Chapter 10: Situation In Resistance Army

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Aether's POV

{Resistance Camp, Tatarasuna, Kannazuka Island}

(A few days after the Vision Hunt Ceremony)

After we met the Resistance Army's leader, Sangonomiya Kokomi and as our reunion with Captain Beidou and Kazuha. Paimon and I decided to go back at the Resistance Camp and check on Keiwa who is currently inspecting the gear of the Resistance Army, until he saw me and my companion.

Keiwa: Ah, Traveler, Paimon, what brings you two here?

Paimon: We came here to check upon you.

Aether: You doing great?

Keiwa smiled at us.

Keiwa: Yeah. Though, I'm still worried for Hayate.

Paimon then wonders as she puts her hand on her chin.

Paimon: Oh yeah... Paimon probably thinks that he just arrived at the Komore Teahouse when we are facing the Raiden Shogun.

Then Keiwa grabs one of the spears and examines the overall composition of the spear.

Keiwa: So I heard that you managed to survive the encounter with the Raiden Shogun. Tell me, Traveler, when you faced off the Raiden Shogun, how did the sword I gave you held out?

I made the sword appear and it was still in good condition.

Keiwa: I see. So the sword held out.

Aether: This sword really helped me out. Though, unfortunately, the power between me and the Raiden Shogun is still on a different level.

Keiwa: Hmmmm... Damn it, if I only just had some of my tools. Things just suddenly happened so quickly. To the point that I'm afraid of sending a letter to Hayate.

Paimon: Why? You just sent him a letter a few days ago.

Keiwa: That will be the problem, the Shogun's Army might be suspicious of the Hayate's crow. They might just ask one of their best archers to shoot it down and there...if they discover the letter about him, Lord Shimura and my workings with the would makes things worse. Now if Raiden Shogun knows that the Hayabusa family is secretly planning to support us, it will put not only you and me, but the entire Hayabusa family and the Dark Shadow Wings Corps in danger.

Aether: So, you decided to lay low for a while.

Keiwa: Yes. Right now, we can only place our bets on you and Hayate. You and Hayate are the two main trump cards in this war.

Aether: Me and Hayate?

Keiwa then explained.

Keiwa: Hayate possesses Muramasa, a legendary sword forged by the Blood God's Remnants. Therefore, whoever owns this sword is revered as the Undefeated Swordsman. Furthermore, according to his story, he once fell into the Abyss but did not go crazy. Furthermore, the power of the Abyss also helps him hide in the dark, so that he can easily gain information about the other clans with ease with the use of eavesdropping, infiltrating the headquarters of the Tenryou and Kanjou Commission.

Aether: No wonder why he is expert in sneaking missions.

Keiwa: That's why, Hayate is also important to our fight against the Vision Hunt Decree, as once Hayate gained the information that we can use in abolishing the decree...

Paimon concluded.

Paimon: Then our victory is assured.

Keiwa: Bingo! With your power and your achievements, Traveler, we can turn the tide from the outside. And with Hayate's skills in infiltration and Lord Shimura's skills in manipulating the Nobushi follow his command by words, we can turn things around from the inside.

Aether: In other words...

Keiwa: A full attack on both sides.

Paimon: Man, whoever thought of this plan must be a genius.

Keiwa: It must be Lord Shimura who came up with this plan. My theory is that, when he learned the news of your interference with the Vision Hunt Ceremony and then the news that you joined the Resistance, he probably knew what is he going to do. While we battle from the outside, Hayate'll become a Phantom and infiltrate the inside.

Aether: And I guess Hayate must be taking his time to execute the plan.

Keiwa: Yeah. Whatever plan that he might have, it's probably something that he and Guuji Yae came up with.

Paimon: Huh, I guess Hayate got his strategic skills from Lady Yae.

Keiwa: Those two are close friends. I guess Lady Yae must've shared some ideas with Hayate and Lord Shimura when it comes to planning. After all, fox envoys are known for their cleverness. That's why sometimes, no one can even get a read on Hayate's mind. And this is dangerous when it comes on sparring with him. He is a cunning opponent, knows when who attack and defend. Also, there is a chance that he'll manipulate you in executing the wrong move and exploit that to defeat you.

