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Phillip Anderson: placed in hospital because of being suicidal. But in truth he was being haunted be Freddy in his dreams. He's nicknamed "The Walker" for his infamous sleepwalking. He also creates marionette dolls out of random materials has them in his room.

Jennifer Caulfield: placed in hospital because of her suicidal behaviors. But just like Phillip, she's being stalked in her dreams by Freddy. She burns cigarettes into her arm to stay awake. She's a strong willed girl and is fond of Phillip. She often translates for Joey since he doesn't speak.

Taryn White: She has a history of drugs, preferably herion. She chose to be admitted into the hospital instead of going to juvenile hall.

Will Stanton: He was targeted by Freddy, in result he lost the use of his legs. He tried to commit suicide and was then put into the hospital.

Roland Kincaid: He was committed to the hospital because of his nightmares about Freddy. Like the majority of the kids. He gets angry very easily, making him bicker with the other kids constantly. He seems to pick on Jennifer and he annoys Taryn. He shares a room with Phillip and doesn't like him much. Adults say that he has hysteria, because of his anger.

Joey Crusel: Because of being stalked by Freddy, he was admitted to the hospital. Freddy had traumatized him so much that he no longer spoke. He became a mute.

Kristen Parker: She was dreaming and went to the bathroom to wet her face. Freddy was disguised as the faucet and cut her wrists open. Her mother walked in after it happened and saw Kristen holding a razor blade in her hand, making it look like a suicide attempt. She was admitted to the hospital the next morning.

Gunner (Porter) Lakewood: He was admitted to the hospital because of his second personality, Gunner. He was being stalked by Freddy and he was going through so much trauma that he made a second personality, Gunner Lakewood. Which is who he is most of the time. He also has his own songs. He shares a room alone because of his music. He blasts it through the entire hospital. Him and J.D used to share a room but the music was making J.D more crazy than he already is. Which caused the hospital to split them up. They're the only two kids in the hospital that have separate rooms.

Octavia Blake: The death of her boyfriend made her lose her mind. She couldn't bear to be without him. Which made her parents admit her.

Bellamy Blake: He watched his best friend get shot in the head. He lost his mind much like his sister Octavia. He can't forget the image. It replays in his head every day. He's more sane than his sister.

Greta Johnson: She was in a car accident that almost cost her life. She stopped eating and drinking. Her parents admitted her, hoping that she'd get some help.

Violet Harmon: She tried to commit suicide by eating a bunch of pills. That was the first time. The second time she slit her throat, almost succeeding. Which caused her parents to admit her.

Alex Standall: He tried to shoot himself. In the head. Which didn't kill him. That caused his father, the sheriff, to admit him. He now suffers from slight memory loss and forgets things constantly. He's gotten a little better but he struggles to remember little things.

J.D: He's slightly insane. He talks about killing other people his age and loves watching people die. He's tried to kill people he knows. He almost succeeded in his ex girlfriend. His father, tired of his sons erratic behavior, admitted him. Doesn't like Gunner (Porter) because of his music. Gunner has his own music he made himself and J.D can't stand it. The hospital separated them and they're both in separate rooms. J.D gets agitated very easily which is another reason why he was separated from Gunner (Porter)

Riley Conrad: She suffers from depression. When her father was arrested, she went into depression because of it. Her mother admitted her because of her constant moping.

Maddox Wheeler: He suffers from self harming and depression. He killed a girl by accident with his car and never forgave himself. He was drunk driving and hit her. He'd harm himself by lighting a candle and burning his skin. But then he tried a new method of pain. Cutting. Which caused his mother to admit him.

Sonya Thomas: She suffers from anxiety. Horribly. From her dreams. She hallucinates sometimes and can't cope with being under pressure. Her parents put her in the hospital, not wanting to deal with her.

Here's everyone's case files. We know about Justin, Summer and Nova already. Which is why I didn't list them. Also it's very hard to find gifs of the original cast so please bare with me. Also there might be mentions of suicide but there won't be anyone committing it. There will be some cutting. And there also will be people burning their arms. I'll put a warning at the beginning of each chapter but I said it here. So expect it. This sequel is a little bit darker than the first book. So be warned. Will be more gory and I want everyone to know up front before reading. There also might be a little more nudity. Most of it will be non sexual but there will be some sexual themes.

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