Cupcakes 3

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AN: I know this is missing 2 chapters and most of the chapter itself but when I posted it on it got some pretty good reviews and one complaint of grammar, but then again I was 13 when I posted it.

Actual Chapter name: The Cupcake contest

Lelouch moved the filled buckets of blood berries into his portable kitchen in a box. "It's amazing how can get a kitchen in such a tiny box isn't it Serath?" He jokingly asked his bone viper as it came out of the darkness.

"Indeed sssth." Serath hissed his black see through body blended with the darkness making his bones show clearly, a normal person would've ran by now for it was a horrific sight, but Lelouch was far from normal. Serath slithered up Lelouch's leg to his arm turning to a normal looking brown.

"Well better get to the student council room for the cupcake contest." Lelouch said walking out the door and pulling the black box out of the door.The room returned to normal after the black box was pulled out, there was no evidence that something mysterious happened.

Student council

Lelouch walked into the student council room seeing Rivalz working on the budget, Nina working on a super weapon he assumed from the uranium isotope she had on the computer, and Milly and Shirley were whispering in a corner.

Lelouch widened his hearing range with his power and listened in on the conversation. "...And then he took Kallen into this dark room..."

AN: Adding drawings that I made for this story. Lelouch's pets Serath and Acarue.

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