D R E A M W A R R I O R S (1)

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Summer's POV:
Kristen screamed as Elizabeth drugged her. "You're fucking killing us! We're all going to die! You stupid bitch!" Kristen said. Sonya had a tear go down her face and Octavia lunged at Elizabeth. Will tried to grab her and I watched the event unfold in front of me. A man grabbed Octavia and sedated her. They threw her and Kristen in the quiet room. Elizabeth looked at us and said "anyone else want to get thrown in the quiet room?" J.D rolled his eyes and Alex eyed her. Justin pulled me back and I squeezed his hand. Gunner stared her down and Nova didn't look at her. Elizabeth walked away and Taryn said "we need to call Nancy." Kincaid said "we need to wait for Elizabeth to go. Lisa will let us." Justin's chest heaved up and down and I said "baby calm down." He nodded and we all went into J.D's room. He ran his hand through his dark hair and he said "we need to stick together. We'll call Nancy and we all go after Freddy together." Elizabeth walked by and I quickly looked away from her. Taryn stood by the doorway and she made a beeline for Lisa's desk. She picked up the phone and began dialing a number. I stood with her and said "she's gone. Let's do this." Taryn held the phone at her ear and said "hello? Nancy? Thank god. You gotta help us. They sedated Kristen and Octavia. If we don't get to the dream world soon they'll die. We need your help." Taryn was silent for a minute as Nancy talked to her. She hung up the phone and said "Nancy will meet us in the room where we have group." I nodded and walked back to J.D's room. "Come on. We all have to go to the room where we have group. Nancy is going to meet us there." I said. Justin grabbed my hand and we quickly made our way there. Kincaid locked the door and said "we have to wait on her? How long did she say?" "Twenty minutes at the most." Taryn replied. We all sat in silence for 20 minutes. We knew what was going to come. All we had to do was wait. A knock was heard on the door and Kincaid walked towards it. "It's Nancy. Let me in." Kincaid opened the door and Nancy stepped in. "Is everyone prepared for what's about to go down?" She asked. We all nodded and she sat down. "Anyone who doesn't want to go into the dream world doesn't have too. It's up to all of you." "We're all going. Freddy needs to die." Alex said. We all looked around at each other and Nancy said "I'm going to start the pendulum. That's how we'll get there." The pendulum began to move back and forth.

I turned Nancy's voice out and focused on the pendulum. I felt myself slowly drifting off.


I looked around and I was in the dream world. Everyone had gotten separated. "Nancy!" Kristen said. I could hear her but I couldn't see her. "Justin? Nova?" I asked. I walked down the hall and looked around for anyone. Screams were heard and they echoed. "Summer." A voice said. I turned around to see Phillip. I gasped and his arms and legs dripped with blood. His veins dragged on the floor as he stepped towards me. "No." I said softly. "You didn't save me." He said. I shook my head and said "Phillip. No." He continued to walk towards me. I whimpered and he reached out and touched my face. "Why didn't you save me?!" He screamed at me. My lip quivered and I said "I couldn't. Phillip please don't scream at me." He stared me down and I looked up at him. I used my powers and he disappeared. A small scream left my mouth and I cried. "Summer?" I heard Alex. I turned the corner said "Alex." He ran over to me and said "what happened?" "Phillip." I was all I said. Alex gave me a small hug and said "we need to find everyone else. Come on."

Octavia's POV:
"Is anyone here?" I heard Will's voice. "Will!" I said as I began running. I bumped into him and we both fell onto the ground. "Octavia. I was so worried about you. When Elizabeth sedated you, I thought you were dead." Will said to me. I shook my head and said "I'm fine." He adjusted his glasses on his face and said "we came here to defeat Freddy. Well I mostly came here to find you and you're ok-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. I pulled away and Will stared at me in shock. "What?" I asked him. "I never thought you'd ever kiss me." He replied. I smiled and said "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." Will smiled and I did the same. All of a sudden I was thrown against the wall and Will was knocked down on the ground. Freddy stood at the end of the hall. "You're in for the chair kid!" He said as a wheelchair came rolling down the hall. Will moved out of the way and said "I am the Wizard Master!" A costume appeared on his body and a green force came out of his fingers. Freddy's eyes widened and Will smirked. "Demon begone!" He said as he shot Freddy.