Paimon became somewhat amazed.

Paimon: Luckily, the Hayabusa Clan are against the Vision Hunt Decree.

Keiwa: Yeah, or else we're doomed.

Then I inquired about the sword that he made for me.

Keiwa: Hmmmm. Want me to check it?

Aether: Yes, please.

I handed him the sword and he inspects it, very carefully.

Keiwa: The fact that the blade already has scratches on the surface, means this has been used in battle.

Aether: It's really a strong sword, I can easily cut the weapons of the soldiers and even hilichurls disappears even in just one hit.

Keiwa: Hmmmm. Well, atleast you can use the sword properly.

Paimon: Despite calling it a failure, huh?

Keiwa: Haha. I did tell you that my ambition is to create a sword that can sever even fate itself.

Paimon: And you're still going on about that.

Keiwa: I just wish I brought my materials when I escaped. But I didn't have enough time as the Tenryou Commission was really on to me on that time.

Aether: Must be really hard, huh?

Keiwa: Yeah. It's been hard for everyone. Vision bearer or not, everyone is suffering right now.

Aether: Why don't you sign up for the Resistance.

He chuckled.

Keiwa: Me? No way. I am no fighter, though I can still hold a sword, when it comes into fighting, I really can't keep up. After all, I am not really used in fighting. Though I tried to challenge Hayate in a duel just for fun, I lost to him, even though I can clearly see he is holding back against me. I guess he knows that I am not really adept with the sword. Hayate and I have always been thinking why would the Raiden Shogun thought of such a decree that can harm her people. I mean look, the Anemo Archon gave the people of Mondstadt freedom. While the Geo Archon continued to guide the people of Liyue... Well, until the death of the Geo Archon during this year's Rite of Descension. But still, Liyue had finally managed to move forward without their god. I wonder if Inazuma could do the same.

Aether: I believe that the Geo Archon already entrusted Liyue to his people.

Keiwa: Hm, you have point there. No wonder why Liyue survived the Overlord of the Vortex with your help. But as for Inazuma, the eternity that the Raiden Shogun pursues... We mortals could only speculate the meaning behind her actions... But the thing is, it caused harm to the people. That's why here we are, Inazuma in a state of civil war.

Then I pondered for a while.

Aether: I wonder what Hayate thinks of the eternity of the Raiden Shogun pursues.

Keiwa: Knowing him, he will totally reject it. He unusually aligned it with food.

Paimon: Food? Why?

Keiwa: He said that, it is just like eating rice balls over and over again. Everyday, you're just eating rice balls. That is how he interprets it. Well, he did make sense. After all, who would want to eat rice balls every day, as if you're not allowed to eat any different dishes. He even called eternity as something boring. All the same thing, over and over again. Without something new. Well, yeah...even I myself would get bored. Let's say, just like how create my sword, I'm always trying new methods, materials and ways to further improve the quality of my swords, to reach a sword that can cut the uncuttable. That's why, I'm not always doing same method of forging swords over and over again, also it bores me.

Paimon: Huh? No wonder you have so many "failed" swords.

Keiwa: All because it is not the sword that I wanted to create.

Our conversation was cut off when one of the Resistance Soldiers, named Teppei, the one who introduced us to the Resistance came to us.

Paimon: Teppei? What's going on?

Teppei: Your appointment with Sangonomiya is fast approaching.

Keiwa: Oh, so you're going to meet the leader of the Resistance at Watatsumi Island?

Teppei: Keiwa, Her Excellency also requested for your presence, she wanted to thank you for helping us improve our gear.

Keiwa: Well, if I only have my tools, I could've made them even better.

Teppei: She plans to give you the resources that you need. Tools and other forging materials that you need. Even new materials.

Keiwa: Oh, sweet! Alright! Let's go!

Paimon then commented with a deadpan face.

Paimon: Keiwa looks so excited when it comes to making new swords and even receiving new tools for forging.

Aether: Well, he is a blacksmith after all.

