76|Friends With Benefits

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Bela and I were standing in the living room waiting on Dean who was still upstairs. We were both wearing elegant evening gowns with gaudy jewelry. My dress was a sleeveless mermaid style with a sweetheart neckline in a deep forest green that made my red hair look like it was on fire. I had left my hair down, just curling it a bit and Bela had done my makeup. She was wearing a black dress with short sleeves and had swept her hair up in a knot at the back of her head with a few curls framing her face.

"I look ridiculous," I grumbled.

"Nonsense. You look stunning. Brigham won't know what hit him."

I rolled my eyes. Apparently Bela had called in a friend of hers nearby to be my escort to the event. I didn't know how they knew each other, but I didn't really want to know.

"What is taking so long?" Bela called up the stairs. "Sam's already halfway there... with his date."

I snickered a little at that thought. It took some persuasion, but Sam was accompanying Gert to the museum.

"So not okay with this!" Dean yelled back down the stairs.

"What are you, a woman? Come down already."

There was a beat of silence, and then footsteps as Dean descended the staircase dressed in a tux and black bowtie. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open slightly as I stared at him and I thought I heard Bela give a little sigh of appreciation next to me.

"Alright, get it out," Dean huffed. "I look ridiculous."

I fought the smirk that played on my lips. Dean and I really were similar.

"Not exactly the word I'd use," Bela told him.


"You know, when this is over, we should really have some angry sex."

I nearly choked at Bela's words, one hand flying up to touch the gaudy necklace around my neck while Dean shifted uncomfortably, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't objectify me," he said, pausing a beat. "Let's go."

Bela led the way out the door, with me in the middle and Dean in the rear. He leaned in to whisper in my ear where Bela wouldn't hear him.

"Though I wouldn't mind helping you out of that number later."

I was thankful for the darkness around us that hid my blush as he smacked my ass and pushed past me to stand next to Bela. There was a limo out front, and from the back climbed out a handsome young man about Dean's age. He was only a few inches shorter than Dean and had blond hair and a boyish face. He was also wearing a tux with a black bowtie.

"Brigham, this is Eleanor," Bela introduced us. "Eleanor, Brigham. Your escort for the evening."

"Milady," Brigham smiled, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.

I felt my heart flip in my chest, ignoring the way Dean was glaring daggers into the guy's skull.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled back.

He held the back door of the limo open for me, and I slid in. He followed, then Bela and then Dean. It had been way too long since I'd seen Dean get jealous of another guy hitting on me and part of me was excited to see how far I could push him. Part of me knew it was wrong to use Brigham in that way, but after getting chewed out by Dean for going after the Crossroads Demon, I just viewed this as revenge.

When we got to the Sea Pines Museum, Brigham and I followed behind Dean and Bela.

"Are you chewing gum?" Bela asked Dean once we had handed our invitations to the doorman. "Try to behave as if you've lived this life before, yeah?"

After looking around, Dean took the gum out of his mouth and stuck it under the edge of a flowing champagne fountain. Bela looked appalled, rolling her eyes, while Brigham and I were trying to keep in our giggles. Dean gave Bela a thumbs up and we all walked into the gathering. Bela and Dean hovered near a wall, but Brigham pulled me further into the room toward the dance floor.

"Oh, I don't dance," I protested. "I can barely even walk in these heels."

"I noticed," Brigham chuckled. "Just follow my lead, and you'll be fine. I promise I won't let you fall."

I placed one hand on his shoulder while he put one hand at my waist and our other hands clasped together and he twirled me around the floor to the music.

"See, you're a natural," he joked.

"Oh, trust me. This is all you," I insisted.

"So what's the deal with you and Mr. Macho over there with Bela, huh? He keeps looking at me like he wants to murder my ass."

I glanced over at where Bela and Dean were standing, now joined by Sam and Gert. They appeared to be engaged in conversation, but I did notice Dean glancing away to glare daggers over at where Brigham and I were dancing.

"I... don't really know what our deal is," I admitted. "We've known each other since we were kids. He and his brother, the tall one that just joined them, used to come into my father's shop all the time until our dads had a falling out and they stopped coming around."

"If they stopped coming around, how come you're all together now?"

"Nearly three years ago they came back to the shop asking for help finding their dad who'd gone missing. I decided to go with them, and we haven't really separated since."

"Did you guys ever find their dad?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we did. But then he made this deal with a demon to save Dean's life and so he's dead."

"A demon deal, huh? Those are risky business."

"Yeah," I nodded sadly. "I know."

I looked back over to where Dean and Bela were just in time to see Bela collapse into his arms. I started to pull away from Brigham and go over to them to see what was up, but Brigham's grip tightened, holding me in place.

"Don't," he muttered. "Bela knows what she's doing."

"What's the deal with you two? How do you know her?"

"We knew each other as kids, too. I help her procure things sometimes when she needs an extra person to get the job done. Though, we're just friends, not whatever you've got going with Mr. Macho."

"Dean and I are just friends," I insisted.

"Friends with benefits more like," Brigham said coldly. "Was he your first, or is that title given to someone else?"

I suddenly felt nauseas and pulled away.

"Excuse me," I told him, hurrying off and leaving him standing alone in the middle of the crowded dance floor.

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