5. Ruthless Raiden

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It had been a few weeks, and you've been slowly healing, you haven't fully recovered but you have recovered enough to get back to training for the tournament, you were training with Sonya, and you were actually dodging her punches and kicks this time, granted your right leg was still hurting and had a cast but still, you were improving.

"That's it man!." Jax shouted as you avoided another one of Sonya's punches.

"You've got this!." Cassie shouted, clapping, she then elbowed Johnny who was on his phone and not even paying attention.

"Wha?-oh yeah...wooo...goo Y/n...you've got this, hooray..." Johnny "cheered" you on as you avoided a left jab by Sonya.

The general was throwing several punches at you and you managed to avoid or block them all, your reflexes were getting faster and you were vastly improving, this time, you grabbed Sonya's arm and took her down, gently of course.

"Alright!." Jax clapped.

"Wooo, yeah!." Jacqui cheered.

"I knew you could do it!." Cassie smiled.

Sonya got up to her feet, smiling, she walked over to you and you offered her a hand.

"You okay?-" You asked before the general wrapped her arms around your neck, smiling as she pulled you in for a hug.

"Never better." She whispered into your ear. "I'm glad to see you are improving..."

Cassie, Jacqui and Kitana all gave her a glare as they saw you holding the general.

"Well, he is improving." Kung Lao smiled, looking at Liu Kang.

"Yes, that he is." The fire monk then looked at Raiden. "What do you think, Lord Raiden?."

"I think he's improving..." Raiden slowly answered, his eyes were locked onto you. "But he still needs more time, I want him fully prepared for the tournament."

"Maybe I should train him." Kung Lao smiled. "I am the greatest Shao Lin."

"I wonder who's ego is bigger, yours or Cage's." Liu Kang rolled his eyes in response as he kept watching you, you were still being hugged by Sonya, who had a smile on her face.

"Ahem." Kitana coughed. "Sonya..."

"What?." Sonya gripped you tighter, turning her head. "What's wrong with a hug?-"

"Since when do you hug people?-" Cassie looked at her mom surprised.

"She used to hug me..." Johnny smirked. "And we did a lot more-"

"Shut. Up." Sonya glared at the movie star who got up, and walked over to you.

"Okay, I just spoke with my agent...you better act good or I'm going to shove my fist so deep in your ass that-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it." You patted his shoulder. "And I think I can act just fine-"

"Hang on..." Cassie stopped you. "Didn't you say you hated his movies?."

"Yes." You nodded. "But I always wanted to be a movie...even if it's one of his shitty action/romance flicks-"


"Whatever helps you sleep at night." you roll your eyes, Sonya was holding you tighter which pissed Johnny off, but he wasn't the only one jealous.

"Ahem." Kitana coughed, it was directed at Sonya who kept hugging you. "Sonya, you are starting to make him uncomfortable."

"Yeah." Jacqui added.

"I'm-Im fine..." you smirked, before looking at Johnny, who took off his shades and broke them himself from how hard he clenched his fist.

"Alright pretty boy, I'm going to lay you out-"

"You will not lay anyone out, Johnny Cage!." A voice said from behind him, it was Raiden and his eyes were glowing red. "Especially Y/n-"

"Why does this guy get the special treatment, huh?." Johnny complained. "I'm tired of seeing him getting treated like the star when we all know the star here is me-"

"Again..." you looked at Sonya. "How did you sleep next to him, let alone be able to reproduce with him-"

"Well...I said it was supposed to be one-night stand." Sonya glared at Johnny who put his hands up.

"Oh so it's my fault that I wasn't protected!-"

"Yes, it was..." Sonya then looked at Cassie. "But I'm actually glad it wasn't, because the one good thing you managed to make in your life is someone I love and care about, unlike you!."

"Hang on..." Liu Kang looked at both you and Johnny. "I thought we settled this whole thing already, you two are good now right?..."

You and Johnny looked at each other, he gave you a cocky grin as he took out another pair of shades and put them on, and looked back at Liu Kang.

