Undercity the other world

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Current AN: As I mentioned in Undercity this the other version now this chapter practically mirrors the other one but eventually differences would've become more clear, they won't now because it's deleted.

Actual Chapter name: Same as the other one.

Summary: AU of undercity. Suzaku thought he convinced Lelouch but he forgot that Lelouch is very good at lying.

AN: At first it will be pretty much the same but changes will start to happen.

Shinjuku ghetto

The truck holding the 'poison gas' crashed allowing Lelouch to get out and Suzaku who was watching around the corner instantly recognised him. "Lelouch! What are doing here?" He asked walking up behind him. Lelouch whipped around and gasped at the sight of erie white mask with gold lining around the edges on the right side of his face.

"Suzaku?" He asked staring at the cyborg in front of him. "What happened to you?" He asked. "When I became a knight of the round the emperor had me participate in a super soldier experiment so now I'm a cyborg, so why are you here?" Suzaku replied as Lelouch looked at him like he was crazy for allowing that to happen, then realizing he was asked a question he replied. "I tried to help those in the truck and I fell in I didn't know they were terrorists."

Suzaku looked at him in disbelief. "What? That's what happened!" Lelouch exclaimed Suzaku shook his head laughing at him as he pouted.

"Anyway you should get out of here I need to get this to Clovis." Suzaku said calling the royal guard while Lelouch escaped. (AN: Some changes start here) 'Hmm It seem he's from the undercity I need to notify Zenco of this.' Lelouch thought. 'Wait if I know Suzaku like I think I do he'll try to convince me to change sides once he finds out that I'm fighting against Britannia I could use that to my advantage.'

He laughed when saw his Knightmare appear in front of him. "Zamy how did you know to bring Yomi?" He asked as the cockpit opened to reveal a cat eared cyborg with a black winged mask.

"There was road restrictions for Shinjuku and your tracker said you were in Shinjuku I just connected the dots." She said sliding into the backseat as he climbed up into the front. Activating the Knightmare Lelouch moved over to a building next to the train tracks.

Using the communicator he grabbed he turned to the channel the resistance members were using and said. "To the west entrance, use the tracks to go to the west entrance."

"Who's this, how do you know this code!" Kallen yelled into the communicator. "It doesn't matter if you want to win your just going to have to trust me." Lelouch said.

"To win?" She said disbelievingly but moved her Glasgow to the tracks.

"What now?" She asked as a train sped towards her.

"Since you trusted me you will win now jump on the train." He said aiming his Knightmare rifle at the Sutherlands next move as Kallen jumped on the train. The Sutherlands stop the train and get their heads blown off courtesy of Lelouch. The Sutherlands eject after seeing Kallen rush at them.

"Thanks," She said looking at the building Lelouch was in. "Where did you...?" She asked seeing nothing in the building. "Kallen!"

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