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Nova's POV:
I woke up on Porter's chest. I heard running footsteps and people talking really loudly. "Porter." I said as I shook him. He groaned and buried his face into his pillow. I huffed and climbed over his body. I opened the door and blood covered the floor. "What?" I said as I looked at the crimson liquid. I stepped over the large puddle and walked down the hall. I turned the corner and saw J.D holding Sonya. "What happened?" I asked. "Greta died first. Then Violet. Now Bellamy is in critical condition." Sonya replied. I left them where they stood and I passed Greta's room. The door was open and blood covered everything. Her body laid on the floor in the middle of the room. Her stomach had a gaping hole in it, her insides hanging out. I covered my mouth and walked away from the room. I continued to walk down the hall and I heard screaming. I ran into a room and Octavia sat in the middle of it. "Octavia." I said as I walked in. She turned around and tears left her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She sniffled and didn't say anything. She continued to cry and she turned away from me.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." I said. "B-b-Bellamy." She stuttered. I went to walk in and she dropped to her knees. I knelt down next to her and she held my arm. A scream left her mouth and I hugged her.

Elizabeth walked into the room and said "you can see your brother now Octavia." I helped her up and she leaned on me. Will sat next to Lisa's desk and he said "Octavia?" She didn't answer him. I drug her to where Bellamy would be and opened the door. His room was right next to Joey's, since they were in the infirmary. The heart monitor beeped and Octavia said "no. No." She stared at her brother who was in a hospital bed with a hole in his chest. "He won't make it. It's best if you say your goodbyes." The doctor said.

"Bell?" She asked. He opened his eyes weakly and said "Octavia. You're ok." She nodded and said "of course." "Where's Violet?" He said. Octavia looked down and said "she died. Freddy killed her." Bellamy had a tear go down his face and he said "how?" "She was burned." Octavia said. Bellamy didn't say anything and I felt bad for the brother and sister. "I can't hang on much longer. It hurts too much." Bellamy said. Octavia shook her head and said "please don't leave me. Please don't leave." Bellamy looked at her and didn't know what to say.

Octavia sat down on the hospital bed next to him and she held his hand. "You're my big brother. You can't leave me." He sat up to hug her and she clung to him.

Cries left her mouth and Bellamy said "I love you. You're my sister. And I can't hang on anymore. Stay strong for me." He rubbed her head and she buried her face into his shoulder. I looked down and let them have their moment. It was heartbreaking to see that she'd be left alone. They pulled away from one another and Octavia took a deep breath. Bellamy couldn't hang on much longer and passed away. Octavia stood over his body sobbing.

Will rolled in and said "I'll take care of her." I nodded and walked to the doorway. I turned to look at her and she looked horrible. I frowned and walked out of the room. People flocked to his room to see his dead body and I headed back to Porter's room. I avoided the puddle of blood and entered the room, the door closing behind me. Porter stirred and sat up. "Where'd you go?" He asked me. "I was with Octavia. Bellamy died. So did Greta. And Violet died too." I replied. He looked down and said "wow." I crawled into bed with him and he stretched, his back cracking as he did so. I looked at him and he said "what?" "Your back." I replied. He rolled his eyes and pulled me to him. I smiled and he kissed my cheek. "Freddy got them all right?" He asked. I nodded and said "how come when you're around me....you're Porter. But then around Summer and everyone else you're Gunner?" He shrugged and said "I think it's cause you complete me. You make me feel sane. And Gunner disappears. Because you are here. I don't need him to protect me. Even though he's still inside me.....you're keeping him from emerging."

I could never find the right way to tell you
Have you noticed I've been gone?
'Cause I left behind the home that you made me
But I will carry it along

I felt my heart flutter and he looked down, scared of what my answer would be.

I made him look up at me and I said "I'm glad that I'm the one who'd be able to break you out of this. It means a lot. I thought I'd never be able to get over Klaus' death. It still hurts but I thought I'd never be able to love again. And you proved that I could. And you make me very happy. Just please know that, Porter." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me passionately. I pulled away and our foreheads leaned on one another. "We'll make it out of this." He said. "Promise?" I asked. "Of course. We have too. I'll build a perfect life for you. For us." Porter said. I looked at him while pulling away. "You mean it?" I asked. Porter nodded and said "anything for you. Anything." I blushed and said "that means a lot." He pulled me on his chest as we laid down. "We'll move away from here. Us, Summer and Justin. We'll be far away from this hell hole and it'll be like none of this ever happened to us." He said. I smiled again his chest and said "that would be amazing. That's all I want. Is to leave this place." "I hope you're pregnant." He said out of the blue. I looked at him and said "why?" "Cause I want kids. And I want them to be our kids. They'll have a DJ for a dad. And a marine biologist for a mother." Porter said while laughing. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "Jesus. You're planning our life already aren't you?" He nodded and said "yes. We'll have our little shelter." "Don't bring your song into this." I said. Porter shrugged and said "I'm going too. Because I know how much you love it." I smiled really big and said "stop!" "You're so fucking cute." He said as he kissed my cheek. I blushed again and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. I felt him play with the ends of my hair and I brought my head back onto his chest.

And it's a long way forward, so trust in me
I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
And I know, I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us
Until your gone
When I'm older, I'll be silent beside you
I know words aren't enough
And they won't need to know the names on our faces
But they will carry on for us

It was silent for a few minutes and I said "I love you Porter." "I love you too Nova." He replied. I felt him drift off into sleep and I stared up at the ceiling. Three people died tonight. Our group was getting smaller and smaller. With Nancy and Neil gone, we'd never survive. But as long as I could keep Gunner out of Porter's body, would be fulfilling.

Here's the update! kw-2187 enjoy this!

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