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Izuku haven't been able to eat a full meal course. But he knew the amount of food he took has increased since the first time they served him food at the hospital.

"I feel like I'll puke if I keep on eating." Izuku admitted out, placing his chopsticks down.

Katsuki observed and Izuku didn't seem like lying. He gave a frown but gives in, "alright. But I'm still going to inform Aizawa of it."

Izuku gave a slow nod, not wanting to argue anymore. Eating should give him energy but he feels more tired.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I'll.. manage."

Katsuki decided him to be the one returning the trays. Izuku gave him words of gratitude as he does feel sick now.

He reached for his bag to grab his bottle and, his eyes glanced to the phone Aizawa gave to him. It shows the lunch time- and reminder that he should take his pain meds and all.

He probably had forced himself a bit too much.

Izuku took out his medicine pouch to drink the said needed meds and pops the medicines to his mouth.

He didn't calculate to fail swallowing them resulting him to gag on the bitter taste and spitting- cough them out. "Oh shit," well that's just disgusting and the worse.

Izuku just had to go and ruin his uniform. Great. He's soaking now.

"What the-" Izuku stares at Katsuki who just returned. "What happened?" He gave a disgusted look. Well that's expected.

"I choked." Izuku shrugs. He proceeds on wiping his wet hand to his uniform, since it is already soaked anyway and wiped his mouth with the said uniform's sleeves.

"You're disgusting, do you have no handkerchief?"

Izuku blinks, "I mean, I'm already soaking wet, what's the point?" He responded back. "Anyway, can we just go-"

"Yea no shit." Katsuki grumbled, "Let's head to the dorms first, get changed."

Izuku gave another stare. "I haven't been guided to the dorms yet."

Katsuki heaved a sigh, "I know." He pulled his phone, "I'll let Aizawa know."

"Sorry," Izuku murmur, "thanks."




Izuku walks inside the dorm, still feeling everything is foreign. "This way nerd." Izuku blinks at the sudden change in calling. Well, it's better than Deku- useless.

He was led to the fourth floor, "your room is next to mine." Katsuki then informed.

The greenet blinks. "Oh."

They walk to the last room of the floor. Katsuki opened it and it reveals a... simple room.

It's actually empty.

Just one futon in the middle and a bag. Also a box with a familiar UA uniform which means it's the items UA prepared for him.

"Your other things hasn't arrived yet?" Katsuki decided to question.

"Hm?" Izuku who was looking around hums, "oh no. This is all of my things." He then responded as he walks inside towards the box. There's still the second half- in which they're allowed to be late since there's only less than five minutes until the bell rang- of class so he decided he'll just use the new uniform.

"This is all?"

Izuku gave a confused look to Katsuki, "yeah. I don't have anything else to bring." He shrugs.

Katsuki swallowed. "How about clothes? Desk?"

"My clothes are at that bag," Izuku oointed to the one backpack. "And I don't have a desk."

Katsuki wasn't so sure on how to react. Was- was Izuku this.. minimalist? Since- since when? How come he..- Katsuki halted. He stopped being friends and he even bullied him. How'd he know anything about Izuku?


"Is that the bathroom?" Izuku decided to change the talk.


"Okay, I'll go change now."


Katsuki slumps down when Izuku's out of sight. He ruffled his own hair. "What the heck happened to him?" He mumble out to himself.

The door opened a bit louder, startling Katsuki. "Kacchan look! I can't believe it, I'm actually wearing UA's uniform!"

Red eyes widen at the sudden change of excitement and- somehow he's glad. Izuku doesn't change.


Izuku beamed. "I really can't believe it." He mumble out, "I'm at UA now and it's all thanks to him I guess."


"Oh! Would you help me with the necktie? I can't tie it."

The blond nods, reaching for the greenet. "Let me know if I tie it too tightly."


Katsuki don't know whoever he is, that made Izuku to be able to come to UA. But he must say he wants to thank him. Thanks to him he was able to reconnect with Izuku.

He's able to become closer to him.

He swear he'll amend for his.. wrongdoings. To be his friend again.

(And something more. If possible.)


Izuku gave another smile, "thank you."

"Let's get back to class then."





"We're not going back to class?"

Katsuki glanced at Izuku who's keeping up with his pace and shook his head. "We have P.E."


So that would mean they're headed to the training grounds?

"Aizawa told me your P.E. clothes are already in the locker room."

"Even if I don't participate I have to change?"

Katsuki shrugs.

They made it to the locker room and there were only the two.

"The one over the corner, it should have your name,"

Izuku nods, going as instructed.

The blond then changes his clothes too, knowing Izuku doesn't need anymore directions.

It didn't erase his curiousity though.

Changing in record's time, he listened to the rustlings noises Izuku made. That would mean Izuku isn't done yet.

He made an internal conflict, before deciding to take a peak. It's just to make sure Izuku isn't struggling, he convinced himself.

As he took a quiet step behind, his red eyes observes his childhood friend.

He wasn't expecting to see many bandages over his body. Aizawa did say he was.. in a somekind of accident but he didn't say anything specific. What kind of accident would injure him everywhere?

It reminds him of that time in middle school. He found a burn injury.. over the collarbond to shoulder.

What happens to burn his body over there?

Katsuki looked back to his own locker. Will he ever have the chance of knowing what happened?

(He sure hope he could.)


14 May 2023

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