Chapter L: Anxiety

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After grieve came loneliness and after loneliness came suicidal, then after suicidal came whimpers of hope by rescuers: the do-gooder to bring people back from the brink of self-harm.

I thought I was like that after dad died but after going through so many misfortunes, I found out that I was not grieving. Yes, I cried and had tainted hallucinations for a while. Yes, I felt the loneliness and the suicidal thoughts, but I felt like it was just a phase I had to go through to repay my dad and wash my sins away.

It was the torture of love and it was devastatingly sad how someone could go from complete to nothing in a matter of seconds and bullets.

"Let's go back, Lia, it's getting cold," he whispered in my ear when we stood, Levy's arms around me and my back was to his chest, just watching the sun go down and the welcomed breezes from the sea on the northern side of the cemetery embraced us like it was calming us after reminiscing beautiful memories about my dad.

I kissed my fingertips and placed it on his gravestone as one final goodbye out of the many goodbyes in my mind.

We agreed on going back home so we could study for the upcoming finals and Levy's groans couldn't get louder, he hated studying but had a super, photographic memory that if he only read one page, he could write everything down in one minute.

Unfortunately for me, I had to copy everything from every page to my notebook so I could let the information stick to my tired, anxious mind.

I was in a myriad of edgy thoughts when I tried to memorize but my brain failed to do so, I looked like I was staring into the soul of the book but nothing was in my brain.

Levy lifted me on his lap after we arrived at his house and went to our shared room. I changed into my Fendi pink pajamas that were comfortable before we laid and opened the textbook.

"Baby, if you are going to stare into the book, at least tell me what are you thinking about," he teased and I snapped back to reality as I picked my nails again until he slapped my hand and I gave him a death glare.

I was currently laying on his taut naked chest after he changed to his black Adidas pajama shorts and he had the textbook in front of both of us as my head laid back under his neck due to our height difference again.

"Levy, I don't feel like studying," I grumbled, irritated from not being able to grasp anything.

He rubbed my stomach comfortably like he always did when I get stressed. "Lia, we have our finals next week and we don't want to fail," our legs were in a tangled mess and I gnawed on my lower lip in concentration when I tried to memorize history.

He gave a supportive kiss on the cheek and I huffed, giving in. "Question one, who was Cronus's father?" he calmly asked when he gave me a peck on the back of my head.

"Something with an anus," I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to think of his full name as Levy's chest vibrated into a booming laughter.

"What is it?" I questioned as to why Levy was laughing but then realized I said it without noticing, joining his laughter.

Mrs. Christina came in with a graceful smile on her lips. "What are you crazy heads laughing about?"

We stopped laughing as his arms tightened around my waist. "Lia, here, just made the first funny joke in her entire life," I flushed and pinched his arm, causing him to his body to jolt in surprise.

"I always make funny jokes," I defended.

"Babe, you used to tell me the knock-knock jokes and they were all from the internet," he sarcastically stated and I rolled my eyes in attitude.

"Play nice, kids, I am going to make your favorite-"

"Chocolate cake," we screamed in unison since we knew Mrs. Christina's chocolate cake never failed to amaze us.

She chuckled and gave us a humorous look as she tutted and shook her head, closing the door behind her.

"So, let's go back to studying," I wiggled to snuggle closer and he groaned, my cheeks tinted with red when he told me to stop wiggling on his groin. "Uhm, so, it's Uranus," he answered and we both went back to laughing like it was the funniest joke in history.

"Question two," I loved when Levy was focused, his amber eyes usually would darken and his lips would jut out as he squinted a little to look at the textbook, "who is the goddess of victory?"

"Oh, that's easy, oh, wait," I exclaimed, it was on the tip of my tongue but of course, Levy had to ruin my fun.

"It's Nike," he answered like it was the most obvious answer.

I slapped his arm and he nudged the side of my head with his nose, I turned my head to the left side and met his lips in a chaste kiss.

"I feel like I won't be able to memorize today, the finals are one week away and I'm a nervous mess," I gushed out and he trailed his fingers on my exposed arm in a mitigating manner.

"I will help you, just focus on my voice, can you do that?" he requested and I nodded.

He brought our flashcards, "now, there are four questions I will give you the answer to and ask you once again," he instructed.

We pursued his learning tactic and I found myself somewhat ready, he would give me the question and the answer and I would go over them in my mind, answering him back.

I stretched on his body with a hefty weariness from the last hour and a half studying. Levy sensed that and gently placed the blanket on me as he carefully placed me on the bed beside him and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Be right back, baby." all I heard before I closed my eyes was the clacking sound of the gun being loaded.

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