The Hidden Wolf 2

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Chinese consulate

"You got the town jumping, Lelouch." Kallen said.

"Of course but I think that they may execute the black knights soon, and challenge me to a duel while waving the fact that they have our allies in my face." Alavon said taking off his mask.

"But I have a plan though it doesn't involve anyone here joining the fight." He continued as C.C. walked in.

"Already thinking up a plan even though you don't know their next move." C.C. said sitting on the couch looking curiously at Alavon.

"Yes and only my wolves and I will be needed for this plan but if things go wrong you will need to stand by." He said explaining the plan.

"Wow but are you sure they will do that?" Kallen asked.

"We will probably know by tomorrow. In the meantime you can ask me about my new powers." He said as they started asking questions about his power and he answered them truthfully.

"Did you use your geass on me and the others to make us follow you?" Kallen asked after finding all they could about his new powers.

"No I only used it on the enemy and some civilians everyone else had their own choices. Plus what use are mindless slaves if there are unforeseen problems that they can't handle." He said truthfully and she calmed down.

"Though I used on you once-," He started as she pulled out a gun and said.

"What did you do to me?"

"Let me finish, I only used it on you to get some answers. Remember that time at school when you swatted that bee at lunch." He said and she thought about that time and realised she couldn't remember what happened after that.

"Why can't I remember what happened after that?" She asked putting down her gun.

"Side effect of being geassed you can't remember what I asked and what you did." He continued. 

"Anyway if my geass was still active on you this conversation would be irrelevant."

"True." She said putting away her gun. "Why are you telling us this you used to just lie or not tell us?" She asked suddenly.

"Well I realised that if I lie and keep secrets with everything that it would just fall on me later if someone found out the truth so telling people them on my terms allows us to continue if they accept it if they don't it was doomed to fall anyway." He said.

"So you plan to tell them." C.C. said.

"Yes... I'm going to call Rakshata to ask her if I could upgrade the Guren and the Gekkas." He said putting his mask on and going to a call room.

Ashford Academy

"What's the situation?" Rolo asked walking with his crutches into the surveillance room.

"What no one's here?" He questioned looking around the room.

"I asked them to leave." 'Lelouch' said which caused him to turn around.

"So you have awakened." Rolo said looking at the gun pointed at him.

"No, I was awake the whole time I was just waiting for the right time to strike." 'Lelouch' said smirking as Rolo turned on his geass and reached for the gun. Only for his hand to catch empty air as 'Lelouch' lifted the gun away. Rolo eyes widened as he realized geass didn't work on him.

"Why doesn't my geass work on you?" Rolo asked looking for a way to get out of this.

"Simply I am no longer human." 'Lelouch' said putting his gun away as he sat down.

"Rolo why do you work for the OSI?" He asked.

"Why do you want to know? Why don't you just kill me since I'm such a nuisance to you?" Rolo asked.

"Who said that you were a nuisance all I see you as is a lost little boy with no life." He said resting his chin on his hand.

"I have a life..." Rolo trailed off not convincing at all.

"Really, have you ever experienced happiness or even searched for your own happiness?" 'Lelouch' asked.

"Um no..." Rolo said thinking about his so called life.

"Then start looking, start living, start doing your own thing." He said and Rolo looked him inspired.

"Then can I help you since you made me realize how pointless my life has been and has shown me what family could be like. I've never had a family before so when I was assigned this mission I didn't know what it would be like having a brother. But you've been so kind to me even though you knew I was an enemy." Rolo said tearing up as he realized how life is supposed to be.

'Lelouch' wrapped his arms around him as he wept and explained to him what life is. "I got to go I want you to stay here and try to find things you like that don't involve violence." He said leaving Rolo to think. 'Lelouch' rode the elevator back up to the library.

"Whew my disguise almost ran out of time." 'Lelouch' said as the disguise vanished to reveal Shirley.

"Well you did a good job with the small amount of time you had." Another person said coming out from behind the bookshelf to reveal Shirley's other half Charlotte.

"Thanks I hope Lulu is happy that I did this for him." Shirley said imagining what Lulu would do to show her that he's thankful even though she knows that she is talking about Alavon not Lelouch.

"I'm sure he is anyway here's your clothes I'm going to go over and tell him that you're done." Charlotte said giving Shirley the clothes she just took off before turning into a red bird and flying out the window toward the Chinese consulate. Shirley put her clothes on and headed toward the student council room. While Rolo just got off the elevator and looked around for some books in the library not noticing Shirley at all.

Chinese consulate

Alavon walked in the room to see Kallen with only a towel on he huffed and put his cape around her startling her. "Kallen please put some clothes on." He said and she blushed.

"Zero! There's trouble! It's Ohgi and the others!" A messenger that rushed in exclaimed.

"Ah ha I knew it right on time Guilford." Alavon said turning on the TV.

