The Hidden Wolf 5

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Unknown location

Lelouch watched in horrified silence as the shadow dissipated revealing Nunnally strapped to the table naked. "Nuna." Euphie muttered sadly knowing better than to disrupt the ritual.

"Time for the engravings." The winged woman said and a horned man came out of the remaining darkness holding a red knife.

"What's going on?" Nunnally asked completely confused, inside her sister Sia flinched willing her not to speak. The horned man said nothing holding the knife above her head and pressing lightly he drew symbols on it. She screamed in pain as he continued drawing symbols all over her body with an inhuman speed. Lelouch struggles with his bindings wishing he could help Nunnally, but with the risk of being put in the vortex room he stopped deciding to plan for an escape later.

The horned man stopped after the last symbol nodding at the winged woman who starts chanting. A red glow emanates from Nunnally the glow getting brighter as the chanting continues. Nunnally silently screams in pain while this goes on finding that at the last chant she could open her eyes. Lelouch and Euphie cried the entire time feeling powerless, Lelouch's anger rises as the feeling continued even after the chanting stopped and Nunnally stopped glowing, the symbols on her body seeming to vanish.

"It is done, take them to their cell." The winged woman said as the cat eared girl and the wolf eared boy picked Lelouch and Euphie up taking them to their cell, a horned girl joined them with Nunnally, they chated excitedly at Nunnally's likeness to her brother. They were dropped into the dark cell, after the bindings were taken off, the creatures quickly leaving to other business. Nunnally realises that her brother and half sister are also here.

"Big brother, Euphie, why are we here?" Nunnally whimpered as she hugged Lelouch and he cried while she wrapped her arms around him.

"I... don't know Nunnally... I don't know." He said his expression suddenly turning into determination. "But I do know that we're getting out of here." He said putting Nunnally on his back grabbing Euphie's hand, kicking down the back of the cell, and running out of their not caring that he could barely see.

In the forest near the chinese consulate

"Are you sure we're going to find Princess Nunnally here? It could be a trap." Gino said as the 4 Knights of the round searched for Nunnally hoping the information that Zero gave them isn't incorrect.

"I doubt it is a trap he did say he lost his brother to them." Silent said looking around intently. 

"Besides I've heard of the Shadow Karezoh it's said that they are trying to find the strongest Karezoh to take over the world."

"Yea, but why would they take Nunnally she's the sweetest Princess ever." Gino said earning him a glare from Suzaku.

"That's what makes them stronger, having the strength to be nice in a dark world means they have a heart strong enough to overcome almost everything. It also goes for ones who crave power for the greater good. If Euphie was still alive she would definitely be kidnaped by them also." Silent said Suzaku eyes widening as he realised what the hint Alavon gave him earlier.

'If that's true than Lelouch is Zero and he regained his memories, but he said he lost his brother as far as I know Lelouch doesn't have a true brother. Or maybe he has a twin that took his place.' Suzaku thought. "Silent do Karezoh have twins." He asked.

"Oh yea, I fact it's the only way that a child is born, every Karezoh has a twin inside their body that can be separated when the main one realises they have some one else inside them. Usually one realizes before they are taken by the Shadow Karezoh and in hope to be saved they separate. So Nunnally most likely has a twin, like me I have a twin named Zamy she is very lazy unlike me, she is most likely lazing about in the home land." Silent said as Suzaku processed this new information.

'So either Lelouch or Lelouch's brother is Zero now but that doesn't explain why he hasn't attacked the Shadow Karezoh?' He thought. "Silent is their any reason why someone wouldn't attack the Shadow Karezoh?" He asked.

"From what I've heard they are the strongest enemy anyone could face, it would take the entire world to defeat them but they are so sparsely known that is almost impossible, plus they have a secret weapon no one knows about, and if that wasn't it, it would be their supernatural powers that are unlike any other and only can be learned by Karezoh." She replied.

"Would the emperor be a Karezoh?" Gino asked suddenly, very curious.

"I doubt it most Karezoh are hidden and usually have 2 mothers and fathers one human and one Karezoh for each, and if the emperor hasn't been kidnapped by the Shadow Karezoh or turned into some kind of animal yet it is almost impossible for him to be one, I bet he hasn't even heard about Karezoh except from me to which he doesn't really care or believe even though it has been staring him in the face for years." Silent said turning her head at the sound of footsteps. "Someones coming!"

They turn their heads to see Lelouch, Euphemia, and Nunnally running towards them being chased by members of the Shadow Karezoh who stop the chase seeing them. One of them threw a knife at Lelouch, hitting him in the back, causing him to stumble and the symbols drawn on him to appear for a moment, causing him to scream in pain.

"Lulu!" Euphie shouted pulling out the knife and healing him with her geass.

"Euphie!" Lelouch and Suzaku exclaimed in surprise at the fact she has geass though Suzaku was more surprised at the fact she's alive. The Knights run towards them Euphie looks at Suzaku with a smile on her face. Lelouch looks up seeing Suzaku as well a smile gracing his lips for a moment before realising how untrustworthy Suzaku was being towards him.

"Suzaku why are you glaring at me?" Lelouch asked causing everybody to look at Suzaku who was glaring at him intensely.

"... you know why." Suzaku said.

"No I don't I've been stuck in a dark cell alone for 6 years until Euphie came, so tell me Suzaku why are you glaring at me?" Lelouch said at hurt expression on his face, Nunnally holds on to Lelouch tighter trying to comfort him.

"You mean you don't know what is going on right now?" Suzaku asked and Lelouch shook his head completely confused. "You don't know about Zero?"

