The Hidden Wolf 4

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Government bureau

*CRASH* Emergency! Unknown M.R.F. within the perimeter!

"What is it?" Claudio asked.

"Impossible! This is the government bureau that controls all of Area 11!" Edgar exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha getting in here couldn't have been easier." Gino said flying the Tristan into the government bureau. "These guys are almost annoyingly sloppy! Is this the best defense Area 11 has to offer?!" He exclaimed as Sutherlands shot at him with rocket launchers. "Ah ha perhaps I was being a bit hasty." He dodged the rockets with extreme speed that only the Tristan's fortress mode can accomplish. He used his slash harkens to disarm the Sutherlands, flying over them seeing two Glaston Knights before him.

"I don't know who you are but this ends right here!" Claudio exclaimed pointing his Gloucester's lance at the Tristan.

"If you're able. That armament shows you care more about protecting the building. Oh well, too bad." Gino said switching the Tristan into Knightmare form. The Glaston Knights slowly recognize the Tristan as it shifts.

"What?" Claudio said.

"That Knightmare could it be the one..." Edgar said as the Tristan put it's foot down.

"I see, so that's what we're dealing with..." Claudio said. "The variable Knightmare frame: Tristan. Which makes you lord Gino Weinberg the Knight of three,am I correct?" Claudio asked.

"You are, and I'm going to put you guys to the test!" Gino said activating his MVS Polearm. "Now try and stop me!"

"Very well we accept your challenge, We can't allow this insult to go unanswered." Claudio said preparing himself.

"Don't hold back give me your best shot." Gino said.

"As you wish!" Claudio shouted moving forward.

"Thank you!" Gino exclaimed quickly blocking him as Edgar moved forward only to get blocked as well. Gino twirled the polearm slicing their arms a bit.

"Why you..." Edgar started moving back.

"Stop it!" Suzaku shouted as they moved forward again only to be blocked by Tristan's polearm. 

"That's enough! The battle's been decided!"

"Then Sir Kururugi is that the final decision of the Knight of Seven?" Claudio asked.

"It is." Suzaku replied and Edgar groaned in defeat.

"Hey Suzaku!" Gino said jumping down from his Knightmare.

"Gino, I thought I told you to bring the Lancelot here for me." Suzaku said.

"Yeah, but Earl Asplund is going to be coming with it next week." Gino said. "Sorry to change the subject but what's with the outfit?"

"I came straight here from school. It's required." Suzaku said.

"Very fashionable." Gino said going behind Suzaku and leaning on him.

"Gino, I know you're from a great noble family but can't you act a little more normal?" Suzaku asked. "By the way your amazingly heavy."

"Is it over?" Anya asked as the Mordred touched down.

"The Mordred, Anya came along too?" Suzaku asked.

"Is it over?" Anya asked again.

"Yep, Suzaku made me end it." Gino said.

"Huh how dull." Anya said and Silent flew through the hole in the roof yawning.

"That was a long flight." She said landing next them.

"Um how did you get here without a Knightmare?" Gino asked and she looked at him as if it was a stupid question.

"As I said before, Magic." She said turning into a cat and jumping on to Suzaku's head. "My Knightmare is coming next week with the Lancelot. Suzaku mind if I sleep here?" She asked getting comfortable.

"No." Suzaku replied trying to take her off but to no avail, as she was stuck on his head like glue, and she fell asleep.

"Zzzzzzzz." She snored.

Ashford academy

"Sorry for the wait! We are now officially kicking off the welcome party for the Knight of Seven!" Milly announced. "Give the word guest of honor!"

"Yea um I don't suppose I can refuse." Suzaku said no one noticed the cat on his head waking up.

"Sorry nope, it's a presidential order." Milly said.

"Just accept it. She makes to the rules in this school." Alavon said.

"All right guys. Get ready then." Suzaku said and they finally notice Silent on his head.

"MEOW!" Suzaku and Silent exclaim simultaneously the rest of the school meowing with him.

"Um, Suzaku why is there a cat on your head?" Shirley asked and Silent floated around them, sniffing them while Suzaku tries to find an answer.

She sniffed Alavon and said, "Wolf boy." She sniffed Shirley and said, "Bird girl." She sniffed Milly and just smiled. She sniffed Rivalz and said, "Idiot." She sniffed Rolo and said, "Broken boy." They all stared at her in confusion and suddenly she shifted into half human form with her 

Knight of Two uniform on.

"Hello, I'm Silent the Knight of Two." She said.

"So you're the Knight of Two, what are you?" Milly asked after the shock settled down.

"A cat, isn't it obvious?" Silent said confused silence was her answer.

"Let's go enjoy the party I bet people are wondering what to do." Suzaku said and everybody nodded as they walked to their stations while Silent just floated through the wall.

