Chapter 3: Attack on Amon Sul

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   "If I remember correctly, you are not from Mirkwood originally... Am I right?" Legolas asked as they walked along. The blizzard had stopped, and it was now only snowing slightly. There had been no sign of goblins since their encounter with them earlier, and a calm had descended upon them. Both elves were more at ease now that the worst trouble seemed to be behind them.

"You are indeed correct," Caledorn replied.

"Are you from... Lothlorien?" Legolas asked.


The blonde elf ran a hand through his long hair. "Mithlond? The dark hair would make more sense then."

"No. Try again," Caledorn said with a slight smirk. The prince had been attempting to guess facts about him for nearly an hour. At least it kept them both occupied.

"No? I was certain I was right... You cannot be from Rivendell...?"

"No, of course not." Caledorn replied, enjoying Legolas' confusion.

"Ai! This is impossible! Are you even from an elven realm at all??"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am."

"I give up," Legolas said with frustration. "Just tell me-"

"Daro! Yrch!" Caledorn hissed, dropping to a crouch and raising his hand in the air for silence. Legolas immediately crouched beside him, and his keen blue eyes scanned the pass.

"There was an orc just up there." Caledorn pointed up towards the top of a high ledge.

"I hear it," Legolas replied. "There are many of them."

"You're right... Too many. Drego!" The dark clad elf took off at a run, and Legolas followed, lightly bounding across the snow. Soon harsh cries echoed through the pass, and Caledorn turned to see goblins pouring down the ledges on either side of them. They hadn't waited for the sun to set fully, instead attacking with the element of surprise.

"Shoot that rock!" Caledorn cried, motioning toward a large boulder that hung precariously off the side of the ledge a distance in front of them. Legolas immediately fit an arrow to his bowstring, sending it off in the direction of the rock without slowing his pace. It was too far away for Legolas' bow however, and the arrow sailed low of its target, hitting below the rock.

"Use mine!" Caledorn exclaimed, tossing his bow to Legolas. The prince looked at it in confusion.

"How am I supposed to shoot it if it's folded up like this??" He began to feel a sense of panic as the howls of the orcs grew closer behind them.

"There should be a tab by your thumb. Push it downwards!"

Legolas obeyed and the arms of the bow sprang into place, ready to be used. Legolas raised an eyebrow.

"I'm impressed! It's a nice bow!" He exclaimed as he studied it intently.

"Go ahead and try it out then!" Caledorn replied in a tense voice. "Preferably on that boulder!"

Legolas fit an arrow to the string and pulled it back. It had a significantly stronger draw weight, and it felt foreign to him. Despite this, he made the best of it and took a deep breath, focusing on his target.

When he was ready, he exhaled, releasing the arrow. It flew from the bow with a speed that shocked Legolas, and it hit the boulder with a loud snap. The boulder immediately rolled from the ledge, landing square in the middle of the path ahead and creating a giant cloud of dust and snow.

"How was this supposed to help us??" Legolas asked. The orcs were still closing in fast, and their path ahead was now seemingly blocked off.

"Climb over it!" Caledorn shouted. He sprang up onto the rock, quickly scaling it and jumping lightly down on the other side. Legolas followed suit, and the both took off at a run again.

Caledorn glanced behind them and saw to his dismay that the goblins were also climbing over it, pouring ahead like thousands of ants.

"I hadn't thought of that!" He exclaimed.

"Clearly!" Legolas replied, tossing Caledorn's bow back to him. "I want a bow like yours now, by the way."

"We'll discuss this another time!" Caledorn yelled as they rounded a bend in the path. Suddenly he skidded to a halt, his eyes wide.

Blocking the path in front of them was a massive mountain giant*.


"Use a torch," Gandalf murmured as Gerithor peered over the edge of the old tower. "They fear fire, and though it will not stop them, it will make them more cautious."

Gerithor searched the ground until he found a thick branch. He lifted it and ran to the fire.

"Give it to me," Gandalf said urgently. The ranger complied and Gandalf grasped it, muttering strange words. Suddenly the tip of the branch lit up with a pale blue flame. The old wizard handed it back to Gerithor.

"It will not burn the wood, and it should last for quite some time. If we are forced to flee, I recommend you take it with you."

"Aye," Gerithor replied, eyes darting from column to column in search of their foe. He heard the sound of a sword leaving its scabbard, and a tall black form appeared on the steps in front of him. In its gauntleted hand was a cruel blade, worn and damaged from countless fights. Three more approached behind the first, their swords also drawn.

The ranger quickly turned to see five standing in front of Gandalf, one of which wore a crown of iron. Though they all exuded an aura of fear, their leader seemed to be cloaked in pure dread, and the very flames of the fire seemed to die at his approach.

"Where is the Ringbearer, greybeard?" The crowned wraith hissed. Gandalf brandished his staff protectively in front of him.