"Yeah, we're good." He then looked at you. "Stay in your lane, junior...oh and the camera crew is here to start shooting "Ninja Mime 5" You better act better than you fight."

With that, Cage walked over to the camera crew and the director began telling them where to go and where to set up, Cage sat in a chair and the makeup people began painting his face.

"What in the nether realms is going on here?." Raiden looked at everyone.

"Shooting a movie." You said.

"....Are you meaning to tell me that you are shooting a motion picture rather than training for the biggest challenge of your life!?..." Raiden shouted.

"Calm down, Thunder god..." Sonya looked at Raiden, not caring at all. "I already trained him today and he's improving, he can use a break-"

"The old Sonya wouldn't be saying that..." Raiden glared at her. "The old you would've kicked Y/n's head off for even considering this, and now you are telling me he needs to rest?..."

"Come on...it's just a movie-" You said, before out of nowhere you were struck with red lighting which sent you flying into one of the pillars, you bounced off it and landed on the ground.

"Y/n!." Cassie gasped, dropping her phone.

Raiden looked furious as he slowly hovered towards you, lighting forming in his hands. 

"Just a movie...is that what it is...may I remind you what happens if you fail to win this tournament?..." 

The thunder god zapped you again, your body convulsing as several jolts of electricity entered it, making you scream in pain.

"Maybe for once, the elder gods were wrong..." he slowly gripped you by the throat and pinned you to the pillar, his eyes were even redder as you felt he was staring into your soul. "Maybe I should have Liu Kang take your place, and eliminate you myself-"

"Dude, chill out!." Jax glared at Raiden who snapped his head to him.

"Quiet, Jaxson Briggs." He then looked at you. "...Let me be clear to you "chosen one" I want you to be trained at all times until the tournament, no resting, just training, otherwise, I won't be able to hold back my wrath any longer than I am right now..."

He gripped your throat tighter and you weakly groaned.

"Do I make myself clear?..." He slowly asked.

You nodded and he tossed you back over to Sonya, Cassie, Jax, Kitana, and the others.

"What has happened to you, brother?." Fujin looked at your body, then at his brother, showing anger. "You are breaking him more than you are helping him-"

"I'm helping him learn that this isn't some sick game, this is life or death, if he can't get it through his head before it's too late, all of earth realm will perish under the wrath of Shang Tsung and Shao Khan-"

"Who's..." you grunted as you couldn't even move. "Shao Khan?..."

"Someone who will destroy you if you don't train," Raiden answered, glaring at you. "Now...continue with the lesson, Sonya Blade-"

"What about Ninja Mime-" Johnny asked.

"He won't be taking part in your motion picture."

"WOO!!!." Johnny cheered before coughing. "Sorry...I mean...bummer man..."

"Continue Sonya." Raiden said again.

"He's in no shape to compete now, after what you did to him, he's going to need even more time to recover-"

"I said continue the lesson!!!." Raiden commanded summoning more lighting in his hands

Cassie and Jacqui got you to your feet while Sonya looked concerned as you groaned in pain and fell down, smoke was coming off your body and you had several burn marks and scars on your chest and arms.

"Raiden...please..." Kitana looked at you, also concerned. "He's had enough-"

"You dare disobey my orders!?." Raiden glared at the empress who slowly looked at you again as you struggled to get to your feet, even with Cassie and Jacqui trying to help you couldn't move anything apart from your eyes and mouth.


You were getting the hell beat out of you by Cassie, who, under Raiden's order was forced to train you, she didn't want to do it but after the threat that he made, she didn't want to mess with Raiden.

"I'm so sorry..." she said as you were staggering.

"...It's not...." you coughed up some blood. "it's not your fault Cass...you're being forced to...do....this....shit...."

Your vision suddenly began to fade as everything around you began to spin around.

"Y/n...are you okay?..." Cassie looked concerned.

"...I...I....I..." you slowly said, looking at your trembling hands before you fell on your face, and your vision faded to black.

"Y/n!?." Cassie ran over to you, bending down and feeling for a pulse, her eyes widened. "Oh my god-SOMEONE COME QUICKLY!!!!!!!."

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