The Hidden Wolf 3

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Chinese consulate

Alavon landed the Wolf King watched from his cockpit as the black knights celebrated complementing whether or not should he reveal his face to his comrades. 'I said that I don't want to lie anymore but this is risky they could rebel against me.' He thought rubbing his wolfish chin, seeing as he changed to half wolf form before the battle.

'Well there is no plan without risks-!' His cockpit was suddenly opened by a young black knight.

"Um... Zero are you ok- Ah!" She yelped seeing his wolfish face. 'Well there is my answer.' He thought as the young black knight fell off and he quickly jumped down and caught her. Everybody who saw that was amazed by their leader but were frightened by his face, full of midnight black fur, sharp canine teeth and deadly violet eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked the young black knight in his arms who blushed.

"Y-yes." She stuttered as he put her down. He looked to the rest of the black knights saddened that some backed away in fear under his gaze.

"Heh I knew this would happen if I showed you this face." He sighed looking down and closing his eyes. His face soon morphed back to a human's and his muscles shrinking a bit. He opened his eyes and lifted his face showing the black knights his true face. That calmed some down, others were still a little scared, and Tamaki raged.

"Your a Britannian!" The idiot exclaimed and Kallen facepalmed knowing he was going to say that. Tohdoh ignores Tamaki and goes up to Alavon.

"What is your reason you abandoned us in the black rebellion?" He asked.

"I guess I owe you all an explanation. My sister was kidnaped in the middle of the battle and I went to Kanime Island to save her but Suzaku was there and he kidnaped me, dragged me in front of the emperor, and had the emperor use his geass to rewrite my memories-" Alavon said but was interrupted by Tohdoh asking.

"What's geass?"

"Geass is a power that is granted by a code bearer it differentiates depending on what your wish is when granted, the only people I know that have geass and are still alive are: Charles, Bismark, Akito hyuga or as the Britannian's call him Hannibal's ghost, Shin hyuga shaing, me, and all those in the geass order that I don't know the names of. And before you ask the geass order is a Britannian organisation that is bound on making superhuman soldiers. Now may I continue." He said and Tohdoh nodded.

"Thank you, when the geass tried to rewrite my memories a power hidden within me activated and negated the geass but my geass was locked by it. The emperor ordered Suzaku to put me in a cell thinking his geass worked and after a few days someone from the geass order put a mask on me and gave me an objective. Tell me did anyone here hear about Julius kingsley taking control of the Britannian forces in the EU?" He asked and a few nodded.

"That was me having no choice but to obey orders and I defeated the resistance there but before I was sent back to Japan I sent the scattered remains a message to go to Japan when they see Zero's revival so they should be joining us soon. After I got back to Japan I started making robot wolves but I was under the watch of the OSI until C.C. unlocked my geass. Then I restarted the rebellion by geassing the OSI agents and destroying Babel tower." He finished leaving them to think about it.

"Zero you went through much more than we did, I'm sorry for ever doubting your commitment." Ohgi said everyone else agreeing by chanting. "Zero! Zero!"

"Thank you everyone now let's get back to our duties we have no time to fool around anymore." He commanded smiling as they cheered and got back to work. Tohdoh stayed a questioning look on his face and Alavon chuckled.

"I suppose you're going to ask me if I am Lelouch vi Britannia." He stated and Tohdoh nodded.

"Well yes and no my real name is actually Alavon, the Lelouch you knew was actually two brothers in one body and he had no idea I existed until the power hidden within us activated, we then were allowed to know what we actually were which is a wolf Karezoh (A creature of two siblings in one body both half human half wolf or any other animal like a cat or a bird. They can separate from each other and they are two different people). We then worked together to formulate a plan and..." He trailed off not wanting to say anything else.

"I understand you do not want me to know your plan but how do you have this power." Tohdoh asked.

"A wolf Karezoh mother can chose either to bear her children or allow someone else to bear them usually so their children have a better life. My mother was going to die before she could bear us so she allowed Marianne to bear us without her knowledge, I know this because I met my Karezoh father while I was fighting in the EU." Alavon said.

"It's getting late I have to return to Ashford ask Charlotte if you have any questions she is the Britannian with red hair and she is a bird Karezoh." Then he left.

Ashford Academy

Suzaku stood in front of the entrance of Ashford academy holding Arthur, Alavon scowled seeing him before transforming it into a pained filled smile knowing he was going to have to lie which he hated.

"Hey Suzaku." He said.

