D R E A M W A R R I O R S (2)

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Summer's POV:
I held onto Alex's arm as we walked down a long hallway. Nancy stood at the end of it and she said "Alex? Summer?" "It's us." I replied. Once we reached her, we saw that she had Kristen and Kincaid with her. "Did y'all see Taryn or Will?" Kincaid asked. I shook my head and Alex said "no. You guys seen Gunner or Nova? Or Justin?" "Sonya or J.D?" Kristen said. Nancy shook her head and said "we've been looking for everyone." "We have to save Joey." I said. Nancy nodded and said "let's look down this way. See if Justin or anyone is down there." We followed Nancy and went into the darkness.

Nova's POV:
Justin looked toward a bridge that was in front of us. "Come on." He said. The bridge creaked under our feet and didn't look safe. "Justin?" I asked. "I'm right here." He replied. Before I knew it, the plank came out from under me. A scream left my mouth and I saw Justin grab me. I stared up at him and he said "I got ya." I panted and he pulled me back up onto the bridge. The side where we came from was completely destroyed. The bridge went crashing down to the ground. A thump was heard and Justin pulled me up to my feet. "Thank you." I said, out of breath. Justin nodded and said "no problem." He looked down at my stomach and said "woah. You're pregnant?" "Yeah. I am." I said. Justin ran a hand through his hair and said " holy shit." "We have to find Porter. Quickly." I said. Justin sniffed and said "do you smell something burning?" "That has to be Porter." I replied. We made our way off the bridge and into a large room. Fire cascaded the walls and Justin held me close to him. "Stay close to me." He said. I wrapped my arms around his waist and made sure I stayed with him. Pieces of the ceiling fell to the ground and Justin pulled me out of the way. "Porter?" I asked. We reached a room that was ice cold. Ice covered the walls and floors. Porter sat in the middle and I said "Porter!" He turned around and looked at me. I ran towards him, slipping on the ice. Porter caught me and we both went sliding across the ice. Porter kissed me and pulled away. "Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded and said I'm fine. Justin protected me." Justin walked over very carefully and said "of course." Porter half smiled and said "thanks. It means a lot." "Let's get out of here and find the others." Justin said. We walked in silence for about twenty minutes. "Justin?" It was Alex's voice. "Alex? Holy shit." Justin said as he saw him. He ran towards him and hugged him. Summer gasped and said "Justin?" He pulled away from Alex and Summer jumped into his arms. Justin held her tightly and said "you're ok. The baby's ok." She chuckled and said "Alex protected me." "We need to find Joey." Nancy said.

Summer's POV:
A piece of the wall opened up and a stairway led down.

We all began to go down it and I saw Joey. "Joey!" I said. Freddy appeared and said "you're all here! Isn't that great?" "Let him go Kruger!" Nancy said. Freddy took off his hat and said "your wish. Is my command." The tongues holding Joey to the bed began to fall off the bed. "No!" Nancy said. "Joey!" Kincaid and I said at the same time. We ran down the hill and before Joey fell into the pit of fire I grabbed his hand. "I got you." I said to him. Freddy was fighting Kristen and Nova. I began to fall into the hole and I screamed. Kincaid grabbed me by my waist and pulled me out. I pulled Joey out of the hole and held him close to my chest. "Joey. Oh my god." I said to him. I examined his face and he hugged me. I kissed the top of his head and Nancy stabbed Freddy with a metal pole. Freddy pulled it out with no pain. "What is he?" Kristen said. Nancy shook her head and said "he's strong! He's never been this strong!" "The souls of children. Give me strength." Freddy replied while smirking.

Justin did the unthinkable and he shoved him into the pit of fire. My eyes widened and Porter said "holy shit." Alex stared down into the hole and I said "Alex don't go near it." "He's dead right? What does it matter?" Alex replied. Freddy's hand came out of the hole and everyone screamed. He pulled Alex into the hole and Justin stared in shock. "Come on!" Nancy said as she began to run. We followed her and we were in a hall of mirrors. "What is this?" Nova asked. Freddy appeared on the mirror in front of us and he said "looks like there's more of me to spread around." He began appearing on all the mirrors and Joey got in the corner, completely terrified.

I tried to find somewhere to go and Freddy grabbed me through a mirror. I screamed and tried to get free. I saw Nova getting grabbed as well. Nancy got grabbed and there wasn't anything she could do.

Kristen got grabbed as well and she tried to get free. Kincaid tried to fight against Freddy but he wasn't strong enough. Porter's powers didn't work on him. Justin wasn't strong enough as well. "Joey! Help us!" I screamed at him.

Nancy was pulled inside the mirror. Then Kristen. I watched Nova go through and Justin. "No!" I said. Kincaid went in and Porter. "Joey!" I said, reaching for him. He looked at me and shuddered.

"Joey if you don't do something we'll be gone!" I said as Freddy began to pull me in. I watched Joey stand up and scream "no!" His voice was so strong that all the mirrors in the room shattered. Everyone fell out of the mirrors, glass shards cascaded the floor.

I stood up and Justin examined me to make sure if I was ok. "Wow. Did I say that?" Joey asked. Kristen smiled and I said "you saved us, Joey." Kincaid said "you found your dream power man." Joey smiled and Kincaid picked him up and said "you blew him away, man!" "He's gone. It's over!" Nancy said as she hugged Kristen. "Nancy." A man appeared and she said "daddy?" "I've crossed over princess." He said. Nancy furrowed her eyebrows and said "crossed over?" "I couldn't leave without telling you. I just wanted you to know that I'll always love you." Nancy smiled and said "I'll always love you."

"Who's that?" I asked Kristen. "I think it's her dad." She replied. Nancy hugged the man in front of her and all of a sudden Nancy gasped. Freddy's claw was in her gut. She looked down at her stomach and Freddy held her in his arms. "Die!" He said as he stabbed her. Nancy screamed in pain and Kristen had tears going down her face.

Freddy looked over at us and closed the door. Kristen was the only one in the room with Freddy. Kincaid and Justin banged on the door. Nothing was happening. There was a singeing sound heard. "Is he on fire?" Porter asked. "Kristen probably set him on fire." Kincaid said. I shrugged and the door opened up. "Where is he?" Nova asked. Kristen stared at the middle of the room and there were orbs floating away. "What'd you do?" Justin said. Kristen didn't reply. She just stared at the glowing orbs that were dissipating.

Kristen looked down at Nancy and began to cry. "I won't let you die. I won't let you. I'm going to dream you into a beautiful dream. Forever and ever." Kristen said as she sobbed over Nancy's body. Then we were all transported out of the dream world. I gasped as we were all in the room where he held group. Kincaid looked down at Taryn's body and he said "damn. I'm so sorry Taryn." Joey looked at the bodies and said "are we going to get in trouble for this?" I shook my head and said "no. It'll be ok." I hugged Joey and he hugged me back. "Thanks for saving me." He said. I chuckled and said "I'm so glad you're talking! It's amazing to hear your voice!" I pulled away and Justin said "he's gone." "It's officially over." "Now we can get the fuck out of here." Porter said putting his arm around Nova. Kristen stroked Nancy's head and said "we gotta give her a proper burial." "They'll all be getting one. Everyone." I said. Kristen nodded and she sighed. Freddy was gone. Once again.

There will be an epilogue after this! And then onto the third and last book, Afterlife.

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