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"Chris?" I grumbled as I was shaken awake.
"No, it's me." I heard Josh respond as he moved away from me slightly. I opened my eyes to him standing next to Devin. Josh wore a black button down with the sleeves rolled, black skinny jeans and black and white creepers. Devin wore something similar but much sexier. His black shirt wasn't buttoned to the top so it showed off his cleavage. A short, tight black skirt covered the lace nylons which were topped of with a pair of platform stilettos.
"I'm gonna go to work in a couple of minutes but I wanted to say bye and make sure everything's okay." Josh said as he flicked a piece of hair out of my face.
"Yeah, I think everything's good." I groaned as I sat up.
"Okay, if you want you could stop by the school today. Just chill in the art room and do some makeup work." He suggested loosely.
"Maybe later." I mumbled as I yawned.
"Devin and I have a meeting in hell today with Lucker." I added as I tossed my blankets off my legs.
"When?" The feminine man asked.
"Whenever Chris gets here." I said with a bit of rage seeping out.
"Okay, well... I'll see you later." Josh said as he gave me a quick side hug.
"And I'll meet you downstairs." Devin said as he left my room, strutting away with Josh's arm around his waist.

I had just finished my makeup when there was a quick knock at my door. It cracked open to show Devin's pale face.
"Chris and Mike are downstairs. We're ready when you are." He said as he took a step into my room with his tall heels.
"Okay, just give me a second." I said as I fixed my hair one last time. I turned to Devin who looked tired. He ran a hand through his fluffy hair as he held my door open for me.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I held my arms out to him.
"Yeah, just a lot of memories coming back." He said as he accepted my hug. Devin kept an arm around my neck as we made our way down the stairs.

"Ready?" Chris asked as him and Mike stood up from where they sat at the kitchen table. Devin and I nodded as Chris wrapped an arm around Mike's waist and helped him wobble to us.  Fuck boy strikes again. 
"You haven't aged a day'." Mike said as he wrapped his arms around Devin's waist.
"Neither have you." Devin responded as he leaned against the demon.  Chris hesitantly copied Mike.
"Just close your eyes." He said slowly.  I watched for a second as Mike tightened his grip on Devin who had listened to Chris' instructions and rested his head on Mike's chest. I slowly let my guard down and relaxed.  Within seconds I felt Chris' arms leave my sides and I opened my eyes. 

 We were standing in a large gothic office.  In one windowed indent there was a desk and the wall was covered in leather bound books.  In another indent there was another desk that was covered by papers and had a slightly terrifying man sitting at it.  
"Lucker went to get coffee but he'll be back soon." He said without looking up.  I continued to take in the beauty of the room.  The dark walls and ceiling made it feel like a cave.  There was a piano off to one side of the room and a set of muted red velvet furniture arranged around it.  On another wall there was a grand fireplace that was not lit but had skulls set on the mantel.  
"Hey." A gravelly voice said from behind me.
"Who's this lovely lady we got here." The man said as I turned around to see him kissing the top of Devin's hand.
"That's Devin." Vinny said from where he sat on the couch.
"Beautiful and pleased to make you acquaintance." The man said as he lead Devin to Vinny.  Chris kept a hand on my back as he pushed me forward.
"I'm Lucker and that is Manson." He said, introducing himself as he sat down and pulled Devin onto his lap.
"That's Ricky." Vinny said as he pointed back to me.  Chris forced me in front of Lucker as Mike was distracting Manson.
"Yeah. So why are you guys here?" Lucker asked as he looked over me skeptically.  He started to run his hands down Devin's curves and tucked his head into the crook his neck.
"We need to talk about some things." Mike spoke up. 
"Fuck..." I heard Manson murmur as he looked up at the crowd of people in the room.

"This has been killing me for the past 7 years." Manson hissed as he looked through a drawer full of papers.  He finally pulled out a folder and threw it down on the desk.
"Chris, you and Ricky need to sign this." He said as he slid a stack of papers to Mike who handed them to me. 
"This one is for you and Ricky." Manson said as he gave another set of papers to Mike.  I started reading through the first paper titled 'Transference' -"In the case that a pre-maturely taken soul is assigned a task before given proper training, they may trade their assigned couple for their mate."
"This is for you." I said as I handed all of the documents to Chris.
"Here's a pen." Manson said as he tossed me a piece of metal that resembled a dart.
"Careful with that." Chris said as he glued his eyes to the text and put out a hand for me to give him the pen. I placed the piece of heavy yet small metal in his grasp and he curled his fingers around it.  He set the forms down on Manson's desk and held the pen in his fingers.  In one sweeping motion me stabbed himself in the palm, drawing black blood.
"Chris!" I screeched as I watched him lean back over the table and scribble his name down on the line. 
"Here." He mumbled as he held the pen and his palm out to me.
"Have to use your own blood." Manson said as he leaned back in his chair and watched Mike prick one of the veins in his wrist.  I watched as Chris licked the blood off his hand and the tip of the pen. He grabbed my hand with an iron grip, forcing me to stay still. He carefully and slowly pushed the pointy object under the skin in the center of my palm. I gritted my teeth as I watched the blood pool on my flesh. I took the pen for Chris and signed my named next to his.
"Here too." Mike said as he dropped his contract in front of me. I repeated my action and dropped the pen in front of Manson who watched as Chris grabbed my hand again, this time softer. He licked the liquid of life off my skin, causing me to get chills down my spine and in my ribs.
"Now our secondary business." Vinny chirped up from where he was talking to Devin and Lucker on the couch.

