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It was hours since the seven little assassin's met the so-called "evil" Samurai Jack escaped the clutches of their wicked-minded mother, but they were still very vigilant of the Samurai and their surroundings just in case something decided to jump out and spring a surprise attack on them. "So", the Samurai began gaining the full attention of the sisters, "Are any of you hungry or tired or, or I could..." The sisters simply look at Jack with blank expressions as if he was speaking a different language. "Okay I see that you still believe that I am the evil one and not Aku, but I just want you to know that whatever they told is not true, I want to help that's why I came to your temple, to save you." The daughters were baffled by what they heard, in all their years no one ever said such nice things to them unless they were being deceived and then beaten when they did something bad. Ashi stood up and walked up to Jack with pleading eyes as if asking him if he was telling the truth, Jack smiled warmly and nodded and pulled out a small jacket, he had planned ahead of time that it would be a good idea to bring extra clothes just in case it would get cold. Ashi stared at the item in concern and confusion, she reached her tiny hand to touch the jacket and gasped in disbelief. It was soft! The other sisters shimmied closer to the two and touched the jacket as well, "What is this Samurai" Avi said plucking a red coat from Jack's had, there were five more jacket's in the bag he brought, he handed the remaining five sisters their coat and told them to put them so they wouldn't get cold.

Jack then pulled out a large blanket and laid it over the seven tiny children, the blanket was warm and softer than anything the sisters had ever experienced in all of their five years. The girls were a bit overwhelmed by the softness and the different feelings but what shocked them the most was the kindness the Samurai the giving them, he was nothing like Samurai in the stories the cultist and their horrible mother had told her. "Sam..." Aki stopped before she could finish the word, "Jack, thank you so much for rescuing us and giving us these wonderful things, we couldn't be happier to be with you, and we're sorry we almost killed you." Jack was taken aback by the young child's vocabulary but he was glad they were happy and safe, when they got to populated area he would find a place for them to stay, someplace where they could be happy, but he thought of the women he fought in the forest knowing places like that and the evil people he came across who worshiped the demon who laid waste to the land and destroyed all the beauty in the land, if his hunch was correct, if those women in the forest were that bent on his destruction then he was sure that there was more of them.

"Oh, there is no need to thank me", he said with smile, "I couldn't let such beautiful and innocent children be hurt and corrupted by those hateful women, so tell me, do you know where you lived before you were brought into that terrible place." The girls looked him in confusion, what had me meant by that? "What do you mean by that Jack", Ari said lifting an eyebrow. "I mean where did you live before those women took you?" The sisters looked at each other as if communicating in their own secret language. "We were born there, we stayed there our entire lives." Ani said tilting her head down, as if in shame of living there, "Our mother was the high priestess of the Cult of Aku and has been training us since birth to destroy you, we had escaped but only for a moment our mother had followed us and had beaten us and told us that if we wanted to redeem ourselves was to kill whoever or whatever was coming our way and that just so happened to be you and we are very grateful." Ami said smiling and crawled over to jack and wrapped her tiny arms around his armored waist, the other six crawled over and did the same action, Jack's eye's widened, it had been so long since he held someone close like this, he missed it.

Jack swept the girls in his arms and placed them and himself under the blanket, he felt like he made progress with the little girls he saved but there was an unease growing inside him, he knew that the two women he left behind that survived were most likely going to tell their leader and then they were most likely going to come after him and the girls.


The high priestess stood, fist clenched and breathing labored, she stood staring at the two cultists she had mutilated, their masked were broken on the cold stone floor, the two cultists from earlier that had confronted Samurai Jack and had let the Daughters of Aku get away with him were now laid on the stone floor mutilated, limbs broken stomachs slit open and internal organs spilled all around them wrapped around their wrist and ankles and wrapped around four sharp rocks hold their arms above their heads and their legs pulled down below them, their eyes were plucked from their sockets and were slit and seeping some kind of yellow liquid mixed with blood and leaked onto the floor, their tongue was sitting only a few feet away, their chest was torn open their stomachs were smashed under stones, their small and large intestines were clenched in the grip of the infuriated high priestess. Despite being in the being in such terrible condition, one was still alive even with only one lung left and her heartbeats were slow, "You let those foolish children get away with the samurai, if he poisons their minds and blabs the truth about our Lord, all I have worked for will all be for not, so you better hope that you both don't die in vain", the high priestess rose her fist and plunged it into her still slowly beating heart. "and if I die and go to hell you had better hope I don't see you there or I'll kill you all over and over again until I think you have learned you lesson." The high priestess took a deep breath and signaled for the others to take the bodies away, she walked to the temple entrance and looked over the surrounding forest. She looked her blood-covered hands, how could they betray her for that parasite? That was okay, she would teach them a lesson they would never forget, she would make them watch their precious samurai be tortured and then make them give the final blow and let them live with that guilt, but of course it wouldn't last long. She started walking down the walkway, she would find them, even if it took her the rest of her life, she would find them and make them pay for their greatest sin.

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