We all then set off to Watatsumi Island to meet Kokomi at Sangonomiya Shrine.


{Sangonomiya Shrine, Watatsumi Island}

We finally have our meeting with Kokomi.

Kokomi: Traveler, Keiwa and Teppei you're finally here.

Paimon: Hello!

Kokomi: Now, we can finally discuss our countermeasure in our plans. But before that I wanted to inform you some news.

Aether: What is it?

Kokomi: We received funding and new weapons from a mysterious sponsor. I even got a letter.

Keiwa asked.

Keiwa: What did the letter say?

Kokomi: It is stated that all we need to do is to dedicate ourselves fighting the Vision Hunt Decree. That was the deal.

Keiwa put his hand on his chin as if he is in some deep thought. I asked him.

Aether: Are you also suspicious about the mysterious sponsor?

Keiwa: Yeah. I mean, this sponsor just came out of nowhere. Furthermore, there is no way the supplies for our troops could be that good! There is definitely a problem! There may be a third faction infiltrating our army and sabotaging us from within.

Kokomi also shared her thoughts.

Kokomi: I am also thinking about our mysterious sponsor. What are their motives in supporting us in the Vision Hunt Decree?

Keiwa: This is all just getting strange as long as it gets.

Kokomi: But I guess we'll get on to it later. For now, I wanted to ask for your help regarding something.

Paimon raised her eyebrow.

Paimon: What is it?

Kokomi: Do you guys know the Manji Clan?

Paimon and I shook our heads as Keiwa and Teppei shared their thoughts.

Teppei: I heard that some of our soldiers attacked one of their camps just recently. Our soldiers even reported spotting some of them around Watatsumi Island.

Keiwa: The Manji Clan, lead by Kageyama Fukoro.

Aether: The Manji Clan?

Keiwa explained.

Keiwa: They are a band of thieves stationed at Seirai Island. It is said that their group stole from the Tri-Commissions of Inazuma. That is what they always do. Steal from the powerful and I even heard they are rebellious against authorities. They are also known to cause chaos everywhere they go, especially their leader, Kageyama Fukoro.

Kokomi: Recently, one of our soldiers encountered their group and the soldier drove them away because of trespassing.

Teppei: Until one of our soldiers discovered them setting camps on different parts of Watatsumi Island.

Kokomi: And the citizens are panicking because the people know what they do.

Keiwa: The problem is, the Manji Clan doesn't have any allegiance at all. Let's say, they are another faction. But honestly, I guess one of your soldiers should've just convinced them to stay away from the island. You didn't have to use force. And this is the scary thing, if you hurt one of them, they will not stop until they settle the score.

Kokomi: Is there any chance for them to go away?

Keiwa shakes his head.

Keiwa: Unfortunately, there is none. I'm afraid Watatsumi is now fighting on two fronts. The Shogun's Army and the Manji Clan.

Kokomi just sighs

Aether: I guess we should clear up their camps all in one fell swoop.

Keiwa: Easier said than done. They will not stop, until they settle the score.

Paimon asked while scratching the back of her head.

Paimon: Settle the score? How are they gonna do that?

Keiwa: That is where it gets complicated. We don't know what will be their target. It could be one of the precious relics of Watatsumi Island, sabotage the war effort of Watatsumi Island, disturb the citizens, there are many possibilities.

Kokomi: But why would they do this?

Ryoma: I heard news that the Resistance Soldiers have always been raided the camps of the band of thieves. I believe what they are doing now, is an act of retaliation for what the Resistance have done. I'm sure you have heard the rumors that they shouldn't be messed with or else you'll regret it.

Kokomi: ... Then we have no choice, we need to clear up the camps all at once. That is our only best course of action. After taking down their camp... We would tighten the security of the Island.

She gave out her orders.

Kokomi: Traveler, Keiwa, I need you two to help us clear out their camps. With Keiwa's knowledge about them, it could be useful in this task. Teppei, please inform the other platoons to launch a coordinated attack to the Manji Clan's camps around the island.

Teppei: At once, Your Excellency!

We all went to our task at hand, with Keiwa leading the way.