Freddy appeared to be hurt and Will ran towards him. Freddy grabbed him and held him up in the air. I gasped and said "no!" Will looked over at me and Freddy laughed.

"Sorry kid, I don't believe in fairy tales." He said. Freddy stabbed Will in the chest with his claw. "Will!" I screamed. He screamed in pain and Freddy threw him to the ground. I backed away from him while screaming. He laughed and I kicked him in the leg. Freddy fell down and quickly got up. I began throwing punches at him and there wasn't anything he could do. Before I knew it I was out of breath. "My turn." He said. He stabbed me in the thigh and then my foot. I gasped in pain and then his claw collided with my head. All I felt was blood going down the side of my head. He pulled his claw out of my head and I fell onto the ground.

Nova's POV:
I ran through different corridors, looking for anyone. "Porter?" I asked. I ran into someone and I looked up. "Nova?" Justin asked. "Where's Summer?" I said. He shrugged and said "I could ask you the same thing." "We gotta find her and Porter." I replied. Justin nodded and we began walking again. "Kristen! Is that you?" Taryn said. Her voice sounded like she was miles away. "Where is she?" I asked. Justin looked around and said "she sounds far away. Really far away." I said "should we try to find her?" "No. We have to find Summer and Porter." Justin replied. He pulled me in the opposite direction and we continued to look for our lovers.

Taryn's POV:
As I ventured through the world, I looked for Kristen. The surrounding area around me changed. I was in an alleyway. Freddy appeared and I said "ok asshole. Let's dance."

Freddy smirked and swung his claw at me. I stabbed him with one of my switchblades. Freddy huffed and I stabbed him again. He put his hands on his knees and I said "get up! Fucking fight!" Freddy stood back up and said "let's get high."

Syringes were on the ends of his knives. I shook my head and whimpered. He smirked and I backed away from him.

I knew what was in those syringes. It was the very thing I tried to get away from. Herion. All the scars on my arms opened up. I gasped and looked down at them. When I looked back up, Freddy stabbed me with all eight syringes. Screams left my mouth and I felt the toxic drug coursing through my veins.

As I began to lose conciseness Freddy said "what a rush." I fell to the ground and closed my eyes.

J.D's POV:
I was currently in a room by myself. I watched Freddy walked by and my gun appeared. I stepped out in the hallway and shot at him. He turned around and I continued to shoot at him. "Guns don't work." Freddy said. Sonya turned the corner and shot ice out of her hands. Freddy cowered and Sonya panted. I shot another bullet at him, hitting him in his leg. Freddy fell to his knees and and Sonya shot ice at his chest. In a swift movement, Freddy's claw was in the air. I looked around on my body to see if he had stabbed me. I looked over at Sonya and her throat was slit. "No." I said. She gasped for air and Freddy disappeared. I caught her as she fell and I held her in my arms. "No. Sonya." I said to her. She coughed and blood was everywhere. I watched the life leave her eyes and I screamed out in agony. Tears left my eyes and as I looked up Freddy stood in front of me. A sniffle left my mouth and I aimed my pistol at him.

Freddy raised his claw and I shot him. A hole was in his chest and his disappeared again. I panted and looked around. Then I felt pain in my stomach. His claw laid there, his hand wasn't attached to it. I coughed up blood and Freddy laughed. "Fuck you!" I screamed. Freddy smirked and said "you could've saved her. But you shot at me." I inhaled sharply as I felt more pain on my stomach. "Now, you'll die alone." Freddy said as he disappeared. I fell back onto my back and panted. He was right. I was going to die alone.

Here's the first part!! Part two will be up soon!!

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