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Chris stayed visible to Josh and Devin so I didn't feel so crazy. We finished watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and started to watch Dark Shadows but no one was really paying attention. Devin was tracing over Josh's tattoos as he slept. Chris was moving his hands around my torso, from my hips to my shoulder blades. I focused on his body roaming, memorizing what it felt like for his hands to run over every bone, nerve and blood vessel. His delicate touch was soothing and made me as though I was meant to fit in his stiff cocoon of a body.

"Aren't you tired?" He asked me quietly. Devin was now straddling Josh's lap with his head nuzzled up to his boyfriend's neck. His lack of movement led me to believe he was trying to go to sleep or he was already there.
"A little bit I guess." I said with a quiet yawn. To this, Chris turned off the TV with a push of the remote button.
"Can you turn around please?" He asked politely. I complied and shifted around until I was facing him. He lifted my arms to his neck and I took the initiative to give him a quick kiss, which seemed to enjoy with the way his hands wandered up my ass. He pushed me closer until our body's were only separated by clothing. Chris quickly stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly. I moved my lips to his jaw which caused him to squeeze my ass with the hand that was already under me.
"Ricky... I don't think you want to do that to a demon with the stamina of a bull." Chris stammered as I nibbled my way down to his collar bone. I continued with my actions until I was dropped onto my bed.

"Maybe I do want to do that." I hissed as Chris climbed over me partially, straddling my thighs. He quickly slammed his hands down on either side of my face, making me jump. I lifted my head into the kiss and in one smooth motion, his body went down on mine, ending with him grinding into me. Chris depended the kiss by running his tongue over my lips before slipping it into my mouth. As the very prominent bulge in his pants rubbed into me, I became equally as hard. This resulted in him moving his hands down to my waist, specifically one on my hip and the other between our boners. I felt his hand slip against against my bare skin that was boarder by my boxers. I tried to move my hands to Chris' waist but he pulled away from me, leaving me needy. I lifted my lower half up towards him, trying to get more contact. That was clearly a mistake. He slammed his hips down into me, causing me to let out a muffled, slutty moan.
"Fuck." Chris mumbled against my lips as his cool fingertips slipped down below my waistband, causing me to squirm slightly. The hand that used to be between us ran up my side surprisingly easy with the amount of pressure he was using against me. As he pulled at my pants I also found him choking me against the bed, causing me to gag and become light headed. Panic arose in my chest as I started to lose feeling in my limbs.

It felt as though Chris was being yanked off of me in that second. When I opened my eyes I saw him standing by the side of my bed. Next to him was a smaller Italian man who had short grey horns sprouting from the front of his temples. He put on a ridiculously fake smile as he waited for me to regain my full consciousness.
"I'm sorry about him." He said as he ran a hand through his slicked back hair.
"It's okay." I stammered as I watched Chris stare at the floor and twiddle his fingers nervously.
"I promise that when we return to hell, Lucker will take care of him." The shortie said as he offered me a hand.
"Who are you and who is Lucker?" I asked as I allowed the man to help me into a sitting position.
"I'm Vinny. I'm a level 7 and I was assigned to in charge of this little level 6 with no self control." He said as he looked up at Chris' expectantly.
"Lucker is the man down stairs. Like if you've ever seen the movie Hercules, he's kinda like Hades. Everyone thinks his name if Lucifer, but they just misheard him." Vinny explained as he sat down next to me.

"Ya' know Chris, if you keep at this rate, you may even surpass Lucker." Vinny hissed playfully.
"I don't understand." I whispered as I tried to catch a glimpse of Chris' eyes.
"Okay so think of it this way. For the amount of sinning we did when we were alive, it kinda set us at a rank. I'm at level 7 but I've worked my way up from the top of level 5. The higher the level, the more responsibility you have. If I'm still at the top of level 7 by the end of this moon cycle, then I'll be put in apprenticeship under Lucker and be trained to be one of his assistants and from there up to his successor. He goes through assistants pretty quick so the biggest hump I have is getting over level 7 and becoming the best assistant." Vinny spewed out as Chris shifted from foot to foot.
"Does that make any sense?" He asked as he ruffled his hair again.
"Yeah... but... say I was going to die right now... what level would I be at and how would I go up?" I asked, still confused by the progression.
"Bottom of level 6 or the top of level 5. If you wanted to go to heaven then you would have to kiss Mr. Boss-Man's ass and work like, quadruple overtime to get there. If you want to stay in hell then you'd have to be responsible for your group of demons on the level below you. You'd have to be super on top of things and never miss a beat and you'll go up through the rankings until you get to level 7. You could be reincarnated before you get very far depending on how much of your bloodline's in hell and if there's any kids for you to merge in with. You're still technically Kuza's responsibility so you'd either be under him or Chris if you're on level 5 or you'd be under me if you're on level 6. I probably sound like I'm instructing you to do that fucking Pacer running test shit, but does that make any sense?" Vinny said as he vomited words.
"Kinda." I murmured quietly.