Keiwa: To attack all the camps at once. I guess that will be the best but, I can't help but think this is a dumb idea.

Paimon asked as she is just floating beside me.

Paimon: Why?

Keiwa: The retaliation from the Manji Clan will be more fierce. It's like, there is no stopping them from getting back at the Resistance.

Aether: Can you tell us more about the Manji Clan?

Keiwa: I said before that they are a band of thieves stationed at Seirai Island. But the thing is, they don't care about what is happening to the politics of Inazuma. They call themselves as noble thieves. Stealing from the rich, then give it to the poor.

Paimon: But, isn't that actually you know, making themselves as bad guys.

Keiwa: The truth is, they also care about the common folk of Inazuma. That's why they are only stealing from the Tri-Commission. Or more specifically, to the Kanjou and Tenryou Commission. They have nothing against the Kamisato Clan as they know that the Kamisato Clan is also aligned in their interest taking care of the people. They also secretly help the Hayabusa Clan

Aether: Sounds like they are good thieves, unlike Treasure Hoarders who are just obsessed with treasure.

Keiwa: But here's the problem with them, they are causing civil unrest and causing chaos. And they just made it worse. But why would the Resistance attack them? Wait, something must be wrong here...

Aether: Something wrong.........?

Keiwa: What if the Resistance Soldiers just attacked the Manji Clan in their own accord.

Paimon: You mean, they just attacked the Manji Clan!?

Keiwa: Anyways, there is one of their camps, let's go attack it now.

Paimon: Um, Keiwa, you sure you can fight with a sword?

He summons his sword.

Keiwa: I still have a Vision, so yeah, I can still somehow fight. Now, let's go!

After clearing out the camp, we captured one of the thieves and interrogated him.

Aether: What do you want from the Resistance!? Why are you setting up your camps around here?

The thief responded with a smirk painted on his face.

Manji Thief: You fools, joining the Resistance is a big mistake!

Keiwa crossed his arms.

Keiwa: A big mistake? What do you mean a big mistake?

Manji Thief: Heh. It seems like you don't know...

Keiwa grabs the thief by his collar.

Keiwa: You know, if you just tell us straightforward, I wouldn't have to do make you suffer buddy.

He releases his power... The Frozen Flame. Before that, Aether asked Keiwa about his Vision's origin. Keiwa just said that he didn't remember clearly. The only thing Keiwa knows is that Vision has given him the ability to control both Pyro and Cryo at the same time like Shimura. Keiwa and Shimura can be said to be special cases.

Manji Thief: The Resistance made this deal with an unknown entity, right?

Aether: And what do you know about it?

Manji Thief: Well, why don't I give you a tip... Go ask your divine priestess once more...

Until he spoke these words.

Manji Thief: That is if you will see her alive that is.

Keiwa throws the man down as we panicked.

Aether: Kokomi is in danger, we need to hurry!

The three of us rushed to the Sangonomiya Shrine as we saw a shadowy figure about to attack her... With no hesitation, Keiwa rushed in with his sword in flames, repelling the assassin. The assassin stepped back as Kokomi was just shocked.

Kokomi: Keiwa, Traveler, what's going on?!

Keiwa: No time to explain, this guy...

He points to the same man who just attempted to end Kokomi's life.

Keiwa: Just tried to end your life.

???: Heh. To think that someone just foiled my plan to end the Resistance.

Aether: Who are you!?

He introduced himself.

Fukuro: Kageyama Fukuro, the leader of the Manji Clan, also known as the Demonic Owl of Seirai Island.

I tightly gripped my sword.

Fukuro: But enough of the introductions. "Glares at Kokomi" Did you know, that your soldiers just attacked one of our camps, even branding us as one of the Shogunate's special ops or something.

Kokomi: What!? You're just probably ssying that to make chaos around here, don't you?

Fukuro: Huh? The hell ya talking about, I'm here for revenge. To revenge how you harmed our guys. Also, working with the Shogun's Army? Pffft. What utter nonsense, no way in hell that we're going to work under the Shogun's Army. Well... except under the Dark Shadow Wings Corps. Enough of this, they are under the Tenryou Commission and those bastards are a pain in the ass, especially their general, Kujou Sara.

