Death's best friend

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Marley knew she was lost.

This was the place from where no one came back. 

'It's too early for me', she thought, panic settling in. 'I have so many things to do before I die.'

But The Angels of Death had other things in their mind.

Marley had been allowed by her parents to venture deep into the ocean to learn about other creatures and sea life, but she hadn't realized that she would be swimming straight to her demise.

As she tried to recalculate her location, she saw one of them.

One of The Angels of Death.

She could hardly breath now, afraid to make a noise, afraid that it might hear her.

She quietly turned around, and saw one more of them.

She could see now, why they had been labelled Angels of Death.

They were deathly pale, and looked just like her parents had described them to her.

"Stay from these things, OK, honey?" her mother had said to her before she left.

And Marley had resolved to stay away from them. The problem was that they had come to her.

They always found their way to the unfortunate. 

Marley couldn't help it. She let out a gasp of terror.

Another one of them appeared. Then another. Then another.

She was surrounded by them.

'My God,' she thought, unable to process the fact that the Grim Reapers had appeared in front of her very eyes. 

My God. She would meet Him now, the Angels would make sure of that.

Marley, a creation of His Benevolence, would be returning to Him.

As the Angels made their way to her, Marley tried one last time to escape. But as she searched for a clearance between them, an Angel crept up to her. 

Marley screamed as it wrapped itself around her, cutting deep into her skin.

It was a blood curdling scream. 

But it was cut short, as a another Angel thrust itself deep into her throat, wedging itself so tightly that Marley couldn't breath. 

She now knew what it felt like to be this close to death.

As the Angels led Marley to her Maker, she remembered her parents. 

Her loved ones. 

Everyone she had known.

She whimpered.

She closed her eyes.

A few hours later, the lifeless body of a seahorse washed ashore.

A man jogged by, crushing the already long gone body of Marley into the sand. 

And she stayed this way, until sand washed over her, and she was buried. 

She stayed this way forever.

Her parents waited for her in the sea. In vain.

And the Angels that had taken her, continued on their way, on their quest, searching for other wildlife to Lift.

And Death licked his scythe. He chuckled dryly, marvelling at how humans unwittingly become the cause of their own destruction.

'God help them if they continue this way,' he thought. And Death laughed. 

He was happy that he had humans to do his work for him.


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