"Far beyond your reach, wraith!" He replied, suddenly crying out and swinging his staff. A fireball flew from it and engulfed the leader of the wraiths in flame, causing him to screech in fear.

Gerithor let out a shout and charged the four wraiths facing him, swinging the flaming torch as he ran. They quickly moved to escape the flames, but the brand connected with one of them, catching his shadowy cloak on fire. The three that remained uninjured attacked as one, hewing the brand in half and forcing Gerithor to retreat. He scrambled backward until his back hit a stone column. Fearfully he drew his sword and held it out, warding the wraiths off as they hissed at him in anger.

Gandalf had sent two of the wraiths he was fighting into flight, but the other three were gaining the upper hand. The wizard turned to Gerithor, and seeing his plight, began to fight his way toward the ranger.

"Gerithor, flee! We cannot win this fight!"

Gerithor thrust at one of the wraiths that had gotten too close. "After you!" He cried to the wizard, who was now beside him.

"Very well!" I shall go to the hobbits!" Gandalf replied in a strange voice. Suddenly Gerithor understood as Gandalf gave him an inconspicuous wink. If the wraiths think he'll lead them to the hobbits, he can lead them the opposite direction, away from the hobbits and Aragorn. And I can get to Rivendell safely.

He swung at the wraiths a couple more times, giving him an opening to flee. As he leapt away one of the wraiths lashed out, stabbing the ranger in the thigh.

Gerithor grimaced but continued running, hoping that they wouldn't follow. He saw Gandalf fighting his way back down the hill, five of the wraiths following him. Where were the other four?

He leapt down a set of old, worn stairs, landing on his feet and wincing as his thigh exploded in a new wave of pain. As he continued on, the pain got worse and worse, forcing him to slow down. He hoped that he could reach Esse before the wraiths caught up with him.

Further and further down he went, and still there was no further sign of the Nazgul. Much to his surprise he saw Esse tied where he had left her, waiting for him to return. She whinnied as he approached, and he quickly leapt into the saddle, for a moment forcing himself to ignore the pain.

"Noro, Esse! Noro!" He shouted, spurring Esse into a gallop. The horse took off, and they fled fearfully into the night.


High Pass

Legolas fired an arrow at the giant, but it splintered when it hit the giant's tough skin.

"How do we defeat it?" He cried in dismay as goblins surrounded them from the rear. Even they seemed fearful of getting too close to the giant.

"We don't!" Caledorn asked as he sprinted directly towards the massive creature. Legolas watched the dark clad elf in confusion, unsure of what he was doing. To the prince's surprise, Caledorn began taunting the giant.

"What's the matter, don't have the stones to face me?! I bet when Eru created you, he accidentally put a rock in your head instead of a brain!" He laughed madly and glanced over at Legolas. "Run," he mouthed, pointing in the direction of a narrow pass behind the giant. Legolas obeyed, and to his surprise he wasn't pursued. The giant was focused on Caledorn and the goblins were laughing and jeering, entertained by the spectacle before them.

Caledorn rolled to the side as the giant swung a fist at him. "Aw, too slow? Didn't eat enough pebbles for breakfast?" He executed another quick roll, this time directly between the giant's legs. His path was now clear, and he began to run madly towards Legolas.

"Go! Run!!" He cried, sprinting so fast that he quickly surpassed Legolas. The giant let out an enraged roar and barreled after them, swinging its fists in the air. When it came to the pass, it stopped and began tugging at a massive boulder that was lodged in the side of the cliff face.

"Oh no..." Caledorn said as he looked back, eyes wide with shock. The giant ripped the boulder free and lifted it above its head, preparing to throw it at the elves. Suddenly, the ground rumbled, and the side of the cliff began to collapse. The goblins screeched in fear and fled, no longer concerned with anything beyond their own survival. However, the giant was too slow, and he was soon buried as a pile of rocks and dirt descended upon him. Boulders continued to fall until the pass was effectively sealed shut, blocked by several tons of dirt and rocks.

"Well... I suppose we shan't be going back that way," Caledorn said calmly as he looked ahead.

"No need, we've arrived!" Legolas said joyfully, taking a step forward. Caledorn followed the prince's gaze, relief coming across his countenance as he saw what lie there. 

In the valley below they could both see golden and auburn trees, and a river that wound lazily through them. Amidst this paradise lay their destination... Rivendell.

Mountain Giant: Different from a stone giant, mountain giants are more akin to trolls, though they are much larger, growing up to four times the height of a mountain troll. They often keep to themselves, killing anyone who disturbs them, be they man or goblin. They display some form of intelligence, though they are unable to speak and they rarely even attempt to communicate with other beings. Often seen as neutral beings in the conflicts of Middle Earth, they nonetheless have been swayed to fight for Sauron on occasion, though how Sauron did this remains unknown.

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