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The perks of being your own boss was really paying off in Aries's case. She decided her own hours and vacations. Even if her business wasn't always busy, she didn't have to worry about paying the rent for her small shop because it was small and her parents had a lot of money in their bank account. She never went to college, so she saved enough more money. She decided to simply become a florist-slash-gardener.

Aries needed to take a break, so she went back to Nepal. She decided that Stephen needed a break and she knew she wouldn't be able to help him. Ever since they were children, he always pushed others away when he was having a hard time.

She was sure the Ancient One knew she was coming. When Aries first encountered the Ancient One, she was taken aback by everything she told her. She seemed to know everything about Aries and was glad to invite her in. The Ancient One did put her through work. She ended up sending Aries to a wild jungle. She was completely astonished by it and it had taken her days to return to Kamar-Taj, but she learned how to survive on honey and berries.

Because of the Ancient One, Aries found her voice again. Stephen wasn't able to see her for six months, but they kept in contact through texting. When she had finally returned to New York, he picked her up at the terminal and was shocked to hear her shout his name. She had ran into his arms and he, being so shocked, wasn't able to catch her, and they both fell to the floor of the terminal.

Whenever she thought of that moment, she would always smile.

"We have now landed. Please, exit carefully."

She unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her backpack, then slowly got off the plane. She decided to take a plane instead of using her sling ring because it made her feel more human. Technically speaking, she was still human, but what she could do was not human.

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