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I laid on the couch with my head on Devin's lap and my legs on top of Josh's twisted up body. Apparently Devin is the only person here that likes to sit like an actual person. We were watching Beetlejuice, a request from Devin. I watched Chris who stood in the corner quietly.
"You okay?" Devin asked as he noticed I was just kind of staring off into space.
"Yeah, just thinking." I said as I rubbed my face and turned to the TV to see the credits rolling.
"Josh, could you pick the next movie while Ricky and I get more popcorn." Devin said as he lifted my head off his lap. He put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me. I complied to his request and stood up, walking to the kitchen quickly.

Chris wrapped his arms around me as I leaned against the counter top. Devin leaned against the island directly across from me.
"What's wrong?" Devin asked again as he looked me directly in the eye.
"Nothing." I stammered as Chris tightened his grip on me.
"I want to know what's wrong too." He whispered in my ear.
"I was just thinking." I added onto my previous statement.
"About what?" Devin quizzed further.
"Chri-Death." I corrected as Devin grabbed a bag of popcorn off the counter. He tossed it in the microwave before looking at me.
"Death's name is Chris?" He asked, obviously confused.
"Yeah..." I trailed off as I closed my eyes, thinking about how ridiculous I sounded.
"When can I meet him?" Devin asked as if we were talking about my boyfriend. Chris slipped out from under me and went into the front hall where another shadow lurked. I could quietly hear them hissing at each other. When I turned back to Devin he had his eyebrows raised.
"Um. Josh has work tomorrow right?" I asked. Tomorrow would be Monday, the start of the school week, and Josh being an art teacher would require him to be there.
"Yup, I leave for work later than him though so we could talk then?" Devin suggested. I looked to Chris for confirmation and he nodded.
"Mike will be there too." He informed me.
"Yeah, and he said Mike will be there." I told Devin. His body form dropped as if he had just seen a loved one die in front of him.
"Ready?" Josh questioned as he walked in and wrapped an arm around Devin. Both of us nodded as Josh looked between us.
"Did you forget the popcorn?" He asked with a snicker. He opened the microwave to see the flat bag sitting there.
"You didn't turn it on." He said as he broke out laughing.

I sat with Chris' arms curled against me where Devin was sitting. The couple was now tangled together on the other half of the couch. Chris was mumbling nonsense in my ear as I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, one of my childhood favorites. Chris' whispering got worse and worse, to the point I couldn't understand a single word he was saying.
"SHUT UP." I snapped at him, causing both Devin and Josh to turn to me.
"Are you okay?" Josh asked as he untangled himself from Devin a little bit.
"I just want him to leave me alone." I said quietly as I ran from the room. I sprinted up to my room and slammed the door behind me.

I quickly locked the door before collapsing on the floor, too tired to even go to my bed.
"Ricky open the door." Josh yelled as I burst into hysterical crying. Chris squatted down in front of me.
"Leave me alone." I hissed at him as I tried to catch my breath.
"Ricky! Open the door!" Josh barked at me, pounding on the door with his fist. I curled up farther into a ball, pulling my knees to my face. I could feel my tears soaking through my jeans as I laid there. I felt Chris' hands on the side of my face, causing me to jerk away.
"RICKY!" Devin screamed.
"Stop. Just stop." I whimpered through my sniffling. Shortly after I heard the door click open, meaning Josh picked the lock.
"Shhh it's okay." Devin whispered as he uncurled my body and pulled me into him. I felt Josh cradle me from behind, pressing me farther into Devin's comfortable chest. It felt like how my mom and dad used to hold me when we'd watch a movie and I'd fall asleep between them. These thoughts only brought me farther into darkness. Facing death would be better than having to live with him on a daily basis.
"Do you want us to call Kellin?" Josh asked as he pulled Devin into his lap, completely squishing me between them. I shook my head no and tried to move out of my caregivers arms, however they held me tight.
"After I tried to kill myself a few years ago I had the same thing happen to me." Devin spoke up. I stopped sniffling and looked up at his pale face.
"I named him Mike and he watched over me until I met Josh. He was always around and he pissed me off at first but then I accepted him and he slowly moved on from me. Then I started to miss him but I had Josh and now I have you and now everything is okay." Devin said quietly as he pushed my hair out of my face. Josh leaned over me and pressed his lips into Devin's, quickly pulling away afterwards.
"Please let me up." I said, feeling awkward. Both of them snickered and allowed me to raise myself into a sitting position.
"Ricky, you could've told me if you're seeing things." Josh confronted me. I looked at the ground, feeling guilty for not trusting my guardian.
"Don't blame it on him. It's hard when you don't know what the fuck is happening in your own mind." Devin hissed, defending me.
"I'm not, I just... I want you to know that I'm here for you and I don't want you to struggle on your own." Josh stammered as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"It's okay." I said as I drew circles on my oriental rug with my finger.
"You're lying." Chris snit at me from somewhere in my room.
"Please just be quiet." I begged as I closed my eyes.
"Do I really make you feel that shitty?" He asked as I felt his hands on my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Josh looking between Devin and I, and Devin watching my every move.
"Don't listen to Chris." He said as he gave me a reassuring smile and rested a hand on my knee. I tried to ignore the little ball of hate that stared over my shoulder, however he tightened his grip on me to the point where I couldn't help but squirm.
"Are you okay?" Josh asked, oblivious to anything Chris was doing. I nodded quickly and scooted towards him.
"Chris where ever you are, please fuck off." Devin said shamelessly as he pulled me back into the lovers cocoon.