"As long as Chris isn't trying to take his soul, I don't see why they can't fuck." Manson said, addressing last night. Vinny was now lying face down on the carpet with his limbs spread out.
"No. The problem is that Jeremy woke me up and told me to break them up." Vinny said as he tilted his head to address his superior.
"Then I'll talk to Jeremy. You can go to sleep now if you want." Manson said as he uncrossed his legs and stood up from the couch.
"Just like. Right here?" Vinny asked as he rolled onto his back.
"If you really want to. You could go to my bedroom if you don't want to risky seeing McKinnon before I say something to him." Manson said as he lifted Devin off the floor. Lucker had wanted to fuck Devin into next week but Manson shot down that idea. That didn't keep  had been mouth fucking Devin for the past half an hour, only leaving to have butt sex with Mike.
"I'll be in your room then." Vinny spoke up as he hopped up from the floor and ran out of the room, his sneakers squeaking against the floor.

"I'm sorry about... that." Manson said with disgust painted across his face. He quickly fixed Devin's skirt, pulling it back down over his lace panties and garter belt. Just when he thought Devin was conscious enough to stand on his own, he fell to the ground, creating a loud thump.
"Well damn." Manson muttered as he stared at the limp body.
"I'll get Stringer and Brown." He said quickly as he walked out of the room. Less than a second later he reappeared, pushing two guys into the room.
"Shit. Why did you even let him into the room.  You should've known Lucker would've done this." The white haired one said as he dropped to his knees next to Devin.
"You just need me to carry him back?" The tall one with slicked back hair and huge biceps asked.
"Basically." Manson responded as he stood back and watched as Devin flung himself up from the ground, breathing heavy. 
"I can bring him back if you want." The guy with the neck tattoo said as he helped Devin to his feet.  
"Okay. Brown, could you get McKinnon for me then?" Manson said as he grabbed the pair of stilettos off the floor. 
"You bet." Brown said as he gave Manson the thumbs up and promptly left the room.  Manson got down on his knees and helped Devin slip his feet into the heels. 
"Thank you." The crossdresser said quietly as Manson stood up.  His only response was an almost shameful nod as he retreated to his desk.
"I'm Ahren and im just going to bring you home." The man with the Australian accent explained as he wrapped his arms around Devin's waist. Chris copied and I felt him gently brush his hand over my eyes like they do when a person dies.

"I should be getting back." Ahren said as I opened my eyes.
"If you see Mike, then tell him that I need to talk to him." Chris said as he let go of me.
"I will. Lucker can be... sometimes." Ahren said, getting quieter with every word. With that, he walked out of the kitchen, leaving just Chris, Devin and I.
"I need to get to work." Devin huffed as he wobbled his way over to and up the stairs.
"Will you bring me to school?" I yelled after him.
"Sure, we're stopping to get coffee first though." He screamed back as he came trotting to me with a huge tote bag over one of his shoulders and a purse in his other hand.
"Come on." He said as he pulled a pair of keys out of the smaller of the two bags. I followed after him quickly, pulling my sweatshirt hood over my head as we left the house.

I carried Devin's bags and the tray of coffees as he tried to put his shoes back on while walking. The school now stood towering over us but not for long as Devin slid his ID over the black box that was attached to the brick wall. There was a loud click as the door was unlocked. Devin opened and held the door for me. We made our way to the main office quickly. As soon as Devin opened the door, the bell rang.
"Sign yourself in quick so you can get to class." Devin ordered as he took his bags and coffee from me.
"I never even got my schedule." I said as I scribbled my name onto the purple piece of paper with lines across it.
"I'm just sitting in Josh's room all day." I explained as I put my mouth around the straw of my iced coffee.
"Ah fuck." Devin said as he plopped down in his rolling chair.
"What?" I asked with a small laugh.
"I completely forgot that you were in the hospital since the end of November." He explained as he tapped the key boarded to the computer in front of him.
"Yup. Anyways, see ya later." I said as I grabbed the coffees.

"Hey lil' raccoon, where've ya' been?" Ronnie said as he broke away from his group of friends and followed after me.
"In hell." I snapped back as I walked through the double doors that marked the arts wing.
"Well that's a shame. We'll have to catch up later." He said sarcastically as I felt his arm around my neck.
"Just fuck yourself already." I hissed as I shrugged him off of me.
"What's the problem lil' raccoon? Is it something about you being in an asylum?" He snit, trying to get to me.
"Maybe you didnt hear me, but I said go fuck yourself." I spat as I kicked the art room door in. It swung away from me and closed behind me as I stormed into the stunned class of art student.

Josh watched me with a dropped jaw as I stomped around and placed the coffees on the corner of his desk.
"HOLY SHIT. HUG ME BROTHA." I heard Ryan yell from behind me. Before I could even turn to face him, I was tackled to the ground.
"Fuck." I mumbled as my body hit the floor. I groaned as a wave full of crippling pain rushed through my body.
"Let me up you fucking dickfaced asshat, easy bake oven, wet sock, douchey prick." I hissed as I tried to wiggle out from under my best friend.
"Oh god." Josh said through his loud laughing as he tried to help me from the ground. He was too far into hysterics to be able to really do anything other than offer a limp hand as he was doubled over and half a step from crying. Eventually he composed himself and helped me to my feet.
"You're so gay." I hissed playfully as I grabbed my coffee and collapsed I'm Josh's desk chair.

This chapter ran a little long. Uhh. Ye. Also the last thing about gays... I don't have anything against them, it's just something the Ricky says in real life so ye. This took forever to update. By Lucker, I'm talking about short hair Mitch Lucker. And im also think of Manson in the picture where he's wearing a suit and he's holding his head. Oh and this story might be kinda long. Like looking at the plot, it looks like it could be at least 10 chapters but probably more like 20 and up. Ye. Mama destroya signing off.

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