I Wish-Maxwell Lord x Reader (WW84)

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A/N:It felt so nice going to the movie theatre again after so much that has happened this year and I reslly loved  WW84 and I couldn't believe I didn't like the 1st film before. Pedro Pascal was amazing😍😍


"I was this close!" I continue to follow Max as fast as I can through the empty office and into his own private one. He's failed again. He always seems like the perfect man when he's on screen but no one realized how much he's been struggling lately.

Maxwell Lord has surely become a successful man but he's been stressful lately and a lot, but I've still remains by his side. "Everything will be alright, Max. I just wish you'd try to relax for once and think positive of the situation-"

"I am thinking positive!" He suddenly raises his Voice and slams his fists against his desk. We both look up towards to the door and see a little boy come in, his only son Alistair.

"Max." I whisper his name and he gets up and tries to compose himself and smiles as he spreads his arms as he moves forward his kid. "Don't you worry son, that man who left is the loser I'm not one and I promise that one day you'll be proud of me."

I stay silent and watch them exchange small talk and I can't help but smile a little but feel jealous. I've been by Max's side ever since we were children, I stood up to his bullies back then since they would call him names and such just because he didn't knew how to speak English back then.

From then on Max and I got along. I taught him English and he Spanish to me. After we graduated I didn't leave him and offered to be his assistant when he started Black Gold. Later on he had a son, he's never told me who the boy's mother is. I felt jealous that he already started a family.

He has a son with another woman while I'm still alone trying to make him see me differently and not just his friend. I wish he could see me as a lover.

I stood there awkwardly in his office and stared at the man lovingly, he loves his son so much even if the boy doesn't understand. I've never been fond of kids or know how to interact with them but Max seems perfect with them.

"(Y/N). What's my schedule for the rest of the day?" I flip through the pages of my agenda and see what he has in store for later.

"Your next appointment is visiting the Smithsonian, sir." Max stands straight up and fixes his tie.

"Let's get to it then. This won't take long my son." He whispered and kissed the top of the boy's head. The boy slowly nodded and looked down at his feet

Max spoke to me quickly in Spanish for me to catch up, so I did and we were off to the next destination.


"This is fascinating. I-I wish I'd knew more about these types of things." I stare at the room fascinated by the many rare statues and items laying down in boxes to protect them. These all look so valuable too.

"Its never too late to learn things especially when you have great passion for it. It wasn't easy for me but I managed to land on my feet and keep on learning." I turn around and face the beautiful tall dark haired woman known as Diana.

I smile at her and feel myself blushing when I spot her looking around and when another tall but blonde woman came in adjusting her pair of glasses and holding onto a bunch of papers.

"That's exactly what she told me. Isn't she just kind?" The woman says and turns to smile at Diana.

"What's going on in here?" Max teased and look at the three of us. "I see you've met my lovely personal assistant, (Y/N)."

"We have and she's a sweetheart." I felt my face getting redder. The blonde last quickly nods her head and smiles at Diana.

"She is isn't she? It seems like she has the power for everyone to love her at first sight." Max laughed and i felt even more nervous when I felt his hand on my shoulder.

Max is known to be a huge flirt so I know he isn't talking to me in the way that I want him to. We start walking around the place and Max insisted on coming back for a stone. He didn't specify why but he was determined to come back for it.

"I wish you'd take thing's with more patience and dedicate some time to your son." I began commenting when we exiting the building. Max scoffs but smiles at me.

"What's with you and these wishes you always ask for?" He jokes and begins to walk ahead of me. I quickly catch up and chuckle knowing what he means.

"It sounds childish I know but you remind me of Pinocchio also." Max glances down at me with a curious face so I continue. "He used to wish upon a shooting star, hoping to one day become a real boy and show the world how strong he can be. Both of you are stubborn but in the end you show everyone how far you'll go go the things you're passionate about."

Max stops walking and turns to me and rests a finger under my chin and tilts my head up so I can look at him. His dark brown eyes look even better up close.

"You've always been a weird one, (Y/N). Don't ever change." He chuckles and let's go of me. I feel disappointed when that's all he comment on me.


It's the next night and Max told me earlier to dress up for a gala at the Smithsonian. He knows I'm not fond of these type of events but he wanted me to anyways so he gave me some money to buy myself something fancy. I decided to take the chance and accept his offer.

Maybe I'll be his date to the gala? I can dress up nice and maybe impress him. Do what Cinderella did to impress Prince Charming, he fell in love with her despite her not being loyalty. I dressed up in a long and red sleeved dress with matching heels and did my hair up a bit. In no time I was at the gala searching for my boss.

I hear his laughter nearby and there he was by a glass window holding a champagne in hand and looking handsome as ever. Maxwell Lord. The people he was with stopped talking and turned to me, Max did the same and I felt my heart beating faster.

He's never looked me that way before. Max smiled at me and extended his empty hand for me to take. I lovingly stared at him and gladly accepted his hand. It felt so nice holding hand with him.

"This is my beautiful assistant, (Y/N)." He introduced me. We talked for an hour or so and we would glance at each other often.