"I'll go get Mike if I have to." Chris hissed as he closed to curtains, blocking out the world.
"Devin, he said he would get Mike." I warned him. We don't need death sneaking up on someone that I actually care about.
"I don't care." He said with a shoulder shrug.
"Tell them to leave." Chris jeered. I slowly moved away from Josh and Devin and kept my head down.
"Chris wants to talk to me for a minute... could you guys wait outside?" I asked, trying to be polite. Both of them nodded understandingly, quickly getting up and leaving. Chris slammed the door behind them before returning to me.

"I expect you to fucking explain yourself." Chris said as he grabbed me by my hair and yanked me to my feet. He didn't sound mad, just intensely disappointed. I kept my eyes shut tight as I let him push me around.
"Why the fuck can't you trust me? Why do you think I'm here to make you miserable?" He barked at me. He led me back by my hair until my legs hit my bed and I fell backwards.
"I can't trust you because you have zero ability to control your temper, you literally went from pushing me down and storming out of the room to kissing me. Maybe you're not trying to make me hate being alive but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don't need to be abused by some evil demon spirit that makes everyone think I'm insane." I hissed out between my gritted teeth as I propped myself up on my elbows.
"I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be waiting in hell for you or your mate to almost die, but no! The system had to get fucked up and now you don't have a human mate and now I'm stuck here and now Mike is mad at me and I fucked everything up." Chris exasperated as he pulled at his own hair and paced back and forth.
"Slow the hell down." I yelled, ultimately confused by what was happening.
"Lay down and get comfortable because I'm only gonna say this once." Chris shouted as he jumped up and down a bit, as if he was hyping himself up.

"When I was 17, I died from cancerous tumors in my brain that I didn't even know were there. I had bad mental illnesses so I never realized that how I felt wasn't normal and I suppressed all the symptoms. I never really paid attention to my Death and he was kind of mad about that so he handed me off the Mike. Mike was like my mentor and tour guide from the start. We had a type of friends with benefits thing going on, since he's a bit of a whore... One day Mike went to talk to my original Death and I was home when one of his friends came over. They had mistaken me for Mike so they dragged me off to get a new assignment. I was assigned with Devin and Josh but Mike still had to collect my mates soul. When I got back to Mike and I's house... he was freaking out about me not being there and I told him about everything... he took Devin and Josh and he gave me my mate so I could meet them and watch over them and stuff since I had would never get the chance to meet them as a living being..." Chris stopped jumping up and down and pacing to sit on my bed for the rest of the story. Things started to click in my head. Chris was just a hell bound soul. Mike was an actual soul collecting Demon.
"I know I have a shit temper and I can be a real asshole and your life would be four thousand times easier without me, but..." Chris swallowed hard and scooted closer to me.
"I just want to be with my mate." He said as he leaned in close to my face. His chin length hair fell from behind his ears and created a curtain between our faces.

I leaned up quickly and pressed my lips into his. He backed away in surprise, yet quickly leaned back into me. This kiss didn't feel like the last. It felt more innocent, yet it still left me breathless. The innocence quickly faded as I took the initiative to deepen things. I slipped my tongue in between Chris' lips and he opened his mouth more, letting me slide in further. He partially climbed over me, leaving him straddling my waist. He pulled away a bit before grinding down into me and pushing his tongue into my mouth. He moaned quietly before fully pulling away from me. He leaned back so he was just sitting on my hips and looking me in the eye.
"You're so cute when you blush." He said as my face heated up a little bit.
"Shut up." I giggled as the door popped open. Devin and Josh poked their heads into the room. Both of them snickered as they scanned Chris' appearence.
"Would you two like to come down stairs with us and finish The Nightmare Before Christmas." Devin offered as he opened the door a little more. Chris climbed off of me and offered me a hand. He helped me to my feet before sweeping me up into his chest.
"Why don't you do that to me?" Devin joked as he opened the door so Chris could carry me through.
"Because you're heavy." Josh said with a playful snicker.
"Are you calling me fat?" Devin asked in a high pitched voice.
"You never call a lady fat." He said sarcastically.
"The only thing fat about you is that amazing ass." Josh laughed. He slapped Devin's butt before moving his hand to Devin's waist as Chris carried me past them. Chris placed a kiss on my head as he carefully climbed down the stairs.

This took way too long to update. I've also been listening to a lot of ridiculous music like Alejandro by Lady Gaga to Senior Skip Day by Mac Miller. I'm still a little emo bean though. Don't worry. Grr... so much intimidation. Rawr means (bush did 9/11) in dinosaur. I've been smoking too many meme's. DO MEMES NOT DRUGS. On a more serious note... I don't know how much longer this story is gonna be... If you have anything that you want in this story (characters, smut, events, maybe even infantile sacrifice [maybe thats your thing, not gonna judge]) then comment or send me a message. Anyways, Mama Destorya signing off.

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