10 minutes later

Alavon was walking around discussing battle strategies with Tohdoh when he saw C.C. walking around most likely for pizza. "She wouldn't!" He said running towards her.

"Come see us make the world's biggest pizza!" Rivalz exclaimed handing out fliers.

"Do you have information about it." C.C. asked.

"Sure, here you go!" Rivalz said giving her a flier and walking away.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" Alavon asked running up behind her not breaking a sweat like he used to.

"I'm looking for something I left behind." She said and he shook his head.

"Lucky for you I have this." He said giving her a blue and green necklace. "It's called an disguise necklace it changes your appearance to humans but they don't work on Karezoh's they can see through them."

"Oh my how come I've never heard of that, it could've come in handy years ago." She said putting it on in it on changing her appearance to a Britannian women with blue hair and green eyes. "Woah I even feel different." She said amazed.

"Your hair and eyes are blue and green, also you look older." He commented.

"You can see it I thought you said Karezoh's can't see it." She said.

"I said we can see through it not that we can't see it." He said walking away.

"Oh." She said and walking the other direction.

10 minutes later

Arthur grabbed the quill pen that Suzaku was waving around while talking to Milly.

"Arthur! That was Euphie's!" Suzaku exclaimed chasing Arthur which soon proved unnecessary as Alavon came up behind the corner and grabbed the cat noticing that Suzaku was chasing him.

"Oh, thank you Lelouch." Suzaku said taking the cat from him and Alavon couldn't help but think. 'If Lelouch was here he would've made Suzaku kiss him for the cat.' He smiled sadly thinking of his brother doing that but saddened by the fact that the plan is keeping him away.

"Are you okay?" Suzaku asked faking concern but he was actually suspicious.

"Just thinking." Alavon said only making Suzaku narrow his eyes.

"Suzaku, get ready the time to make the pizza is now." Milly said snapping Suzaku out of his stupor.

"Oh right." He said getting into the Ganymede and moving to the tomatoes.

Soon the pizza was completed and C.C. ate way too much of it and Kallen who noticed it was her with a disguise on took her back to the Chinese consulate.

2 hours later

Alavon conversed on the phone with Leila who recently arrived from the E.U. "I hope you were able to get here safely." He said hearing faint footsteps behind him.

"It was fine especially since you lent us that submarine." Leila said the footsteps got louder.

"Hold on I'm going to have to call you back I have to deal with a pesky Knight." He said hanging up as Suzaku came out the door leading to the roof.

"Lelouch?" Suzaku asked.

"Shouldn't the guest of honor be on the main stage?" Alavon asked.

"Hmm no, everyone seems to be having a good time without me." Suzaku replied walking closer to Alavon. " Besides, I have something I'd like to discuss with you."

"Hmm, let me guess, you're here to tell me that you're aspiring to be the Knight of One and you're going to choose Area 11 as your own." Alavon said and Suzaku's eyes bugged out.

"H-how did you know?" He stuttered completely not expecting that.

"Ha ha it was written all over your face. Some people say that eyes are windows to the soul, while I believe the face can tell you what has yet to be said." Alavon said chuckling at the look on Suzaku's face. "Any continue that train of thought I can't read the rest."

"Ok..." He said deciding to continue. "I have lost precious friends and a woman which no one can ever replace. By acquiring power I will never again lose anyone else I care about. And then the Japanese people won't need Zero anymore."

'Oh Suzaku I wish I could tell you the truth... maybe I can give him a hint but it's risky.' Alavon thought sighing. "Hmm... indirect rule, you say? You're trying to make it a protectorate?" He said knowing where this is going deciding to save the hint until later.

"You can ask this person, they'll know. The new viceroy who is coming to take charge of Area 11 next week." Suzaku said dialing Nunnally's number.

"You think a student should speak to the viceroy?" Alavon said already guessing that it's going to be Nunnally.

"It's Kururugi... Yes, he's right here in front of me. Yes." Suzaku said giving the phone to Alavon.

"I don't know what to say. I'm getting to speak to such an important person!" He said faking excitement.

"Hello? Big brother?" Nunnally said. "Lelouch, is that you? It's me Nunnally! Can you hear me? I'm coming there to be the viceroy!"

"Sorry you are confusing me with someone else." He said though he was actually speaking wolf in a soft undertone conveying the message; 'Sia a plan to free both of you is underway but you might not agree to part of it. So when you get kidnapped don't panic, wait until Semiki gives you details of the plan.'

"Forgive me. When I heard it was a good friend of Suzaku's, I guess I just jumped to conclusions." Nunnally said with her other self Sia conveying a message the same way. 'Alright but it better be good, It also better not be the Shadow Karezoh's.'

"No please, it's an honor to speak to a royal princess!" Alavon said though conveying. 'Yea you're not going to like this, I'll tell you neither did I but it's the best plan we have.'