Keiwa asked.

Keiwa: And what do you achieve by ending the life of the Leader of the Resistance?

Fukuro: Well, just as I said, they just struck a deal with an entity that is sure cannot be trusted. I heard that they used the weapons they received from this mysterious sponsor in attacking our camps. That's why I decided to attack the home front, to stop the Resistance from doing any harm to the ordinary people of Inazuma.

Aether: But that doesn't excuse you from harming other people.

Fukuro: Ah, you must the Traveler they are talking about. An outlander such as you, wouldn't understand just how corrupt the Tenryou and the Kanjou Commissions are. They've done harm to the common folk and that's why we're rebelling against their authority.

Kokomi: Aren't we the same here!? We're fighting against for the people of Inazuma!

Fukuro: Yes, until one of your soldiers just attacked us. "Sighs" I've had enough of this talk. I guess I'll just have to kill you all by myself!

He pulls out a unique chained weapon with a sickle connected on one end and a small blade on the other end.

Paimon: Yikes! What is that!?

Keiwa: A kusarigama, huh? Be careful, Traveler, this guy is dangerous.

I nodded as we engage him in combat. Keiwa leads the charge as I follow him and coordinated our attacks. Fukuro is having a hard time fighting us as he is maintaining the distance between us. Then we noticed that he wrapped the chains into his arm as the sickle part of his weapon is aimed at Keiwa. But he dodged it and surprisingly, what he did is he pulled the chain and Fukuro along with it as he finally punched the leader of the attack on Watatsumi Island with a Frozen Flame Fist.

Keiwa: Take this!

Fukuro: Agh!

Fukuro tries to stand up and escape, but I used my Electro powers to stun him, rendering him immobilized for a while.

Fukuro: Damn it!

With Fukuro lying on the ground, we received news from Teppei himself that all the camps have been cleared out.

Kokomi: "Sighs" We also apprehended their leader.

Then we turned to the defeated man and interrogated him.

Aether: Tell us about the mysterious sponsor you mentioned.

Fukuro: Heh. You encountered them so many times, Traveler. You crossed blades with them so many times. I guess it's just about time you find it out yourself. Those damn bastards also offered the same deal to the Resistance. But we refused, as if we will ask help from them.

We all just looked at each other.

Ryoma: Just what the heck are ya, talkin' about?

Fukuro: They threaten the safety of the people of Inazuma. I'm warning you here, never trust this mysterious sponsor of yours. Or else, you will also compromise your own. Just one word to make a hint....








... Foul Legacy!

Then he used his elemental powers to escape.

Paimon: Huh!? Wait, isn't that Childe's armor?!

Keiwa: Foul Legacy? 

Kokomi: Never trust them?

Aether: Fatui! They are our mysterious sponsor!

Keiwa: Not sure, maybe he's distracting us. But the above possibility cannot be ruled out.

Kokomi: Nevertheless, it seems like we averted the crisis that we are facing right now. And also, Keiwa, Traveler, thank you for saving my life.

Keiwa: "Blushes" No problem.

Aether: To think that they will go straight for you.

Paimon: Yeah, also, that guy really is scary.

Kokomi: Now, Traveler, Keiwa, as gratitude for saving my life, I will place you two as Captain and Vice-Captain of Watatsumi Island Special Operations Unit: Swordfish II.


Hayate's POV

{Grand Narukami Shrine}

It's been days since the Vision Hunt Ceremony happened. I'm completely meditating under the Sacred Sakura.

Hayate: "Thought" It's been also a few days since I stayed here... I wonder how everyone is doing?

Then I was cut off in my thoughts as Lady Miko called me out.

Yae: have a minute?

I opened my eyes as I saw the Guuji holding the journal.

Hayate: Yeah? What is it?

Yae: I just stumbled upon another information that can help us in saving Ei.

Hayate: And what is it?

My father smiled at me.

Shimura: I found a heirloom that is meant for you.

Hayate: For me?

Yae: A gift that your mother left to you. A divine gift.

Hayate:... Okay, tell me the details.

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