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"STOP SCREAMING AT ME." A nurse yelled as she pushed in front of Josh. Death's kiss left me breathless and my vision blacked over.
"RICKY." I heard Josh and Devin yelling.
"LET GO OF ME." We're the next words out of Devin.
"CLEAR." another nurse yelled. All of a sudden it felt like someone was pouring air into my lungs. My vision faded from black to a blurry swirl quickly, then back to clear.
"RICKY!" Josh screeched.
"Don't do that again. You almost gave me a heart attack." He said as he lifted my head into his chest and hugged me.
"Do what?" I asked, too out of it to really understand what was happening.
"You just fucking died!" Devin said as he took his turn hugging me.
"I'm fine." I mumbled as I laid back down.
"You. Just. Died." Josh said as he held onto my hand. I felt two hands run though my hair. I tilted my head back back to see Chris' face partially hidden by an oversized hood.
"How are you feeling?" Chris asked.
"I'm fine." I responded quickly.
"Could you guys leave us alone for a little bit? We just need to do a couple of routine tests." Kellin said as he rested a hand on Josh's shoulder.
"Yeah, let us know when you're done please." He said as he took Devin's hand and walked out of the room.

"If it's okay with you, I'm going to have my partner check you out." Kellin asked as he leaned on the edge of my bed. I nodded and he gave me a thumbs.
"I'll go get him. Just relax for a minute." He said as he got up, leaving just Chris and I.
"I didn't mean to kill you. I don't know what I was thinking." He stammered nervously as he moved to where Kellin was.
"I've watched you for so long and so many times I wanted to hug you and tell you everything would be alright." He stuttered as he held my hand tight.
"I just... I don't know..." he said nervously as Kellin came back into the room with a short brown haired man.
"This is Vic and he's just going to do a EKG on you. Just making sure your heart is okay and everything. Sound good?" Kellin said, as he set a folder down next to me. I nodded quickly and gave Chris' hand a quick squeeze.

So far I had an EKG, multiple sets of blood drawn, and cat scans or whatever the hell they're called. Kellin was now quizzing me on what I've been doing over the past few days that could've caused this.
"Have you had any voices in your head?" He asked, not looking up from his clipboard. I almost choked on air at the question.
"No." I said hesitantly. He looked up me for a second and raised his eyebrow at me before sitting up fully.
"Are you sure?" He asked as he scanned my eyes for honesty. I nodded quickly, trying to cover up my mistake.
"I'm here for you and I just want to help so please don't lie to me." Kellin said quickly as he looked back down at his clipboard.
"I'll try not to." I responded, being somewhat sarcastic.
"It's getting late. I'll have your nurse come in around 8 just in case you can't fall asleep. If you need anything at all then just hit the call button..." Kellin said as he got all of his papers in order.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he got up and made his way to the door, waving to me before exiting. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and sent Josh a quick text saying 'Kellin left.' I messed with the saline IV in my hand as I waited for a response.
"Stop it." Chris hissed as he smacked my hand lightly.
"Shut up. I could be home... laying in bed... all by myself... but no." I said dramatically.
"How you feeling?" Josh said as he burst into the room, Devin walking behind him.
"Fine. Just tired. If you guys want to go home then you can." I said, taking into note how exhausted both of them looked after this long day.
"Maybe later. Do you want anything to drink? Eat? Anything from home?" Josh asked as he grabbed a chair out of the corner of the room for Devin who was leaning lazily against the wall.
"Coffee please." I said as I shifted around uncomfortably.
"What about you?" Josh asked as he held onto Devin's shoulders as he sat down.
"Same as Ricky." He said with a tired sigh as he rested his head in his hands.
"I'll be back then." Josh said as he left the room.

After a little bit of small talk with Devin we had a moment of silence, not awkward, just calm.
"So who have you been talking too?" He asked out of nowhere.
"What?" I countered, trying to play dumb.
"Last night. Then this morning. Then when Josh and I came in here you were talking to someone." He explained.
"No one. Just myself." I stuttered. Devin glared at me.
"I'm not going to tell anyone. Not Josh, not Kellin, just between us." Devin coaxed. I sighed heavily and thought about the idea. It's not good to hold it all in.
"Josh told you about the car crash right?" I asked, not wanting to start all the way from the beginning. Devin nodded and sat up straight.
"When I was in a coma, Death was the only person there. He held me and sent me back here. Then when I tried to kill myself a couple of months ago he comforted me again and forced me to come back to life. But he kinda came with me." I said, summarizing the events.
"Are you saying that death is a person and you're on a first name basis with him?" Devin asked. I probably sounded completely insane.
"Kinda. Please just keep this between us though. He's nice and he just wants to protect me." I spewed out quickly.
"Is he the reason you died earlier?" Devin said, all the sudden startled and on edge.
"He didn't mean to. The reason I fell is because he pushed me and he was just apologizing. He just kissed me." I stammered as I sat up and looked at the pissed off Devin.
"YOU ALMOST DIED. YOU CALL THAT PROTECTION." He screamed as he popped up from his seat.
"Please just calm down." I whimpered.
"It's okay." Chris said as he gave my hand a squeeze, reminding me that he's here for me.
"I'm back." Josh announced loudly as he entered the room.
"What did I miss?" He asked, clueless as to what just went down.
"Nothing. I just need a minute." Ghost hissed before stomping into the bathroom and locking it behind himself.
"What happened?" Josh asked as he put down the coffee tray.
"He just... got mad... about something from the past." I lied as I rubbed my face. Josh nodded, dismissing the conversation.

