when he stood. I slowly nodded. "Oh...sorry if I scared you. Kurumi can be a bit elusive. So you don't want to stay in the home your parents were killed in right?"

"Yea...I don't want to go back." I sighed.

" can stay at the mansion beside my house. But I must warn you, you're neighbors may get on your nerves." he offered.

"Thank you!"

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