"Can you hear me, Zero? I am Lord Gilbert G. P. Guilford, knight of her royal highness Cornelia li Britannia!" Guilford exclaimed. "Beginning tomorrow at 15:00 hours all 256 of these class A felons guilty of rebellion against the empire will be executed for their crimes! Zero! If you value the lives of your people, you will face me one on one in a honorable duel!" He continued. "You will accept or I will declare you a coward!"

Charlotte flew in through a window and landed on Alavon's shoulder and started twittering. 

"Hmm, oh good can you go to the den and tell them to start making the parts for the Guren and Gekka upgrades." He said in bird speak Charlotte nodded and flew off.

"You can speak bird?" Xingke asked curious about the mysterious Zero.

"Yes I can speak all animal languages strangely when you decipher it they speak english only." Alavon said studying him for a moment.

"So you're going to kill this parasite of a eunuch and blame it on us. Good plan but did you know that they are planning to sell your empress to Britannia." He said and Xingke's eyes widened as his plan was told to him without any prior knowledge and the fact that he knew something he didn't.

"How did you-?" Xingke started.

"How do I know it's easy when you think about all the possibilities and just look at the one doing it then it's practically written on their face. It also helps if you have spies everywhere." He interrupted and everyone gawked at him.

"Also you should get some medicine for that illness." He suggested pulling out a gun and shooting the eunuch.

"Your welcome also if you plan a coup d'etat at the wedding if I show up I'm on your side." He said walking out to prepare for the duel, leaving them gawking.

"Well that was unexpected he's even better at reading people then I am to think it used to be the opposite." C.C. said recovering first.

"What is he?" Xingke asked figuring that no human would've figured out something like that, that fast.

"Earlier he said he was the wolf king whatever that means." Kallen said.

"We should probably get ready just in case something happens." C.C. said and they started getting ready for anything.

1 hour later

Execution platform

"It's almost time for the execution! The remaining members of the Black Knights shall feel the judgement of justice!" A news reporter exclaimed.

"Elevens! The Zero which you believed in hasn't shown up! It's all been a deception! I challenged him to fair and honest duel and he has run away like a coward!" Guilford exclaimed. "Take aim."The Sutherlands take aim. "Your wrong Guilford," Alavon said his Knightmare descending from the sky landing front of Guilford his black and gold paint shining in the sun and in his clawed hands his golden trident sparks flashing around the fork coming from a spinning device in the middle above the Knightmare's hand. A dragon like float system sits upon the cockpit connected to the large cannon on its chest and a experimental rifle and sword connected to clasps on the legs.

"Those aren't terrorists you're executing they are the Black Knights! Soldiers of the army of the United States of Japan!" Alavon continued.

"You expect me to recognize them as prisoners of war?" Guilford asked.

"That would be expecting too much. Let's set some rules to our duel. We'll settle this one on one and we'll each have one weapon. And I'll even take off my float system." He said putting down his trident and pressing the disengage all button.

All the weapons on the Knightmare separated themselves from the Knightmare and connected to the float system which flew toward the Chinese consulate revealing a Lancelot like body. Everybody gawked in awe not expecting that at all. "Very well then I choose this!" Guilford said swinging his lance in front off him his other weapons popping off.

"And I choose my trusty trident." Alavon said picking up his trident and twirling it around pointing it at Guilford. "Let's dance!" Alavon exclaimed dodging a lance thrust and aiming his trident at the head of the Gloucester. Guilford blocked it getting his lance singed by the electricity coming from the trident.

Alavon jumped over the Gloucester's head and swung his trident towards the cockpit. Guilford turned and blocked once again getting his lance singed again. Guilford swerved to the side as Alavon thrust his trident forward changing direction toward the Gloucester the last second hitting it in the chest as it tried to dodge. The wires in the chest start to short circuit from the electricity coming from the trident causing the knightmare to lean down allowing Alavon to swing his trident down and smash the Gloucester's head.

"Surrender Guilford you have no chance of winning." Alavon said as he pierced the Gloucester's legs.

"I'll never surrender." Guilford said glaring at Zero's Knightmare defiance.

"Well good luck trying to get me after this." Alavon said thrusting his trident into the ground and setting to voltage up to 50,000 causing the level to collapse beneath them. The weapons and float system fly back to the Knightmare reconnecting themselves as he grabbed his trident and flew off.

"Fool he's going to sacrifice the prisoners with us." Guilford said as he fell into the pit and then realized that the prisoners were gone.

While Guilford and Alavon were fighting a team of robot wolves with float systems flew off with the prisoners to the Chinese consulate and dropped them into the others waiting Knightmares. The Britannians were paying too much attention to Guilford and Alavon to notice this.

"He had this planned all along but how did he plan this in that small amount of time?" Guilford said angrily as he dodged falling Knightmares some screaming for help as they fell into the hole. Strangely the civilians were unharmed from all of this as the destruction stopped right before it could reach them, they cheered at Zero's success.

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