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"Hello?" Stephen called out as they walked down a hallway.

"Dude, if someone was here, I'm sure they'd be yeeting out here to see us," Aries retorted.

He gave her a pointed look.

"You know I use slang when I'm nervous," she defended.

Stephen shook his head. "At least, I'm not alone."

They approached three doors that had different locations. Stephen opened the door in the center. It was the ocean with an ocean breeze flowing into the room and against their faces. Stephen glanced down at the dial beside it and turned it. The ocean changed into a desert. Aries pulled him away from the door.

"That's the least of our concerns. If Kaecilius managed to break through one of the sanctums and most likely the Napal sanctum, then he's eventually going to come here," Aries explained. "We need to go - like now - like down the old town road."

The two found their way into an antique room filled with many ancient artifacts and relics.

"Stephen - "

"Look at this."

He was looking into the case with a red cloak inside. The red cloak moved with Stephen. A loud noise from downstairs caught their attention. They quickly descended the stairs, but Stephen pulled her back to hide as Kaecilius entered the building with his disciples. A sorcerer stood in front of him.

"Daniel, I see they made you master of this Sanctum," Kaecilius stated.

"Do you know what that means?" Daniel asked. 

"That you'll die protecting it," Kaecilius answered.

He formed a transparent spear in his hands as Daniel pulled out a relic. Turning to Kaecilius's nearest follower, Daniel swung at the man, quickly knocking him down. He attempted to do the same action, but Kaecilius stabbed Daniel through the gut. 

"Stop!" Stephen shouted, jumping over the railing onto the stairway platform.

"Oh - Stephen, this is totally not the time to be the G.O.A.T.," Aries muttered.

Kaecilius surveyed him as he pulled the sword out. "How long have you been at Kamar-Taj, Mister...?" 

"Doctor," Stephen corrected.

"Oh - totes awks," Aries muttered.

"Mister Doctor?" Kaecilius questioned.


"Maybe, but who am I to judge?" Kaecilius said, impaling Daniel again.

Stephen formed webs of strings. Kaecilius moved toward the stairs as two of his henchmen ran along the walls at them.  Stephen fought them off the best he could by flinging vases at them and smacking them with the rope. Aries groaned before stepping out from behind the pillar.

"I'm not good as offense! What am I, a soccer player?" Aries asked.

Aries had never been good at any psychical attack. Her strong suit was telekinesis - something the Ancient One said she was gifted and born with. She huffed and focused her energy on throwing whatever objects she could at Kaecilius and his disciples, but he threw a spear at the two after growing tired of fighting. However, Stephen blocked it weapon. Aries grabbed his wrist and yanked him away from their attackers, sprinting down the familiar hallway. But it made no difference, for Kaecilius and his followers were gaining on them. The tiles were moving with their feet, forcing Aries and Stephen to stay in place. Stephen turned around and formed small disks in front of his fists. Kaecilius jumped, moving to the ceiling and walking along it. His two disciples moved along the walls, quickly moving to attack Aries and Stephen. They used their limited fighting skills to the best they could. Even though Aries was at Kamar-Taj much longer than Stephen, she never cared about fighting. Now, she was running out of objects to throw at them.  The room shifted, turning to the side. Stephen and Aries were thrown off their feet, sliding down to the wall. Kaecilius tipped the room back and forth. With his disciples in the room they previously looked at, Aries used her telepathic skills to twist the dial, trapping them.

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