"Hey guys." A skinny white man with blond hair and tattoos said as he entered the room. He was wearing wearing black scrubs that looked too like a little kid playing dress up on him.
"If you're Ricky then I'm your attending nurse, Colson." He said as he shook my hand.
"I'd hate to kick you guys out but, visiting hours are over. I could always set up Skype on the tv if you're worried though." Colson suggested.
"It's okay. Text us before you go to sleep and in the morning when you're ready for us to visit." Josh said as Devin got off his lap. Both of them slipped back into their shoes as Colson checked my monitors and IV. Devin and Josh took turns hugging me from the side.
"Hope you feel better." Devin said as he waved back at me from the door.
"Don't worry he's in good hands." Colson laughed as he put move tape over the IV.
"So are those your parents?" He asked as he started to set up a glass bottled medicine.
"My cousin and his boyfriend." I corrected as I watched Colson fumbled with the tubing. He nodded a bit as he hung the vial up and connected everything to the machine before the running it to the needle in my arm.
"I set it to start dripping at 9... so you got an hour before it's sleepy time. You need anything?" Colson asked as he leaned against the edge of my bed.
"Do you have cigarettes?" I asked him with a sigh. When ever I was let outside at the mental hospital, a group of slightly older patients would let me smoke with them since they thought I was a cute little kid.
"Those are like... 100% chemicals." Colson said as he looked at me disapprovingly.
"Addiction or do you want to be numb?" He asked casually.
"Mostly the second one." I said as I felt Chris start playing with my hair again.
"Shit man. You could've just told me to hook you up. You know weed does the same thing just way better." Colson said as he got up and left quickly.
"Will you lay down with me?" I asked as I looked up at Chris.
"Just don't blow smoke in my face." He huffed as he slowly moved to my side and curled his body around mine.

After I hit my 3rd blunt, Colson had cut me off, saying that I would feel weird when I wake up off sedatives if I didn't stop soon.
"Sleepy time soon." He coaxed as he changed out my saline bag.
"What time is it now?" I giggled, unable to stay serious.
"Time for you to lay down and tell me what type of music you like." He said as he sat back down next to me.
"WINGS OF A BUTTERFLY." I yelled as the tune popped into my head.
"By who?" Colson asked as he grabbed my phone off the bedside table.
"Mmmmm. Him." I mumbled. Within a few seconds the opening notes filled the air and I laid there in Chris' arms.
"Ready?" Colson asked as he checked the time.
"You betttt." I said as I turned in Chris' arms so my face was in his chest. There was a soft beeping noise, the machine letting me know it was about to knock me out. I watched the clear tube that was taped down to my wrist until the clear sparkling liquid was steadily being pumped into me and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey." Colson said as he shook me a little bit.
"What." I mumbled as I shifted around until I was laying on my back.
"Josh and Devin are outside talking to Kellin but they brought you breakfast." He said as he pushed the button on the side of the bed, sitting me up a bit.
"I'm not hungry." I said as I grabbed the Starbucks Coffee cup. I stared at the glass tupperware that held a heaping of scrambled eggs and bacon.
"Come on man. Eat some of it. If Kellin finds out you haven't eaten anything then he's going to put you on feeding tubes and I don't want to have to shove it down your throat." Colson coaxed as he sat down next to me.
"I'm just not hungry. You can eat if you are though." I said as I hid my mouth behind the coffee cup.
"Guess I'll go get Kellin." Colson said as he stood up. At that moment, Kellin popped through the door with Josh and Devin behind him.
"Colson, could I talk to you in the hall for a second?" Kellin asked as he looked at him expectantly. My nurse nodded guiltily before following my doctor out into the hall and closing the door. Josh stayed with his ear pressed against the door as Devin sat by me.
"You get to come home today." He said as he held my hand. Josh joined us on the bed.
"He's mad at Colson for not reporting to him." Josh said as he crossed his legs.
"Sorry about that guys. I hope they've already told you the good news, Ricky... since we found no signs of anything that may have caused you to be temporarily deceased, you can go home! I want to see you in a couple of days and I'll call tonight and make sure everything's okay." Kellin said, pausing so I could nod.
"I want you to stay on Zoloft and Prozac, stop taking Lexapro... call if you have any problems or if you aren't feeling good." Kellin spewed as he scanned his clipboard.
"Do you have any questions?" He finally said as he backed to the door. I shook my head no and he gave me a thumbs up.
"Colson will be in here in a minute to take out your IV and stuff. I hope you feel better though." Kellin said as he left.

"So did you guys get the tattoos?" I asked, remembering that they had an appointment but Chris kind of ruined the plan.
"Nah and we ditched the idea all together." Ghost said as he dropped a backpack from his shoulders.
"What were you going to get?" I inquired as Colson entered the room.
"The outline of each other's faces." Josh said with a small laugh.
"Could I ask you two to wait outside for a couple of minutes?" Colson interrupted as he started to fiddle with the machines.
"Yup." Josh responded quickly.
"We brought you jeans and a sweatshirt." Ghost said as he set the bag down next to my feet and left the room. Colson got right to work, removing the anodes from my chest and the IV from my hand. He checked all my vitals again before helping me stand up. I was a little wobbly at first and a tad bit dizzy. Of course Colson always kept me leaning on the bed or holding onto him with both my hands. He kept his back turned to me as I got dressed, giving me a bit of privacy.
"I'll be back in a second." He said as he left the room, letting Devin and Josh in.
"Want to watch a movie when we get home?" Josh asked, as if he wanted to make up for the other night.
"Sure thing." I responded enthusiastically, glad to be going home and able to spend time with my family. I felt Chris caress my face lightly and kiss the top of my head.

Well this took fucking forever to update. I'll probably update my other two stories then this one because I already have parts started for those. Wooop. The only reason I wish Vinny wasn't in MIW is because I listened to TRaP DEMoN and now I like rap music and I hate myself. Mama destroya signing off.

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