"Huh... Lelouch?" He asked whipping around in surprise noticing the suitcase. "What's in the suitcase."

"Orai's new parts. Orai!" He called his wolf soon running to him and Suzaku looked in confusion then remembered an OSI report about a robot wolf.

"Since when do you have a robot wolf?" He asked observing as Lelouch opened the case revealing many robot parts and turning off Orai.

"Since you left I got kind of lonely without you around so I bought this wolf online and been taking care of it ever since." Alavon said opening the wiring hatch on Orai's fake furred back. He looks at the wires finding a few melted together. "Oh my, poor thing you got all your wires melted together." He said yanking on the wires unable to get them out. "Can you help me get these wires out, Suzaku?" He asked.

"Um... sure." Suzaku said almost positive Lelouch hasn't regained his memories. He pulled hard on the wires yanking them out.

"Thanks." Alavon replaced the wires and turned Orai back on. "You're all better Orai."

"Thank you master, Thank you!" Orai exclaimed waving his tail.

"He can talk?!" Suzaku asked surprised as Arthur who was dropped earlier hissed at them.

"He he I see you brought Arthur." Alavon chuckled as Suzaku picked Arthur up and was promptly bitten.

"Yes." Suzaku squeaked for the pain and Alavon laughed at him.

"Orai what happened while I was gone?" He asked as he stopped laughing.

"Zero appeared again and rescued the black knights, Rolo was reading in the library looking inspired, and Shirley was wondering where were you again and I told her that you were getting parts for me and Milly was being Milly." Orai said putting a paw under his chin like he was thinking "Oh and I almost forgot Rivalz was trying to imitate you for some reason."

"Orai you can't forget you're a robot, wait Zero actually appeared?" Alavon asked acting surprised feeling a little hurt inside for lying and Suzaku's suspicion meter went down to almost zero, almost.

"Yea he took down Guilford like a badass you should see the replay." Orai said.

"Then let's go, Suzaku do you want to come over?" Alavon asked getting up from his sitting position and turning to Suzaku with a smile on his face.

"Sure." Suzaku said simply following him to the clubhouse missing the saddened look on Alavon's face.


"Rolo I'm home with a friend!" Alavon called out cheerfully walking in with Suzaku following him.

"Welcome home brother." Rolo said finding much interest in the book he was reading, Alavon looked over his shoulder reading a few lines.

"Are you reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms?" He asked and Rolo blushed.

"No!" He replied shaking his head.

"Did Milly recommend that?" Alavon chuckled as Rolo's blush got brighter remembering when Milly gave him this with some suggestive words.

"Anyway, Suzaku's here." He said and Rolo looked behind him seeing Suzaku who signaled that they will speak later.

"Cool." He said going back to his book shortly after they watched the replay of Zero's fight and then went to bed.


1st period

"Hello everyone my name is Suzaku Kururugi, I'll be returning to classes here at Ashford academy starting today, I look forward to studying here." Suzaku said and whispers filled the room.

"Okay quiet down! Sir Kururugi has been resigned to Area 11 and that's why he's coming back to school here, why don't you take the desk right next to Lelouch for now." Villeta said.

"Yes ma'am." Suzaku said walking over to Alavon.

'If Lelouch was here he would probably be jumping for joy that Suzaku's here but if the plan goes well he will be seeing him again, probably distrust will be directed to him but Suzaku will come around once Lelouch returns to the homeland. But until then I have to wait while Lelouch suffers, I hated that plan from the start but it was the most fail safe plan we could come up with. I only hope we were right.' Alavon thought as Shirley and Rivalz talked to Suzaku and Milly burst into the classroom and he had to reprimand her.

Unknown area

Darkness that was all Lelouch saw other than the light of two eyes as the stare at him.

"You'll be getting a visitor soon and I'll give her our most painful welcome, he he he he." The eyes danced with amusement.

"Don't you dare touch Nunnally!" Lelouch yelled at the eyes with rage.

"Oh don't worry you'll get to watch, ha ha ha ha!" The eyes howled with laughter and vanished leaving Lelouch to glare at nothingness.

"One day I'll get out of here and I'll make you all pay!" He yelled at the darkness and a thousand different voices laughed. Another prisoner next to his cell awoke from the yelling and looked at Lelouch sadly.

"Lulu are you sure you can get us out of here it's so dark how will we see to get out of here?" The prisoner asked and he looked at her silhouette.

"Don't worry Euphie I'll get us out of here even if I can't see." He said grabbing a bar he couldn't see and bending it.

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