"You look nice dressed up like this." Max whispered when he leaned into my ear. I opened my mouth to respond but he looked at someone behind me and walked past me.

He left without saying a thing. I nervously smiled at the people he left talking, "Mr. Lord will be right back. Please excuse me." I placed the empty glass I had by a table and went out to search for Max.

I looked for him everywhere and had no luck. When I was about to leave I heard laughter, so I hide close and peeked out when the door opened. Max was leaving an office fixing his suit and the blonde woman later left after him.


Max was going crazy and it seems like the world was going insane alongside him. Max and I were fighting in his office, I didn't care if the people outside could listen to me scream at him. Yes, people outside out of nowhere people came into the building and started working.

"You left me alone to be with that woman!"

"That woman has a name and her name is Barbara." He angrily yelled at me. I scoffed and stared at him angrily with my arms crossed over my chest.

"So you're defending her now after a one night stand?! You left me alone. I thought we would have a great time."

"Well you thought wrong. Go make yourself useful for once." He said calming himself a bit down. He ran his hands over his already messy hair trying to comb it back to how it was.

I felt hurt but I glared at Max and left his office for good. I don't feel like talking to him at the moment, he's probably just stressed out.


"Diana be careful!" I shouted as I sped up the car trying to chase down Max and making sure to not crash the car into the bigger ones up ahead.

I met up with Diana when I began asking her questions about Max and she puzzled the things together and figured out that the stone that was in the Smithsonian was stolen by Max, to use its powers. He's become the embodiment of the stone and has gained its powers and can grant wishes. Diana's boyfriend Steve was fighting off some men while I continue to drive fast down the road. I never imagined Diana to have such breath strength when she exploded a car and easily pushed it aside when it was about to crash her.

Max escaped with his men and now Diana and Steve had to meet up with Barbara to discover the true origin of the stone. Max has gained a lot of power and almost everyone he's met so far has sided with him. We were now talking with a descendant of the ancient Mayans ans be told us is the Dreamstone.

It was created by a God of mischief and Treachery. The stone grants users their wish but takes their most dearest possession in return. The entire time we were listening to the stones history I kept glaring at Barbara and so did she.

Diana, Steve and I quickly made it to the White House and we were searching for Max. I began running around the many halls and noticed him up ahead running away from Diana and Steve."Max!"

He turned to look at me and I had to take a step back, his appearance is changing and he looks weak. His hair almost messy, his right eye was completely red almost like he was bleeding and his veins looked almost black.

"(Y/N)! It's been a few days since I've seen you. Tell me what is it that you wish from me? Maybe something you've always wanted. Ask away my dear."He said with a smile and quickly took steps towards me and held my hand.

I stared up at him almost afraid and pushed him away from me. "I don't want to wish anything from you! Can't you see it Max? All I want it you, the real you not this person you've become. Just look at yourself you're dying."

Max smirked and shook his head almost like he's laughing at me. "I can give you the world just wish for it and you can have it.."

I raised my hand ready to punch him until someone backed me up against the wall and held my neck tight. "Barbara let go of her!" Diana warned.

I was face to face with Barbara Minerva but she has completely changed. "Don't lay a finger on him." She gritted her teeth and threw me to the other side of the room.

Diana easily caught me before I could fall and handed me over to Steve who protectively wrapped his arms around me. I watched as Barbara easily defeated Diana and warned her to not interfere.


The world was in complete chaos. I watched Diana leave with a broken heart since I watched her say goodbye to Steve for the last time. He's the pilot she fondly spoke to me when we met, now she was heading to stop Maxwell and Barbara.

I began running and trying to push and avoid the crowd who began protesting, lighting up fires, attacking others and the police. Max's face was everywhere on screen telling people to make a wish that they can have everything.

I wish you could return being the way you were.

The people who weren't outside were running to safety since missiles were being launched. Suddenly the missiles disappeared and people stopped and looked around to see that everything was fine like before. The sky seemed brighter now and it felt peaceful.

"I have to get to him." I began running fearing if something happened to Max. Could Diana possibly have killed him? What about his son?

I began running faster and reached the back to the White House and began shouting Max's name and I only became more worried when no one answered.

"(Y/N)!" is that Max?! I turned around and saw him running faster to me. I smiled wide and couldn't help but cry.

I picked up some pace and ran as well to him and we hugged each other tight when we were close. I held onto him tighter and began crying on his shoulder. "I was so scared that something happened to you."

I felt Max holding me close to him and running his hands down my hair. "I'm sorry for always making you feel worried. I promise I won't leave your side and I felt so awful for ignoring your feelings for me-"

I cupped his face and leaned in to kiss him so he could just shut up for once. Max smiled looking down at me with those brown eyes I always loved staring at.

"Daddy!" We pulled apart and saw Max's son Alistair running to us. The poor boy must've been so afraid on his own. Max ran up ahead and embraced his son and promised him many thing's, all the boy ever wanted was to spend time with his father.

They both seem so happy now. I jogged over to them and Max smiled at me and grabbed my arm to pull me down to where he was kneeling. Max had his arms wrapped around me and Alistair. I hugged both boys back and closed my eyes and happily smiled. This is all I truly wished for.

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