48|Feds, Angels, and Missing Sam

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Our next case, not only did Dean get back on the news as a wanted criminal again, but I got listed as an accomplice... but not Sam. It was another shapeshifter, and a security guard at the bank named Ronald Resnick interfered. He thought it was some kind of "mandroid" with laser eyes. We had everything under control, until Ronald showed up, locked everyone in, and threatened everyone with a rifle. In the chaos, we lost the shifter.

Ronald didn't like Sam much, but he did like me and Dean, which was why he let us help him lock the hostages in the safe with Sam. While we were looking for the shifter, the cops that had shown up outside thanks to Ronald cut the power. So, then we got Sam back out of the vault to consult with us. Even if we did find the thing at that point, the odds of getting out given that Dean was wanted by the police were slim to nothing.

We left Sam to deal with Ronald while Dean and I went on a shifter hunt. It honestly felt like a lost cause since not only had it shed, but it could be either walking around the halls or locked in the vault with the other hostages, and we had no way of knowing who it was since without power, we couldn't check the cameras.

In the hallway, Dean noticed a ceiling panel askew. I handed him a nearby coat rack, and he began poking at it until it became dislodged. Out of the hole fell a naked body. When Dean flipped it over, we recognized it as one of the people locked in the vault. The guy's throat had been slit. We hurried back to the vault, where one of the guards appeared to be having a heart attack while the shifter urged us to get him out.

Dean told Sam about the shifter, and I told Ronald that we were going to get the guard out. I helped the guard away from the shifter, and Sam asked to talk to him. However, when the shifter got close enough, he attacked Sam and took off. Dean took off after him, and Ronald followed, which put him out in the open. I noticed a red dot on Ronald's back and shouted at him to get down, but it was too late. We watched in horror as Ronald was shot and slumped to the floor, dead.

Sam went after the shifter while Dean and I got the guard out to the paramedics that were waiting outside. Dean took Ronald's rifle and together we made our way toward the door. Paramedics unloaded a stretcher from an ambulance and Dean and I looked out at the media frenzy outside as we let them take the guard away. Once he was safely with the paramedics, Dean quickly closed and locked the door back up, but the cameras had already gotten a good look at both of us.

Sam called, saying the shifter shed again, so Dean and I worked to round everybody back up. Once everyone was back in the vault, the landline rang again, this time with a Fed on the other end. I could only hear Dean's end of the conversation, but from what I gathered, and what he filled me in on later, the Fed's name was Special Agent Victor Henriksen, and it was apparently his job to know all things Winchester... and Dawson, since I was apparently now on their radar as well. Henriksen gave us an ultimatum: give it up or they came in fully automatic.

We ended up finding the shifter and managed to kill it. We stole some S.W.A.T.  uniforms and managed to get out and to the Impala. After that, we dealt with a case that at first seemed like it was about angels, but ended up just being another ghost. This one was a priest before he died, and believed he had been turned into an angel to do the Lord's work. That case got a little heated, because Sam and Dean argued the whole "validity of angels/God thing".

Currently, though, Sam had been missing for almost two weeks and Dean and I were starting to panic. It was radio silent and we were scared of what we might find if or when we did manage to track Sam down. I knew we were both thinking about the promise Sam made Dean make in the hotel in Connecticut. And that we were both hoping against hope that he wouldn't have to follow through. Dean was on the phone with Ellen, checking to see if maybe she had heard or seen anything that could help us find him.

"Ellen, it's me again, any chance you heard from him?" Dean began.

There was a beat, and I stared up at him with a worried expression as I waited to hear what was hopefully good news.

"I swear, it's like looking for my dad all over again," Dean sighed. "I'm losing my mind here. Ellie and I both are."

Another beat.

"No, I've called him a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail. We don't know where he went, or why. Sam's just gone."

His cell phone beeped then, indicating there was another call trying to come through.

"Hang on," he told Ellen, switching over.

I looked over his shoulder to see Sam's name flashing across the screen. He answered it quickly.

"Sammy? Where the hell are you? Are you okay?"

Yet another beat, and this time I was standing up straight instead of leaning against the Impala, holding my breath in anticipation.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down!" Dean told Sam. "Where are you? Alright, don't move, we're on our way."

He hung up, walking around to the driver's side of the Impala.

"So?" I asked expectantly, slipping into the passenger's seat.

"He's in a motel near Twin Lakes. Room 109."

"Is he alright? What happened?"

"I don't know, Eleanor. But he sounded scared on the phone."

I swallowed hard. Dean never called me Eleanor unless he was stressed or annoyed. Whatever Sam had said to him on the phone really shook him up.

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