Chapter 41 - You Might Want To Run

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I grabbed a nearby rope and swung from the stage all the way down to where everyone was.

Smile Dog emerged and growled at Liu as I landed away from the glue area, taking out two bottles of water and splashing it on the ground, everyone unsticking themselves.

Smile Dog growled at Liu.

"Down, boy. He won't bite ya, and you know it," I said, tossing the bottles aside.

"Where were you?!" Laughing Jill snapped. "You owe me new shoes!!"

"Just making some final arrangements for the show," I smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about, much less care," Liu said, aiming the gun at my head. "All I know is, this Freak show has reached its end."

"Aww, but Uncle Liuey, I bought you a present," I said, pouting my lip before facing the others. "You all might want to take cover, by the way."

I then bought two fingers to my mouth and let out a high pitched whistle.

All of a sudden, it grew silent and then...

It hissed.... And the hiss echoed loudly

Smile Dog immediately starting yelping and whimpering like nuts before diving under a chair for cover.

Jack and Jill's eyes grew as they yelped and clung to each other and even Slenderman had some lines of shock showing.

"No....." Ben said in disbelief as Sally his behind him.

"Someone please tell me that's not what I think it is," Toby said in shock as he pulled his mask down and his goggles over his head.

"Josie, what did you do?" Mom said in a warning tone as Seed Eater started to back up, looking uneasy as the hissing continued, EJ trying to calm him down.

"Found a little something held up in Slendy's closet," I smirked as it then emerged from the shadows.

"What have you done?!" Slender hissed as we all backed up.

"What in the hell is that?" Liu said, gun raised.

"A little pet for you," I said, smiling evilly. "Liu, meet Rake."

"You might want to run," Jill said.

Liu looked at it in horror then pulled the trigger and shot, but missed, the hiss getting louder.

"Liu," Dad said as he held my shoulders. "Really shouldn't have done that."

"INCOMING!!!" Laughing Jack screamed as Rake then lunches from a long distance and pounced on Liu.

We ducked in time and backed up as we saw Liu scream while he was getting stabbed and clawed.

Rake then suddenly grew a razor sharp mouth.

"Okay, I didn't know he could do that," I mumbled as Rake then started eating Lou's face off.

I covered Sally's eyes as it started to get pretty crazy and we winced at everything before Liu then dropped dead and the Rake went back to normal, its red eyes staring at me.

I smiled and let go of Sally before kneeling down and petting it.

"Good boy," I said.

"How the hall did you train it?!" Laughing Jack asked.

"A magician never reveals her secrets," I smirked.


I looked over at my brother's mangled carcass, his face now a complete skull.

"Say hi to mom and dad for me, brother," I said as I walked to where Josie leashed Rake.

I smiled as she smiled back.

.... Literally smiled, not just our faces....

"You really are a true Killer," I said.

She smiled. "Yeah, I am," she said.

Me and Jane walk up and hug Josie tightly as then Smile Dog join us.

"We're not a normal family.... But at least I finally have one," Josie said.

We laughed as then Rake came up and sniffed Smile Dog's butt, making Smile Dog run off whimpering and yelping like he got slapped or something.

"Let's go home, I'm starving," EJ said, then munching on something.

"Jack... What is that?" Josie asked.

".... Kidney," he said with a mouthful of it. "It was the cop's over there."

"You're weird," Josie laughed as she walked up and kissed him.

"Now I got time to be a dad," I smirked, earning a smack from Jane.

"Seriously, let's go home, before we deal with more cops," Ben said.

We all then left into the night before police showed up to the scene.


Josie, Smile Dog, and Rake-------->>>>>>

Alright, I probably have about one more chapter to go before this story is officially over.

FEEDBACK!!! ^.^=

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