"Um could, you please put Suzaku back on?" Nunnally said but conveying the message. 'You better have a plan to destroy them after this.'

"Yes, your highness." Alavon said conveying. 'Of course part of the plan.' And handing back the phone.

"Forgive me, Nunnally. I didn't mean to cause a misunderstanding." Suzaku said.

"No it's alright. He just seemed so similar to him that it surprised me." Nunnally said. "Well I'll see you when I get to Area 11."

"I'll be here." Suzaku said hanging up and starting to leave.

"Before you go, you need to know that one you think is lost, is not as lost as you think." Alavon said slipping past him as he stopped to think.

The Next day

Unknown location

"He he he guess who's here." The eyes that taunted Lelouch earlier came back. Lelouch's eyes widened thinking the worst. "Ha ha ha just kidding we are planning to get her soon but you should've seen your face! Ha ha ha!" The eyes laughed and Lelouch glared at them.

"Anyway we have to take you and your sister to the ritual place so you don't try to escape but if you try you will be easily cut down so don't even try." The eyes were joined by another as they opened the cage, tied up Lelouch and Euphemia, picking them up like they weighed nothing, and took them to a room with one light that barely illuminated the room.

"Get comfortable you're going to be here the whole ritual remember yours? It was brightest, let's hope your sister is just as strong as you." The eyes now revealed to be a girl with black bandages covering her face and a brown cloak on her shoulders covering the rest of her body, she had cat ears poking out of the bandages.

"Yea he was even stronger than the Beast who destroyed the ritual table in his transformation. Luckily we got a harder table after that." A boy with wolf ears said wearing the same attire.

"Where is he now?" The girl asked.

"In the vortex room, again, this time for trying to escape, like Lulu over here." The boy said pointing to Lelouch who shivered at the thought of the vortex room.


Lelouch was running through the darkness trying to escape the creatures chasing him for escaping his dark cell but he couldn't see unlike the ones chasing him, they quickly caught him tying him up in a black rope, he struggled but one of them knocked him out. Lelouch then found himself in a pitch black room unlike the dark rooms he's been in before, this was darker, he couldn't even tell if his eves were open. He started hearing whispers that sounded inhuman, it got louder hurting his head. A strange feeling entered him filling him with nausea.

After the feeling subsided he started coughing uncontrollably and writhing around. An extreme pain filled him as he writhed the coughing stopped. He opened his mouth in a silent scream which only increased the pain. After awhile it felt like he was floating above the ground the pain soon turned into something unknown. The unknown feeling was similar to pain and freezing throughout the body except it didn't feel cold nor hot nor warm. The feeling subsided instead visions of his worst nightmares filled his mind.

Nunnally dying was the predominant nightmare he saw, he cried the tears seeming to burn his cheeks. He did not move the entire time his mind was in the vortex. The last dream seemed to never end it was a burning world the bodies of his friends surrounding him and no matter how far he ran they were following him. The people he feared were also following him though some seemed unfamiliar. After what seemed to be an eternity they stopped following him the area surrounding him turning white.

In that white room there were two doors he opened the first one it was an inky blackness he opened the other showed the real world except different from what he remembered. That door closed a force pulled him into the other and he regained feeling in his body, he soon found that he was actually floating, he could not feel the ground. A pain soon formed within his chest, fur started growing everywhere on his body, claws formed on his hands and feet, his face changed into something more wolf like, teeth sharpening, and a growl rose from his throat.

It terrified him to change into that, a beast that he feared, he felt the bloodlust that it brought, the want to kill everything and anything. He howled and floated around erratically trying to find a way out of the torture. It seemed like a day until he finally changed back and felt the ground again. He didn't struggle as someone picked him up feeling broken beyond repair. They took him back to his cell a welcome thing after that ordeal. Euphie watched as he was put down and the other person left.

She squeezed between the bars separating them, going up to him and asking. "Lulu? Are you okay?" He doesn't reply and she looked into his broken eyes and hugged him. "Lulu please say something." She said rubbing his back hoping for a response, she doesn't get one for a long time, but finally after 2 hours he stirred and hugged her crying.

"I... it was horrible... it started with pain... it turned into nightmares... and then I transformed into a beast... it was horrible." He said with a hoarse voice holding on to her for dear life crying until he fell asleep.

Flashback end

"The operation is about to start, start chanting!" A winged women said snapping Lelouch out of the flashback and the different creatures around the room started chanting in an inhuman language creating a large shadow in the middle of the room. Lelouch watched in curiosity of how will they bring Nunnally here without going anywhere.