"Anyways, Kuza said that you and him are talking to Devin tomorrow so I thought we could just bring the whole gang down to Lucker and have the party there. Sort out your position and this whole demon raping human thing in one meeting." Vinny suggested to me. Chris' head shot up and he looked Vinny right in the eye.
"I did NOT rape Ricky. I swear to god Vincenzo, if you try to play that card to get yourself farther ahead-" Chris ranted until he was cut off.
"Save it for tomorrow." Vinny said as he waved his hand around.
"Vinny, he didn't do anything to me." I said nervously as I touched his shoulder lightly.
"I was asleep. It was fucking Mr.Parnoia-Bullshit that woke me and told me to come split you two up because someone has absolutely no self control." Vinny sibilated as he stood up and grabbed Chris by the throat, forcing him to look straight ahead.
"Vinny please just calm down." I said as I pulled at the sleeve of his ripped tank top that covered his blacked over skin.
"I just wanted to sleep. Being a level 7 is exhausting. Yet you guys just HAD to go at it. Like come on man. I just wanted like 6 hours of sleep." Vinny said as he dropped his hand before stomping around and throwing a tantrum. He flailed around, turning on his heals and winning loudly. He dropped face first onto my bed and screamed into my comforter.
"He has daddy issues." A tall man said as he stepped out of the corner of my room. His ears and nostrils were stretched and his eyebrows drawn on. He was wearing an outfit similar to Chris', a black sweatshirt and skinny jeans that were loose on his obviously boney body. He sat down next to Vinny and rubbed his shoulder slightly to which he didn't respond. The intimidating man pushed his arms under the small Italian and pulled him into his chest while simultaneously flipping him onto his back, showing that Vinny had fallen asleep.
"I have no clue how he made it to level 7 when he can't keep his eyes open for 2 minutes." The scary demon said as he stood up with Vinny's limp body draped over his arms.
"He decided that were going down to Lucker's tomorrow." Chris said as he bounced his knees nervously.
"Sucks for you. I mean I've bottomed for him before, and I can honestly say that Manson is scarier, even when he's 'happy'." The demon said.
"Who's Manson?" I asked, confused by the new person being introduced.
"He's like the trainer. When you reach apprenticeship he's the one that becomes your supervisor. It's like England. Lucker is the king, but Manson is the prime minister. Question though, do you know who I am?" He asked as he studied my face.
"No... should I?" I asked nervously as I shimmied behind Chris slightly.
"I'm Mike, but I go by Kuza more. I used to be your demon." He said as he let out an innocent laugh.
"Oh... it's nice to meet you..." I responded quietly.
"We'll have more time to talk tomorrow, but for now I have to get this little cranky bitch back to hell." Kuza said as he lifted Vinny up in his arms slightly. He slowly waltzed out of the room, stopping in the doorway.
"And uh... you should come back to my place for the night." Kuza said as he bit his lip and bat his eyes at Chris. He swayed his way out of the room, leaving Chris and I in the settling dust of sexual tension.

"You should go to sleep." Chris suggested as he rubbed the back of his next nervously.
"Will you stay will me?" I asked, slightly concerned by Kuza, but mostly wanting to diffuse what we started earlier.
"Yeah of course." Chris confirmed, in a breathless, tired, unenthusiastic way.
"You can go down to Kuza if you don't want to be here." I said quietly, picking up on the dread that filled the air.
"Nah it's fine." He said in a not-too-reassuring voice. I nodded before I started to pull off my sweatshirt. Chris stared at the wall awkwardly as I pulled my pants off, probably not wanting to seem creepy. Once I was in my boxers I crawled under my layer of blankets and comforters.
"Come lay down with me." I said quietly as I turned on my side and reached a hand out to the awkward man. Slowly he made his way over to me and kicked off a pair of black Vans. He carefully sat by my head before adjusting himself so I could lay on his chest. After a solid 10 minutes of silence he spoke up.
"I'm sorry about earlier." He said as he rubbed my back soothingly.
"It's okay." I whispered as I drew swirls on shoulder.
"It's really not." He said as he grabbed my wrist, holding it up before his eyes as he studied the scars.
"I liked it. Not the choking but I liked it." I said as I pulled away from his grasp. He turned so that he was facing me.
"I don't want to push you. You're so fucked up as it is. I don't want to make things worse." He whispered as he glanced between my lips and my eyes.
"I know I'm a fuck up but trust me, nothing you ever do could make it worse." I said as I inched closer to him.
"Ricky-" He started to say before I cut him off by locking my lips in with his. He held the side of my face lovingly as we shared our innocent, yet long, kiss.
"I... I love you." He whispered as he kept our mouths millimeters apart.
"I love you too." I sighed into him as I connected our lips back together.

Okay so I haven't updated this in forever (for a combination of head aches, a bad case of writer's block and personal issues) and I'm sorry this chapter is such shit. I wrote this for AndySykes2 sooo. yeah. um. I have so many MM songs stuck in my head it's not even funny. Ye. Ugh I had something else to say. Oh well. Mama Destroya signing off.

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