"Who's Zero?" Lelouch said in honest confusion.

"Suzaku what's this about?" Silent asked even though she knows exactly what this is about, and she just wants him to explain it to everyone else.

"When I took of Zero's mask he looked like Lelouch." Suzaku said.

"Oh you must be talking about Alavon." Lelouch said now understanding a little bit more. "He's my brother but he's always had a hatred for Britannia he's the one who made that vow 8 years ago to you Suzaku. But know I'm afraid his hatred has escalated from what I'm hearing."

"Oh so he's the one who shot me last year." Euphie said surprising everyone.

"HE SHOT YOU?!" Lelouch shouted in rage and Nunnally tried her best to calm him down, Suzaku was completely surprised by his reaction.

"Brother calm down you can't do anything about that and plus what are you going to do he's your brother." Nunnally said and the Knights just realised she had her eyes open.

"Nunnally your eyes." Suzaku said as Lelouch calms down a little.

"Her eyes opened during the ritual." Lelouch said and they looked at him in confusion. "The ritual is what they do when they capture you to bring out your inner animal whatever that means." Silent's eyes widened.

"Oh no... I have good news and bad news about that." Silent said and everybody looked towards her. "Bad news you all are going to turn into animals, Euphie is going to turn into a fox and Lelouch and Nunnally are going to turn into wolves, Good news you can turn back under my guidance but it's going to take a while."

"How long until they turn?" Gino asked personally excited to see them turn into animals.

"About 3 weeks but they will go through small transformations throughout, also when they start to change they will have an insatiable blood lust unless next to their loved one." Silent said.

"Since Euphie has Suzaku, how are we going to control that for Lelouch and Nunnally?" Gino asked and Silent looks at Lelouch as if expecting him to say something but he turns away saddened.

"Let's just say Euphie's going to have to share Suzaku, and for Nunnally I guess Rolo." Silent said as Lelouch tries to get away from the embarrassment of the fact he liked Suzaku just got out.

"Lulu..." Euphie said putting a hand on Lelouch's shoulder making him whine like a dog while he peeks at Suzaku's stunned expression from under his arms thinking Suzaku will not accept him.

"Lelouch is this true?" Suzaku asked and Lelouch only nods and whines again, by then everyone was paying attention to Lelouch not noticing that Nunnally was standing up behind him. After a long silence Lelouch whines again this time turning into a wolf and running off crying. 

"Lelouch!" Suzaku said running after him.

"Oh did I forget that if he thinks someone that he loves doesn't love him, that he is going to run off as a wolf very emotionally." Silent said in monotone and they glared at her.

"Should we go after them?" Ayna asked also in monotone.

"I think we should wait they need some time alone." Euphie said and they nodded.

Deep in the forest

'I knew he wouldn't love me if he knew, I knew I was in love with him the moment we became friends, I thought it would go away after 7 years but it just got stronger, but now that he is with Euphie I know he doesn't feel the same way.' Lelouch thought as he ran through the forest crying, he ran into a bush stopping him enough for Suzaku to catch up.

"Lelouch." Suzaku said and Lelouch turned to look up at him whining with tears in his eyes. "Lelouch." Suzaku said getting down and wrapping an arm around him, causing him to squeak. "Lelouch way didn't you tell me this before?" Suzaku asked pulling him closer.

"... I thought that you wouldn't accept me... because you have Euphie... and I bet after Alavon shot her, you thought it was me and cursed my name..." Lelouch said whining while talking.

"Oh Lelouch if I knew it wasn't you I wouldn't have cursed your name, I would've cursed theirs, I fact I am now." Suzaku said.

"Well could you stop, he is still my brother, no matter how much I want to pound him right now." Lelouch said growling.

"So are we good now?" Suzaku asked.

"Maybe..." Lelouch said turning his head, licking Suzaku on the face, and curling up in his arms. 

"Carry me." Suzaku complied carrying him back to the others, the unspoken words in their hearts.

Back with the Knights

Euphie was telling the Knights about the horror Lelouch went through in the vortex room. "The darkness was unlike any other he had said and he had suffered long and hard from nightmares and his transformation. It took 2 months for him to calm down." She cried and their eyes widened thinking of the horrors that Lelouch went through.

"Oh no if he was left like that any longer he would've become a slave to them." Silent said as Suzaku returned with Lelouch in his arms.

"I would've what?!" Lelouch exclaimed.

"You would've become their slave, the vortex room has a purpose to destroy someone's mind and if they are a Karezoh to force them to transform, but in the rest of the building transforming is suppressed to prevent insanity of the prisoners. And just in case every shadow Karezoh is trained to bypass that suppression so they can attack intruders, which reminds me we should probably get out of here before they attack us." Silent said and just as she finished a growl was heard. "Run!" And they hightailed it out of there as a variety of Karezoh's in their animal forms chased after them.

A hawk Karezoh swooped in and tried to grab Nunnally while they were running but Silent quickly turned into a cat and clawed it out of the air. She then used her geass to fly out of the way as a badger Karezoh tried to grab her. Soon they had run out of the forest and the Karezoh on the land retreated but the Karezoh in the air decided to dive bomb them but they were diverted by a stream of bullets from Guilford.

"That was close." Gino said.

"They're not dead yet, I guess I forgot to say that Karezoh cannot die until their predetermined death date which is usually 80 to 100 years from their birthday." Silent said as the Karezohs got up and squaked at them angrily. The Karezohs glared at them but did not attempt to go after them instead they seemed to align themselves in a battle formation.

"I don't recognize this formation so watch out." Silent said getting in a defensive stance in front of them.

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