Over the pacific

Alavon flew the Wolf King over the pacific with the newly upgraded Guren and the newly upgraded Gekkas. The new upgrades included float systems, a new claw for the Guren, and the experimental guns called Maruchishotto (multi-shot) rifle for the Gekkas. "The objective of this operation is the capture of the new viceroy!" He exclaimed. "No matter what happens, she absolutely must not be harmed! Is that clear?!"

"Yes Zero!" Kallen, Tohdoh, Chiba, Asahina, Urabe, and Senba exclaimed as the Britannians started coming at them in VTOLs. The chaff smoke was released blinding the Britannians who decided to shoot at the smoke. It was a foolish mistake as several Battleships were destroyed. Using the distraction Alavon enters the flagship knowing that Nunnally will be gone by the time he gets there. He kills the two guards in his way with his geass and he walked in.

Guilford and the Glaston Knights arrive with float units only to find that their enemy also has float units and they are much more advanced. Asahina flies towards them catching them by surprise, pulling out his rifle and firing one shot it barely missed Guilford but it hit all the Glaston knights behind him running through the chests of the Knightmares some ejected after seeing the bullet destroy their comrades.

"What in the world is that bullet?" Guilford asked Lloyd who was amazed by the bullet as Cecile examined the effect it had on the Knightmares that were destroyed.

"It seems to have a magnetic force that is able to be attracted to Knightmares but that is all I could get on it." Cecile said as Guilford engaged Asahina their swords locking in a fierce battle.

Alavon opened the door to the garden already finding that Nunnally was gone a note in her wheelchair that was left behind. "It seems they already got to her." He said and walked back to the Wolf King.

Asahina was eventually cut down by Guilford, and with a low energy filler he couldn't fly as fast, and Senba quickly cut him down. He managed to eject and survive the encounter but soon the Knights of the round came.

"Tohdoh you and the four holy swords get to the submarine Kallen and I will take care of the Knights of the round, I don't want any unnecessary casualties." Alavon said flying the Wolf King next to Kallen.

"Roger, Zero." Tohdoh said, him and the four holy swords flying to the submarine.

Alavon fires the wolf cannon at the Mordred the first to reach them the black beam pushing it back into the Tristan in fortress mode. Avoiding Anya's now paralyzed Knightmare, Gino switches to Knightmare mode activating his polearm and charging at Alavon who blocks it with his trident scorching the polearm. The energy released by the trident shorts out the arm holding the polearm. Alavon uses that to his advantage by grabbing the polearm and using the opposite side to cleave through the Tristan's midriff.

"Uhh I think I'm going to need some help." Gino said his Knightmare now legless and the legs crashing into the water.

"Gino, hold on, I'm coming." Silent said as her Knightmare the Ghost sped to his location in a flash of grey. Alavon soon targeted the new arrival thrusting his trident at her. She blocked with a black MVS and swung it in an arc at his chest. He blocked but it was a faint as she switched direction mid-swing and knocked the trident out of his hands. She soon found out that the claws were not for show as he grabbed the sword and crushed it in his claws.

It was soon a standoff of fists and claws they could use their cannons but secretly Silent is on Alavon's side and neither wanted each other's Knightmares to blow up, while they fought Kallen and Suzaku engaged each other.

"Kallen I have to save Nunnally, nothing else matters now. I won't ask for forgiveness any longer." Suzaku said firing the hydran blaster at Kallen who blocks with her radiant wave surger. The radiant wave surger absorbs the energy fired at it and reflects it back to Suzaku stronger. 

"Urg, what was that?" He asked activating his blaze luminous blocking most of the damage but pushing him back with the force.

"That was my little pet project the radiant wave deflector." Alavon said dodging Silent. "Anyway you said you want to save Nunnally. Sorry to break it to you, but she has been taken-"

"WHERE IS SHE!" Suzaku shouted in rage.

"If you just let me finish I'll tell you. She was not taken by us. If you agree to a ceasefire I'll give you the note that was left behind." Alavon said knocking off the head of the Ghost with his claws.

"...Fine." Suzaku said seeing that he was the only one left.

"Good Q-1 get back to the others. I'll give Suzaku the note... alone." Alavon said flying his Knightmare next to Suzaku. Opening his hatch he holds the note in his hand. Suzaku opened his hatch grabbing the note from Alavon and reading it. 'We got your precious Nunnally she'll make an excellent addition to our ranks if she's as strong as her brother he he he. If you want to find her you're going to have to find us and we are all shadows. -The shadow Karezoh.' It read.

"What does the shadow Karezoh mean?" Suzaku asked after reading the note.

"The shadow Karezoh are a group of creatures of great power however unlike the regular groups of Karezoh this group kidnaps the good Karezoh and slowly take away their humanity turning them into beasts, I managed to escape from there but my brother was not as lucky, their last known location is in the woods near the Chinese consulate, I hope you are lucky enough to find them." Alavon said leaving before Suzaku could say another word.

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